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Daggers Are OP

Started by NoobsKiller, April 09, 2010, 10:08:32 PM

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Quote from: thehunted on April 10, 2010, 01:41:11 PM
This whole topic is making me laugh. Stabs are quite strong inside olympiad, true. But have you ever tested stabs outside of oly? Trust me with the right buffs even an AW with IC CD, ++ skills etc etc will stab you for 500 damage.

He also talks'bout normal hits,not just stabs,or that's what I've understood.


Str setup might make you more powerfull in mass pvp's, but i doubt there are many daggers around who can win from another close range character with that setup. Maybe TH/DA and TH/PAL can cause of shield stun.
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Quote from: MisiekIII on April 09, 2010, 10:54:24 PM
OMFG i got more p.def on bots... 1,6k witch focus power from back and critical for 3,2k on 1,4k p.def its many loool?

from the moment i saw topic's title i knew you would spam it, prick.


Quote from: Ungolianth on April 10, 2010, 05:09:25 AM
ok so here we go...my char is sor/pal 5k m attack inside and like 1.4 p def without uds,,,on 8 k p def with my uds i get 2-3 k blows from Astagamista aw/sk...and i can hardly last 30 sec till her anti magic armor worn off, ok i got my heal but its imposible to use it since its nerfed to bone and always erupted by crit or unclick that daggers can use like every 3 seconds, even when i wanna use touch of life i cant cuz it ends that i use it on him since he change target in 0.3 sec....ok now u will say "ur noob and learn play ur char"....but truth is i can play my char well i can kill nitopami, vici0uss, niori, noobskiller, any archer sub mostly all best players from this server that prooved many times they know play oly/pvp and i can win em,,,but i cant win no dagger cuz in 10 sec even when i use all uds i have i am down cuz their crit dmg and all those fs they got rape me in half...lol and tbh even nito dont win surely matches with daggers he can always only prey that his heal save his ass till daggers skills/mana worn off and then he win...but not all mages are buffers and not all mages got heal like sps/ee even tho its nerfed also its still worthy to use,,,in nirmal pvp my heal is rly ok it heal for 1200 but in oly its nerfed to bone....now say that i am epic cryer and dunno what but ppl are not stupid and they see...when sps/ee was op and altheo raped ur asses with lette u cryed rivers and now u defend this state cuz it fits u well...i hope gm will check it our and make something with it

"I can kill all but besides kill dagger characters, please nerf so i can kill them too"
Flatline Delivery:



Quote from: Ungolianth on April 10, 2010, 07:26:38 PM
no i said it cuz u said i cant play my char u tardo....so i told u i can win any good player in oly but not in every match lol...but i cant win dagger chars cuz their dmg ignore any p def and that is fuked up...itsl ike if dagger/tank use anti magic armor and mage kill him anyway in 15 secons ignoring his huge m def...this is what i talk about...i dont whine if daggers kill me in oly while i dont got my uds,,,,but to get 2-3 k blows in 8 k p def this is not normal...as maciek said th/pp was always good in oly and i say i agree about that but now every dagger class raping mages and thats not normal
drain mana and use reflect dmg  :D


Quote from: thehunted on April 10, 2010, 05:14:11 PM
"I can kill all but besides kill dagger characters, please nerf so i can kill them too"

I'm not playing Nm and never was, but I was playing dragon and arena. Only thing what made me laught about it, was drake, who in some moment, improoved daggers so they will be "more interesting in playing' or smth like this, dont remember exactly.
Dagger classes always was op, on official too, that they didn't nefred them didn't mean it's good.
Most of daggers are doing crazy dmg, and what is most ridiculous, they were making insane dmg even in IL, but now it's just joke (with attributes). While resists for elements are protecting only from magic/physical skills with elements (what nefr mages totally, cuz it nefr their skill + their atribute bonus dmg - it also nefr daggers blows, so they are hitting normal with dagger for 4 k).

Yes, daggers are ment to be pvp class, and mage's nightmare, but it should be because of their skills, not bcs they can kill them with 2 normal (crits) hits.


ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ofc dagger will kill you ! Just read some skills blows : IGNORE DEFENCE !!!!!!!!!!!
You can have even 9999kkkkkkkkk p.def !!!! Daggers will still make normal blows !  Use Shield Defence buffs and aura's !

And please ALL MAGES , stop crying about some1 OP, when you make criticals 6-12k on 2k m.def with elemental ! Pfff .....
Some1 must kill you ! And believe me exist classes, that easy kills dagger classes like Glads, Tyrants and more more more ....

p.s.: This is just crying topic, that makes people laugh to tears :D


Quote from: Ungolianth on April 11, 2010, 12:52:38 AM
i talk bout oly mate...outside in siege pvp with my sor/pal i get hardly 1 k blows from daggers on 2.5 k p def...and inside with 8 k p def i get 3 k blows...ok if p def dont affect blows dmg then why m def affect our skill dmg,,,i wonder what would daggers say if on anti magic armor when they got 8 k mdef i make em hits for 3 k....so now its not QQ topic is topic to solve situation that is now in oly...i dont wanna touch noone chars in normal game play i just ask for solving inside oly problem with huge nonsese dagger dmg
pdef does affect blows dmg, only buffs affect it 'more', always been, always will be !


So once again the outside oly pvp will suffer because of some oly complainers. NM begins to be pretty well close to Dragon in this case. How very unfortunate.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ungolianth on April 11, 2010, 12:52:38 AM
i talk bout oly mate...

kafaro glad/pp is killing all th's on oly kinda without problems so nerf incoming !!!!!!!!!!!
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on April 10, 2010, 11:17:02 AM
cause mages r used to die vs daggers lol ....

mages> tanks      th's> mages  archers>th's   at least on official .... and as i said th was always good on oly lol .....

mages > tanks???

that was in C3 maybe... now tell me how the hell can U fight a tank with 4x ud skills and 2 of them allows the tank to move....

Now any kind of tank/DD is a pain for every mage....
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Quote from: Ungolianth on April 11, 2010, 02:46:39 AM
ye glenn but daggers before never 2 hited mages in oly

are u sure ? :)