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Its new Month! - Vote!

Started by Biolo_idiota, April 01, 2010, 10:26:51 AM

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Quote from: Biolo_idiota on April 01, 2010, 10:26:51 AM
Right now we are 16 at TOP 200

If we keep on voting we can stay there.. or even get some extra places...


with huge lagss and DCs  can we vote  minus ?
Biolo you r Biolo :)


Quote from: Mab on April 01, 2010, 06:36:42 PM
with huge lagss and DCs  can we vote  minus ?
Biolo you r Biolo :)
y....can vote and try to find the thing that is crashing server  ;)

When  leave...u dont need to vote...but if u play here...u can use less than 1 minute to vote...no?
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: zule88 on April 01, 2010, 02:32:20 PM
in world, in any realm , this sentence u just told has any point lol! u smell cos u near him and he smell worse than u ??  wtf that suppos to mean! LOL ! fcking albanian learn english pl0x !

another serbian that is crying ?  :D  becouse world isnt supporting them :P

about albanian flag in avatar , look at yours and dont spam plx,,,, at least my nation didnt murder 8k citizen becouse  of there beliaves,

p.s. kosovo is a indipented nation , how sad for you  ;D

can u say name in game :P for better communication :P
To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult


Quote from: NIORI on April 01, 2010, 08:16:28 PM
another serbian that is crying ?  :D  becouse world isnt supporting them :P

about albanian flag in avatar , look at yours and dont spam plx,,,, at least my nation didnt murder 8k citizen becouse  of there beliaves,

p.s. kosovo is a indipented nation , how sad for you  ;D

can u say name in game :P for better communication :P

Rofl kosovo was Serbian for 1300 years, what is 4-5 years >?  we losted, we get it back, we losted and get again ?  u see the difference ? we allways get it back,  and yea we will kill albanians everytime we can ^^  we will burn ur  pagan temples everytime we can ^^  and what about ur sentence that u are orthodox ?  u prooved that albanians are liers  to ^^

p.s u talk about murdering innocent cos other religion ???  who exiled 200 000 serbs cos they other religion oO ?  dont even start about

Kosovo will allways be part of Serbia ^^that ^^

what about my avatar ???  its sign of holly and beuttyfull Serbia ! country old over 1400 years! Country of heroes, immortal names (tesla for example etc), country of beutyfull plains , mountains, rivers .... with 1 of oldest cultures in Europe ,

what is albania ? what albania got :D ?  what name :D ? nothing , u will never have anything, u are like rats, soon u will be exterminated :D end is near!
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: zule88 on April 01, 2010, 11:20:42 PM
Rofl kosovo was Serbian for 1300 years, what is 4-5 years >?  we losted, we get it back, we losted and get again ?  u see the difference ? we allways get it back,  and yea we will kill albanians everytime we can ^^  we will burn ur  pagan temples everytime we can ^^  and what about ur sentence that u are orthodox ?  u prooved that albanians are liers  to ^^

p.s u talk about murdering innocent cos other religion ???  who exiled 200 000 serbs cos they other religion oO ?  dont even start about

Kosovo will allways be part of Serbia ^^that ^^

what about my avatar ???  its sign of holly and beuttyfull Serbia ! country old over 1400 years! Country of heroes, immortal names (tesla for example etc), country of beutyfull plains , mountains, rivers .... with 1 of oldest cultures in Europe ,

what is albania ? what albania got :D ?  what name :D ? nothing , u will never have anything, u are like rats, soon u will be exterminated :D end is near!

