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When Beta will started? - Page 2



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When Beta will started?

Started by lakatq, April 02, 2010, 12:23:10 PM

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DragonNetwork since 2005


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Quote from: lakatq on April 02, 2010, 12:23:10 PM
   Plz give us some info for beta and what will be stack system , mutant or no .. stack mastery or no , tato or no , I want to know this thing's before to start server and I'm sure its not only me ...
in drake stile will be around ....1 year maybe more....we speack here about drake work and how hard he try to open it^^


beta was open long time ago but not for all of you :P



can u put there Judgement 50x server too?  my first lineage server...eheeee....


yes we need a freaking answer WHEN BETA WILL BE OPEN,WHEN SERVER GOES LIVE?gm's said end of march start of april..well end of march gone and now is start of april and still we dont have any news,gm's lost interes?just tell us to know what to do,we cant w8 months and than hear smth like "sry guys has been a inconvenience between us and drake and we cant open server anymore or so",just say smth cuz we dont have any news from you,thx and dont take as a offense we are just curious about what gonna happens with server

ps:i dont want troll quotes like patience,soon or get a life and so on and pls dont spam i am looking for a GM answer as many of us do,and yes i have patience i w8 as long as i have to and i hope i see you soon all in game and i have a life thats why i need answer ;),thx peace


Dragon-Network, place where things never happen on time :)  ;D

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


Quote from: Sowell on April 06, 2010, 11:55:22 AM
yes we need a freaking answer WHEN BETA WILL BE OPEN,WHEN SERVER GOES LIVE?gm's said end of march start of april..well end of march gone and now is start of april and still we dont have any news,gm's lost interes?just tell us to know what to do,we cant w8 months and than hear smth like "sry guys has been a inconvenience between us and drake and we cant open server anymore or so",just say smth cuz we dont have any news from you,thx and dont take as a offense we are just curious about what gonna happens with server

ps:i dont want troll quotes like patience,soon or get a life and so on and pls dont spam i am looking for a GM answer as many of us do,and yes i have patience i w8 as long as i have to and i hope i see you soon all in game and i have a life thats why i need answer ;),thx peace
You'r one of those who joined DN 2 days ago ?Lame , like it's a news that we gotta wait for the doubled announced times.
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


I love play weak chars <3