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Its new Month! - Vote!

Started by Biolo_idiota, April 01, 2010, 10:26:51 AM

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Quote from: Sali on April 03, 2010, 12:57:02 AM
ehhh as i said, ur just a victim of nice brain washing, im rly sorry. Even more ur just a slave of ur country, thats a bit sad to. Oh and 1 more thing, ur aint better now then any suicide bomber, since ur like a bomb now, to bad only one who will suffer from it will be u and rest of narrow minded ppl like u.

we are slaves? k.... bran washing ?  how are u so sure u didnt get brain  washed ?fact is u cant be sure, u know what u know and u think i am fool , same goes for me here , i know what i know, heard for einstein ?  and theory of reletivity ?  narrow minded ?  u dumb prick get this to ur open wided brain : they come to my home, they torched all and killed all w/o reason , what would u do ??? turn around and let them slap u in other cheak ??? u joke right now yea ???? EYE FOR AN EYE! can u get that fact ??  its thers fault! they started it , we will finish it! 
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: zule88 on April 03, 2010, 01:11:23 AM
we are slaves? k.... bran washing ?  how are u so sure u didnt get brain  washed ?fact is u cant be sure, u know what u know and u think i am fool , same goes for me here , i know what i know, heard for einstein ?  and theory of reletivity ?  narrow minded ?  u dumb prick get this to ur open wided brain : they come to my home, they torched all and killed all w/o reason , what would u do ??? turn around and let them slap u in other cheak ??? u joke right now yea ???? EYE FOR AN EYE! can u get that fact ??  its thers fault! they started it , we will finish it! 
as i said, ur way of thinking is same like a suicider bomber, are u happy now? There is no difrence betwen u and ppl who u hate so much. Slaves? yes, fully dependent (let me guess its part of "brain washing). Brain washed? Yes. to bad only Serbians have difrent point of view. Dude, let me assure u, my country suffered a lot, but it doesnt mean we want revange now, i dont want to revange at Germans that murdered MILIONS, i dont want revange at Russians that murdered other milions, why? bcos its past, ppl are changing, the only pain is that they dont rly want to admit what have they done but its another story. An old conflicts remind just bcos of ppl like u, that got feed by so much hate. Only thing that is scary in it, new generation seems to going even deeper in this shit instead of going out of it.
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


roflmao  , dude ur rly dumb , u show me ur photos from army ? and what it proves  how dumb ur ?lol , what u did ? u atacked turkish people  ? or turkish soldier ? lol , ur still dreaming :=DDDD and let me repeat it again, do u think that u can beat turkey  ?  dude turkey got more soldiers than ur population in ur country xDDDDDD

ps : sali is totally right .. There is no difference between u and Terrorist`s .Terrorist`s brains is washed , same like you ..... now GO TO UR LIFE or w/e ...
Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


Quote from: zule88 on April 02, 2010, 11:43:21 PM
i already did lol!


ready to rolle and kick ur ass! second company of heavy infrantry! low life !

dude u are rly idiot the only reason why i am not starting to flame u, it's just becouse of easter , i just wish u happy easter and the resurection of jezus may help you in mind , couse we all need it. but  it seems that you  need it much more in this forum.

happy easter
To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult


Quote from: zule88 on April 02, 2010, 11:43:21 PM
i already did lol!


ready to rolle and kick ur ass! second company of heavy infrantry! low life !
Shut up and pick up the damn soap!

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: zule88 on April 03, 2010, 01:11:23 AM
turn around and let them slap u in other cheak ??? u joke right now yea ???? EYE FOR AN EYE! can u get that fact ??  its thers fault! they started it , we will finish it! 

And then let them spank your ass.. yeah give it to me. Any way I dont know what religion are you buy 90% of them would say "Turn around and let them bit the shout out of you because we hate violence" but seems that you are not one of those christians or some thing..

Any way If you seak revange by violence, killing etc you are no diferent that people that attacked your homeland. If you havent been touched by it personaly, killed wife, mother, daughter etc. You are just a fanatic.

Quote from: NIORI on April 03, 2010, 10:09:19 AM

dude u are rly idiot the only reason why i am not starting to flame u, it's just becouse of easter , i just wish u happy easter and the resurection of jezus may help you in mind , couse we all need it. but  it seems that you  need it much more in this forum.

happy easter

Happy Quanza and Hanuka aswell (*I know its not now*) any way NIORI since when you are such a Jesus Lover?

Quote from: Ashlynn on April 03, 2010, 10:18:31 AM
Shut up and pick up the damn soap!

Ba dum bum tssss..


Soo Whos Voting?
Adena Plix.


Quote from: Biolo_idiota on April 03, 2010, 10:50:52 AM

Happy Quanza and Hanuka aswell (*I know its not now*) any way NIORI since when you are such a Jesus Lover?

Ba dum bum tssss..