WTF u are rly idiot dude,,,,,

first of all i am not racist and i dont like this kind of conversation, but for u i will make a exception

1) u are 1 of the oldest cultere in europe from when  :D  correct me but serbians came in balkans when they came albanias was there already (illyrians)
2 country of big heroes, yes let me tell u few of them . sloban milosevic, he lost in few years all wars that he made , he brought to hes country the catatrope, less than 7 years he destroy hes country and he send it 100 years back,,
3) tell me please why nato attacked serbia? why nato didnt touch croatia or slovenia. ,
4) i dont doupt that serbia got a porud culture, since the historical evinces prove it clearly,
5) kosovo is serbia? then why is a indipented nation? they pay americans wtf germans italy france unitekindom , support there indipations, few of the oldest nation of europe is supporting kosovo indipation. such as france italy germany unitekindom.,,,

6) KOSOVO is there and free if u can come and get it :)

so now u little nacionalist prick, u can go to the emoo corner and start to cry,,,,,,
To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult


Quote from: NIORI on April 01, 2010, 11:38:19 PM
WTF u are rly idiot dude,,,,,

first of all i am not racist and i dont like this kind of conversation, but for u i will make a exception

1) u are 1 of the oldest cultere in europe from when  :D  correct me but serbians came in balkans when they came albanias was there already (illyrians)
2 country of big heroes, yes let me tell u few of them . sloban milosevic, he lost in few years all wars that he made , he brought to hes country the catatrope, less than 7 years he destroy hes country and he send it 100 years back,,
3) tell me please why nato attacked serbia? why nato didnt touch croatia or slovenia. ,
4) i dont doupt that serbia got a porud culture, since the historical evinces prove it clearly,
5) kosovo is serbia? then why is a indipented nation? they pay americans wtf germans italy france unitekindom , support there indipations, few of the oldest nation of europe is supporting kosovo indipation. such as france italy germany unitekindom.,,,

6) KOSOVO is there and free if u can come and get it :)

so now u little nacionalist prick, u can go to the emoo corner and start to cry,,,,,,

#1 u must learn english cos u sucks big time
#2 Slovenian People Existed in Kavkaz 300 year bc    !! he come to todays Kosovo ( back than Raska) 560 year ac  , Slovenian Culture which u can see today existed before christe!  and what about Illyrian ??  u was just minority under Rome LOL! w/o culutre w/o language w/o religion! just a slave people
#3 Heroes ? Stevan Sinjdelic wh blowed up him self and 200 turks (ur kind) 1 of best heroes of Serbia, Knez Lazar, KaraDjordje  i can count alot of them , what herous u got oO ?
#4 Nato attacked serbia cos muslim promissed to let them build anti rocket  and army base on Kosovo  (today's bonsteel )  they attaqcked us cos we did not want to let them  , we are not like muslims to betray each other, we would never betray our brothers russians
#5 They Pay ?  ofcourse they payed! with what money?  money from iddle east. blood money, money from drog ordered assasinations , black market of human organs , even non goverment organisations of Italy revealed all that , u got Support from Spain ?  i see u are in Spain u got thers Support ? Support of Russia ? Greece?  i think even turkey did not support u! a muslim country!  ahaha owned! u only bought countries that kinda lack of founds!
#6 we shall come for Kosovo and u will run, like u did 1999 , just wait when USA change it policy and u lose support, btw Eu Supreme court told ur actions was ilegal :d and in june this year that will be official :D  than what?  Why Kosovo is not member of MMF ?  or any other world wide organisation ?  hmmmm  .....   what is WWW Domain for Kosovo ?  ah yea u dont have it, what is number for international telephone dial of Kosovo ?  ah yes u use +381 of SERBIA , Same goes for internet, electro distribution, u use our eletricity, our  gas supply u get all from Serbia and Kosovo is independent ??  ahahah nice joke

#7 u still did not reply me any great name of albania ? why ? cos u dont have any :D ?  give me some trompy and year when albania win anything in Sport ?  u know how much Medals Serbia got ?  world champions so many times, gold silver medals!

