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Started by punkey, April 09, 2010, 01:03:53 PM

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Quote from: qwertyzxc on April 17, 2010, 12:39:56 AM
Who care who is he. The points is allegro is illegal for all w/o one person.  ALl can buing coins from allegro but no one can seeling lol2 what a funny rules. Btw i play here like 4 years i just broke first time 1 rule and he just banned me 4ever without any chance for rehabilitation or smth like this:D I know ppls who  broked rules lexploit and bla bla bla ike 3021301293 times and they got xxx chance why ? becouse they donate more !

Anyway gl with jedai server with trackzero rules like allegro its illegal for some ppls and for others its normaly legal and buisness :D

Ahh ... so thats the reason..

Well for me its simple, most people from poland are retarded and they just dont have a bank acount, so they had an agreement.
You cant sell it because server wont benefit from that.
Adena Plix.



Quote from: qwertyzxc on April 16, 2010, 09:57:23 PM
btw if u care so much about allegro and its illegal 100% so tell us what is this?


LIke 2/3 years he everyday seeling 39082390132 number of coins so u talking bullshits like always. Oh u have a deal with this guy and only he can selling coins haha its so funny dude

Why this one guy have more privilages then others ? Becouse he pay u money or just buying from you a lot of coins ?

Comon answer me ;]
[Maciek Dabrowski]
malaka u know i remember ur voice?
even iff u r fag
i still like u :P:P
Αναφορά Â· 9:51pm
are you gay?
[Maciek Dabrowski]
Αναφορά Â· 9:52pm
Αναφορά Â· 9:52pm
let me save this conversation
[Maciek Dabrowski]
Αναφορά Â· 9:52pm
haha lol