Soo Whos Voting?

from the moment that i was born as a christian , but this inst your job  :P
To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult


Quote from: scary on April 03, 2010, 07:32:25 AM
roflmao  , dude ur rly dumb , u show me ur photos from army ? and what it proves  how dumb ur ?lol , what u did ? u atacked turkish people  ? or turkish soldier ? lol , ur still dreaming :=DDDD and let me repeat it again, do u think that u can beat turkey  ?  dude turkey got more soldiers than ur population in ur country xDDDDDD

ps : sali is totally right .. There is no difference between u and Terrorist`s .Terrorist`s brains is washed , same like you ..... now GO TO UR LIFE or w/e ...

u got 10 miilion sldiers ??? qqq hahaha , was attacked many times nobody stayed here for long :O  nad i attacked muslim (albanian soldiers)

its same crap.... u all die from 1 bullet i was hit by 17 and i carryied my brother to safetty , so...... u need alot more than bullets to take us down  ;)

1 serbian soldier > 15 turkish , 1389 28 june turkey invaded serbia , 100 thousand turks had fight against 15 thousand serbs , ur empirator died, asweell ur entire army , we losted all also, but we losted 15 thousand, u lostaed 100  thousand, what a shame rofl , year 1371 on river Marica u attacked also Serbia , we losted 6 thousand u losted 30 thousand   ;) in town Deligrad 1 guy killed 2 thousand turkey army in trenches by sacrfice him self and blowing up ur army ....  u win only like rats , when u com e in millions ... u got no skill... u got numbers only... zerg ftw , but guess what in that time we didnt have flame thrower.... we do now ... qq for rats come and get some! about ur words that i should come to ur country ???  i am not like u , and u rshittholle country, i am happy where i am, and il pledge my life to DEFEND my country, not to INVADE other countries like u do...... muslims attacked us, we did not attacked them, all we did was reaction on action !
EvE> KMV - Tepir -Amarr


Quote from: zule88 on April 03, 2010, 03:35:38 PM
u got 10 miilion sldiers ??? qqq hahaha , was attacked many times nobody stayed here for long :O  nad i attacked muslim (albanian soldiers)

its same crap.... u all die from 1 bullet i was hit by 17 and i carryied my brother to safetty , so...... u need alot more than bullets to take us down  ;)

1 serbian soldier > 15 turkish , 1389 28 june turkey invaded serbia , 100 thousand turks had fight against 15 thousand serbs , ur empirator died, asweell ur entire army , we losted all also, but we losted 15 thousand, u lostaed 100  thousand, what a shame rofl , year 1371 on river Marica u attacked also Serbia , we losted 6 thousand u losted 30 thousand   ;) in town Deligrad 1 guy killed 2 thousand turkey army in trenches by sacrfice him self and blowing up ur army ....  u win only like rats , when u com e in millions ... u got no skill... u got numbers only... zerg ftw , but guess what in that time we didnt have flame thrower.... we do now ... qq for rats come and get some! about ur words that i should come to ur country ???  i am not like u , and u rshittholle country, i am happy where i am, and il pledge my life to DEFEND my country, not to INVADE other countries like u do...... muslims attacked us, we did not attacked them, all we did was reaction on action !

hahahahahahaha dumb we are talking for now, i dont care about xxxxxxxxxxxxx years ago ....  and about ur country , U defend ur country ? dude muslims controll ur coutry , and ur crying like kids  freaking racist ..  u`ll fight vs turkey with what ? dude first get stuff and pants to ur army then come and fight with turkey ;D ;D ;D :D :D ;) , get food  cuz u die one by one, poor retards ... u got 10 million ppl`s in ur country ? do u know how many turkey have ? , if ur here to talk about history , ur in wrong place  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
ps : learn to answer to my all question racist
Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


Scary one thing ... TURKEY, MUSLIMS, AMERICANS are not a race.

Biologically, race is a subspecies within a species. The species that modern humans belongs to, Homo sapiens, does not have any subspecies so the term "race," in a biological respect, does not apply to modern humans. How ever some people belive that to sort out the DNA of a human we may distinct 5 races currently.

Caucasoid (Europe, West Asia and North Africa),
negroid (Sub-Saharan Africa),
mongoloid (East Asia, Oceania, the Arctic and the Americas)
capoid (Southern Africa)
austaloid (Australia and Melanesia.)

Quote from: zule88 on April 03, 2010, 03:35:38 PM
its same crap.... u all die from 1 bullet i was hit by 17 and i carryied my brother to safetty , so...... u need alot more than bullets to take us down  ;)

Dude dude.. you know what? You are a pro... but what the hell are you doing in the Army?
50 cent was hit by 9 bullets, and he is now a world famous raper ...

Twice more bullets, Twice more fun !

So after gething 17 bullets I (suppose that you took all of them in to your chest canuse u are a serbian Pro) didt you get like a Promotion or at least a medal? You know you carried your friend so probably you are more likely a Hero to your country..

Btw I can prove you that you will die from just one bullet.
Adena Plix.


Quote from: zule88 on April 03, 2010, 03:35:38 PM
u got 10 miilion sldiers ??? qqq hahaha , was attacked many times nobody stayed here for long :O  nad i attacked muslim (albanian soldiers)

its same crap.... u all die from 1 bullet i was hit by 17 and i carryied my brother to safetty , so...... u need alot more than bullets to take us down  ;)

1 serbian soldier > 15 turkish , 1389 28 june turkey invaded serbia , 100 thousand turks had fight against 15 thousand serbs , ur empirator died, asweell ur entire army , we losted all also, but we losted 15 thousand, u lostaed 100  thousand, what a shame rofl , year 1371 on river Marica u attacked also Serbia , we losted 6 thousand u losted 30 thousand   ;) in town Deligrad 1 guy killed 2 thousand turkey army in trenches by sacrfice him self and blowing up ur army ....  u win only like rats , when u com e in millions ... u got no skill... u got numbers only... zerg ftw , but guess what in that time we didnt have flame thrower.... we do now ... qq for rats come and get some! about ur words that i should come to ur country ???  i am not like u , and u rshittholle country, i am happy where i am, and il pledge my life to DEFEND my country, not to INVADE other countries like u do...... muslims attacked us, we did not attacked them, all we did was reaction on action !
Ah yes, it takes skill to pull a trigger.


Aiming and tactic.. you know ..
Adena Plix.