#8  me to cry in corner?  cos u poor writed post?  w/o any english knowlege? hahaha!  best part of my life was when i saw ur muftia QQ on nathinal television for burned hebon temples ! and dead hebon priest :D what was it?  boiled alive?  yeaaa i bet that was fine lunch !
#9 u watch tv ??  KK Partizan 3:1 KK Macabi!!! we pwned ur muslims asses! we go to france in final four u dont :D drink it, taste it , it taste good ?  yea it does its taste of defeat!
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


ask about politics by pm or msn . . . .dont spam here

thx for understanding
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Neozinhu on April 02, 2010, 12:24:48 AM
ask about politics by pm or msn . . . .dont spam here

thx for understanding

i i dig u dude but u see i got problem ..... my msn is seted up to block shit , crap, retards, morons :S and that a bit a problem  .... i cant add him  :-X
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: zule88 on April 02, 2010, 12:22:05 AM
#1 u must learn english cos u sucks big time
#2 Slovenian People Existed in Kavkaz 300 year bc    !! he come to todays Kosovo ( back than Raska) 560 year ac  , Slovenian Culture which u can see today existed before christe!  and what about Illyrian ??  u was just minority under Rome LOL! w/o culutre w/o language w/o religion! just a slave people
#3 Heroes ? Stevan Sinjdelic wh blowed up him self and 200 turks (ur kind) 1 of best heroes of Serbia, Knez Lazar, KaraDjordje  i can count alot of them , what herous u got oO ?
#4 Nato attacked serbia cos muslim promissed to let them build anti rocket  and army base on Kosovo  (today's bonsteel )  they attaqcked us cos we did not want to let them  , we are not like muslims to betray each other, we would never betray our brothers russians
#5 They Pay ?  ofcourse they payed! with what money?  money from iddle east. blood money, money from drog ordered assasinations , black market of human organs , even non goverment organisations of Italy revealed all that , u got Support from Spain ?  i see u are in Spain u got thers Support ? Support of Russia ? Greece?  i think even turkey did not support u! a muslim country!  ahaha owned! u only bought countries that kinda lack of founds!
#6 we shall come for Kosovo and u will run, like u did 1999 , just wait when USA change it policy and u lose support, btw Eu Supreme court told ur actions was ilegal :d and in june this year that will be official :D  than what?  Why Kosovo is not member of MMF ?  or any other world wide organisation ?  hmmmm  .....   what is WWW Domain for Kosovo ?  ah yea u dont have it, what is number for international telephone dial of Kosovo ?  ah yes u use +381 of SERBIA , Same goes for internet, electro distribution, u use our eletricity, our  gas supply u get all from Serbia and Kosovo is independent ??  ahahah nice joke

#7 u still did not reply me any great name of albania ? why ? cos u dont have any :D ?  give me some trompy and year when albania win anything in Sport ?  u know how much Medals Serbia got ?  world champions so many times, gold silver medals!

#8  me to cry in corner?  cos u poor writed post?  w/o any english knowlege? hahaha!  best part of my life was when i saw ur muftia QQ on nathinal television for burned hebon temples ! and dead hebon priest :D what was it?  boiled alive?  yeaaa i bet that was fine lunch !
#9 u watch tv ??  KK Partizan 3:1 KK Macabi!!! we pwned ur muslims asses! we go to france in final four u dont :D drink it, taste it , it taste good ?  yea it does its taste of defeat!

Totally idiot, dude is pointles speaking to you,,

1)i am from albania not from kosovo but i support kosovo indipenced,

2) i am christian ortodox 35 % of albania population are ortodox

3) u asked about hero, well i will give u 1 skenderbeu, search in wiklopedia and u will larn what he did,

4) u speak about sport proud medals football . dude do i rly care ? 

5) i dont hate musllims i just dont judgment for there beliave but for there actions.

6) in albania history not even 1 president didnt die in prison becouse of warcrimes against humanity, but that isnt same for serbia your great leader die in jail for warcrimes.  how sad

7)  if as u told me the pay with drugs (kosovo) for geting usa and nato help :P  blabla , so u admit that mafia won a country?  ;D

p.s. i am not gona asnwer u anymore since it's clear that u are a IDIOT ,
but i should remind u that fight through internet is the same like running at speacial olympics no matter who will win u still remain a retared. so kiss my ass and bb
To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult


Quote from: NIORI on April 02, 2010, 12:41:15 AM
Totally idiot, dude is pointles speaking to you,,

1)i am from albania not from kosovo but i support kosovo indipenced,

2) i am christian ortodox 35 % of albania population are ortodox

3) u asked about hero, well i will give u 1 skenderbeu, search in wiklopedia and u will larn what he did,

4) u speak about sport proud medals football . dude do i rly care ? 

5) i dont hate musllims i just dont judgment for there beliave but for there actions.

6) in albania history not even 1 president didnt die in prison becouse of warcrimes against humanity, but that isnt same for serbia your great leader die in jail for warcrimes.  how sad

7)  if as u told me the pay with drugs (kosovo) for geting usa and nato help :P  blabla , so u admit that mafia won a country?  ;D

p.s. i am not gona asnwer u anymore since it's clear that u are a IDIOT ,
but i should remind u that fight through internet is the same like running at speacial olympics no matter who will win u still remain a retared. so kiss my ass and bb

u cant answer to me cos u dont know to answers :D

Slobodan Milosevic dint died in prison, he was assasinated ! posioned! cos all wa sknow he would never get konvicted! he would get out as Hero , as he Was ! so filthy low life poeple decided to go with pathetic tactic and poison him

We did not loste anything , i admit mafia purchased foreign votes, we did not bought anything and .... what Eu court told ? independence was ilegal :D ?

would u answer unleast to some of my questions ?  why all resources Kosovo still take from Serbia if actually is indepoendent country"? what is ur country phone dial number? internet domain ???  what is your post office number?  hmm...

U DID NOT ANSWER TO 5 % OF MY QUESTIONS !  why ?  they are retarded?  or u dont have answers  ;) ? k......

35 % orthodox ?  hahaha than our plan its working i was hoping it will be 30 % but .....  soon ^^

answer me unleast about  Spoain support greece , russian , China , indian , Turkey ??  why u dont have thers support ? u got only 1 supwer power support, usa , india russia china voted for us right oO ?
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: zule88 on April 02, 2010, 12:55:23 AM

not rly my buisnes but i couldnt resist.
1st of all if ur considering murderer as ur hero, its just bit sad and clearly shows how low person blinded by fanatism can fall.
2nd, wasnt it u who complained about ur salary? oh yes it was u, and now answer urself where is ur country after cooperating with ur beloved Russia ( i could name u a slave here but i wont ((ups i already did))
3rd, after all, ur not a right person to discuse with since ur just blinded by hate, so u just dont know everything (or u just dont accept everything). So i wish u gl in arguing at gaming forum (this make u look even more sad)
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on April 02, 2010, 01:42:55 AM
not rly my buisnes but i couldnt resist.
1st of all if ur considering murderer as ur hero, its just bit sad and clearly shows how low person blinded by fanatism can fall.
2nd, wasnt it u who complained about ur salary? oh yes it was u, and now answer urself where is ur country after cooperating with ur beloved Russia ( i could name u a slave here but i wont ((ups i already did))
3rd, after all, ur not a right person to discuse with since ur just blinded by hate, so u just dont know everything (or u just dont accept everything). So i wish u gl in arguing at gaming forum (this make u look even more sad)

when was Milosevic Convicted for any murder ?  u watched on bbc oO ? all i know he never was convicted for anything did he ^^ ?  innocent until prooved guilthy ? true or false ?

Russian dont pay me, i am soldier, ofcurse my salary is low, i get all payed, i dont pay for anything in my country, i get 150-200 euros per month but i dont pay anything, from gas till tv in shop, food, drink, place to live, transportation, best medical service in region, all payed ^^ for what i need money?  and i wasnt complaining i was making statement .........  

and yea Russia > Usa , unleast Russia dont make wars cos of resources as some cancer type people does ^^

il repeat 1 smart sentence , some races of people are like virus , a cancer, moving from territory to territory exploiting every resources know to the man, and with every breath they take they kill its host .  

Well some people are imune system of host ^^
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr