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Started by Duxel, April 10, 2010, 12:40:04 PM

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     Hello every one, in the last days I've noticed that people stop voting.
DNET community going down, every 12 hours the other servers send their votes
and ours continues to fall steadily....

When you doing click in that icon   (http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/in.php?id=15830/)

In the loader of game, as in forum, you think u sending some money to this community ¿?
Do you think you making to some one rich ¿? Maybe you think some one will denounce for it ??
Ofcourse no !!

Actualy our community has a small dent, we are in 40 since ( 10/04/2010):


With your vote for our whole community,
and when I saying whole community I mean each server of this one, not only x30,
you attractiong more people = more players, its mean more enemies, or more friends,
this decision I leave  in your hands. How you want to play, having more competition or
be the competition ¿?
Vote every 12 hours for DNET community enjoy it with a lot of new people, new friends,
playing better & more funny !!!
Float like a butterfly sting like a bee.


I stopped voting when i got delevelled to lvl 1 on one char
and my second char got freaked up, wasted a horn on that one for nothing.

No help from GM`s, so no votes from me.


Quote from: Duxel on April 10, 2010, 12:40:04 PM
    Hello every one, in the last days I've noticed that people stop voting.
DNET community going down, every 12 hours the other servers send their votes
and ours continues to fall steadily....

When you doing click in that icon   (http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/in.php?id=15830/)

In the loader of game, as in forum, you think u sending some money to this community ¿?
Do you think you making to some one rich ¿? Maybe you think some one will denounce for it ??
Ofcourse no !!

Actualy our community has a small dent, we are in 40 since ( 10/04/2010):


With your vote for our whole community,
and when I saying whole community I mean each server of this one, not only x30,
you attractiong more people = more players, its mean more enemies, or more friends,
this decision I leave  in your hands. How you want to play, having more competition or
be the competition ¿?
Vote every 12 hours for DNET community enjoy it with a lot of new people, new friends,
playing better & more funny !!!
better tell us when ppl DID vote lol. no1 votes and no1 cares for a bugged network
Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


many ppl left just cause of chronicles , but u will say some new players joined , is it still enough ? is it like interlude/c4 days ? dont think so and imo we will never get overpopulated like c4/il ages :) so no point at voting imo
old clans like Exidim  , guardian force and many others were playin in interlude servers with 1 stucksub so all our old community changed server


Daggers and archers stopped voting when they started to die from one m crit.
Mages stopped voting when they started to die from one crit from archers.
Tanks stopped to vote when they started dying from one daggers crit w/o skill.

mmm, why they don't vote... mmm.. let me think...


Quote from: IvolveR on April 10, 2010, 02:10:51 PM
better tell us when ppl DID vote lol. no1 votes and no1 cares for a bugged network
I will just say you STFU, people like you made this network to have "bugged story around" while we have most of things working and also most of servers around copied (if not all) what DN have had, most easy thing to say something is buged even 90% of players dont even know how some things should work, i faced that 1000x on NM , and well most of stories ends with i heard from some1 or i tought it would be best to work like this (ofc to have his char "pwn"). This things about bugged network makes me sick lately, put on paper all things that DOES work here and put what does not work , put how long we exists and how many time we wiped / rollbacked, put on paper stability of server and exploit fixes, really just stop pissin me off.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: TrackZero on April 10, 2010, 03:15:40 PM
I will just say you STFU, people like you made this network to have "bugged story around" while we have most of things working and also most of servers around copied (if not all) what DN have had, most easy thing to say something is buged even 90% of players dont even know how some things should work, i faced that 1000x on NM , and well most of stories ends with i heard from some1 or i tought it would be best to work like this (ofc to have his char "pwn"). This things about bugged network makes me sick lately, put on paper all things that DOES work here and put what does not work , put how long we exists and how many time we wiped / rollbacked, put on paper stability of server and exploit fixes, really just stop pissin me off.
why dont u do like other servers ? vote Points when u vote , and in the end when u get many vote points u can spend them in some rewards like Hats , EWS ext


Quote from: TrackZero on April 10, 2010, 03:15:40 PM
I will just say you STFU, people like you made this network to have "bugged story around" while we have most of things working and also most of servers around copied (if not all) what DN have had, most easy thing to say something is buged even 90% of players dont even know how some things should work, i faced that 1000x on NM , and well most of stories ends with i heard from some1 or i tought it would be best to work like this (ofc to have his char "pwn"). This things about bugged network makes me sick lately, put on paper all things that DOES work here and put what does not work , put how long we exists and how many time we wiped / rollbacked, put on paper stability of server and exploit fixes, really just stop pissin me off.
Ok cool,i got ur attention now.
Lets talk about working and non working stuff.
Sure dragon-network exists for over 6 years ,has never been wiped, its stable thats why i chose this network over 5 years ago
BUT lately its been so freaked up that it makes it damn boring place to stay.
lets talk about bugs a bit.
the so-called attribute system which is totally bugged.

As I understand it works like this:
Attribute attack bonus in % = Attribute attack value / 2
(means a +150 attributed weapon gives +75% dmg)
Attribute defense bonus in % = Attribute defense value
(means a +30 water resist decreases the dmg dealt by a water attributed hydro blast and a water attributed mage weapon by 30%. This formula is accurate until the resist reaches 50% (I am not quite sure if it is 50% or 60%. Further explanations are based on the assumption it's 50%). After that the further % of resists added are actually % of the current dmg u receive. Example: a 1000 dmg hydro blast on a 0 watter defense attribute target becomes 700 dmg when the taget has 30 watter defense attribute value and cbecomes 500 if the targethas +50 watter attribute defense. After that if u add 10% resist more, instead of the resist becoming 60% and the dmg 400, it becomes 50% +10% from 500 (the remaining dmg) and the dmg is 450. If u add 10% more resist dmg will be 405 and so on. It works like this because otherwise ppl would be able to get 100% resist to something.
The "bugged part" here is that with only 2 buffs anyone is able to decrease the dmg dealt by an attributed weapon+skill by 50%. Ofc do I have to mention the fact that attribute defense works only against attributed skills/spells and it does not affect normal hits. Practice confirms it: with elemental protection and elemental song mages dmg gets lowered a lot which doesnt make mages weak since the whole attribute system boosts them up unimagineably (i suppose since their nukes have attribute already even without being enchanted for +attribute, when they get enchanted for +attribute mages get double attribute effect but this is an offtopic), similarly dagger stab dmg gets lowered drastically to the point where a element attributed deadly blow from an element attributed dagger (same element ofc) deals ~300 dmg lol while a non-enchanted, meaning non-attributed backstab with the same power as the deadly blow deals 1k+. Archers don't get any dmg penalty from the attribute system.

Attribute potions aren't working (they add 30 element p.def though like resist buffs).

Attribute improving buffs are bugged (skills like seed of fire, wind, water, dark weapon, holy weapon, etc). As it seems they improve damage on mobs.

Day of Doom and Cyclone.
As I can understand from the spam of those skills during sieges, the reuse of Day of Doom and Cyclone is dynamic (it depends on casting speed and reuse buffs) which allows mages to spam it with insane frequency.
I agree these skills have to be really powerfull as they are now sincethey are 81 lvl skills BUT the reuse is just retarded. Therefore I suggest the reuse to be changed to static (means it won't get affected by casting speed and reuse buffs) with the value of 30 min or 1h up to drake

Symbol of noise - totally bugged
This symbol removes the song/dances of everyone in it's range, even the caster himself and it cannot be cast at range like Day of Doom. This means that the caster himself always gets his own songs/dances removed by his own symbol, which makes no sense imo. With this symbol you can do more harm to your allies and certainly yourself than to your enemies.

Shield of Revenge (DA).Should reflect the damage from physical skills back to the attacker ( Shield of Revenge with a certain probablity for 5 mins) Instead, it works as the physical mirror skill - reflecting physical debuffs.
Counterattack (AW)  Should reflect the damage from physical skills back to the attackerwith a 100% probability for 10 sec.Instead, it reflects some physical skill dmg but with ridiculous% (reflected 103 dmg from a 2,9k backstab)

Transformations in general - after the transformation is used and dispelled the passive clan skills dissapear unless u make a relog, SSS/BSSS automatically turns off when using/removing transformation.

Now,lets talk a bit about the Kamael race and the zilion bugs (thanks to Illumminati for tests and reports)

Notice: (Possible bug) You might know it already, that the class you are going to have as a Kamael depends on the gender of your character and that also effects the skills you're going to have in your character, for example a Female SoulHound has a bit different skills than a Male SoulHound.
You get those different skills when you start as a Female or Male Soldier and goes on as you, level up and do 2nd and 3rd class quests.
And here things start to mess up. To go for an Inspector you have to complete as retail subclass the 2 other classes (for example start as Berseker > retail to Arbalester > retail to SoulBreaker > become Inspector). So to do that, if you start as a Male, eventually, as your 1st or 2nd retail subclass, you have to take a class which is for Female (Arbalester).
And this makes your character somehow bugged (or mutant you can say) because you end up with multi-skill. For example I have a Male character (started as Berseker then retail to Arbalester and last to SoulBreaker) and I ended up having in retail subclasses, as SoulHound and Trickster in Male skin + Stats, skills I shouldn't have and other skills missing!!!
For example I miss as SoulHound (Male skin + Male Stats STR/DEX/CON/INT/etc) skill Sword Shield lvl 1 + skill Courage lvl 1 + skill Disarm lvl 1(Trooper lvl 36) + skill Furious Soul lvl 1(Trooper lvl 24) + skill Increase Power lvl 1(Trooper lvl 28) and I have (and shouldn't because they are (Female Warder skills) skill Warp, skill Fast Shot, skill Rapid Attack.
This might happen because my second retail was Arbalester and then SoulBreaker (instead of the other way around). Still as an Arbalester (Male skill + Male Stats <--- which is also weird -bug?- because Arbalester is a Female Kamael Class), the same problem exists, for example I have skill Rush (I shouldn't) and I think I'm missing skill Ultimate Escape lvl 2 (I have lvl 1, I'm not 100% sure though about lvl 2 because it might be an update(Gracia?) and all the sites I looked into, are updated to Gracia)
BUT I might be wrong (that's why I wrote Possible bug) because according to this http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=205837 there is the same problem in OFFICIAL servers (or I understood it wrong?)
You can check the skills here:

Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


Kamael race bugs

1)We can' t see the ranking of Kamael classes in Olympiad Manager

2)Kamaels can't take DN subclass. Isn't this a sticking Subclass network?

3)Skill Final Form. The full name that NCSoft gave first was Final Battle Form. I agree that having ~14k HP without buffs and ~20k with Improve Condition was too much. On the other hand, now with my DoomBringer lvl 80 in Final Form I reach 7329 with Imp. Cond. (without it, HP is 5762), with Dragonic Leather Armor. So the difference between having Final Form or not is +666 HP and boost at your Combat stats? That's low, if you consider that you have Final Form only for 5 min, reuse of it is 1 hour, you can use only 4 skills, Kamaels are glass cannons and have healing penalty.
So bottom line:
HP needs some boost, not like before, but 7,3k HP is kinda low I'd say.
Check this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUqn9m9DjOs at ~3:00 min (Server Bartz, Berseker in Final Form lvl 79 with Imp. Cond. and POF ~9k HP)

Possible bugs: (can't check them, but have a look in them, if you haven't fixed them already.)

4)Their damage from skills seems rather VERY low I'd say, compared to their power, making it impossible to kill someone. (Same or worse you might say problem like daggers.)

The problem is: The damage gets boosted by buffing Critical Damage increasing buffs.
Dmg = ( ([P.Atk] * [Soulshot] + [Skill Power]) * [CD Multiplier] + [Skill Multiplier] * [CD Bonus] ) * 70 / [P.Def]
CD Multiplier is missing at the moment, add that.

5)About the magical attack spells. Please note that Kamaels are unique race, which can wear only light armors and has only their specific weapon masteries. Every magical attack has a damage multiplier, as an example they have a maximum of 108 power at top level like any other elemental attack spells of other races, but due to lower INT and M.atk of Kamaels, their magic attacks damage get multiplied by 2.

6)Most importantly, Light Armor Mastery doesn't add casting speed, neither adds attack speed or MP regeneration rate. Kamael mastery is unique, they cannot wear heavy/robe armors, and light armor mastery supposed to compensate those stats as mastery ranks up, and it doesn't at the moment. (For all 4 Kamael classes!)

7)Passive Skill Critical Sense. Critical Sense combines Critical Power and Critical Chance. Check it please, especially if Critical Chance gives the correct %.

Critical Sense lvl 1: Increases critical rate by 10% and critical attack power by 111.
Critical Sense lvl 2: Increases critical rate by 15% and critical attack power by 177.
Critical Sense lvl 3: Increases critical rate by 20% and critical attack power by 253.
Critical Sense lvl 4: Increases critical rate by 25% and critical attack power by 317.
Info taken from: http://lineage2.rochand.com/Knowledge/race_kamael.php?my_class=kamael_berserker

8)Toggle Skill Dark Weapon. For some reason it reduces the dmg I do with skills. Check it plz. Dark Weapon gives an Attribute Dark Attack bonus to your weapon/attacks.

Berseker skills bugs

1)Skill Scorn. It still doesn't aggro mobs. Range 40.

2)Toggle Skill True Berseker. Has wrong MP consumption. Now it's 23 per sec, when it should be 0 according to the skill.

3)Skill Disarm. Wrong Reuse. It should be 15 seconds. Landing rate is low, at OFFICIAL it's about 60-70%.

4)Skill Mass Disarm. Landing rate is low (check above).

5)Skill Rush Impact. Wrong reuse. It should have base reuse 0.8 seconds (in other words ZERO). Check the range of the skill, it should be 600.

6)Skill Storm Assault. Wrong Reuse. It should be ZERO. Also it should consume only 3 souls, NO MATTER, how many mobs you hit with it. Now it consumes souls depending on the number of mobs/enemies you hit. Check the range, it should be 600.

7)Skill Contagion. You are able use this skill only if there's a Blade Rush (check the range of skill Blade Rush, it should be 500) or any other Bleed effect on your target. Now it gives msg "Contagion cannot be used due to unsuitable terms." Also Contagion should ignore Shield P.Def.

8)Skill Crushing Pain. It doesn't ignore Shield P.def.

9)The dmg problem stated before for all the skills

10)Toggle skill Strike Back. How it works now? It reflects some % of the dmg you receive from single hits back to the attacker. How it should work? There is a chance (%) you return the WHOLE dmg you take from a melee-skill- hit (blows/etc) back to the attacker(the chance is 10% ? don't know exactly but it's low).

SoulBreaker skills bugs

1)Skill Rapid Attack: It¡¦s a 20 min self buff, not a 2 min one.
2)Skill Steal Divinity. Has problem with targeting because even if you have someone else in target you cast it on yourself. How it should work? With 100% landing rate, it steals randomly up to 7 buffs from your target when skill is at MAX lvl. (it can't steal: Songs/Dances/Hero buffs/Noble Blessing/Toggles) http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=182119

Steal Divinity lvl 1 steals randomly 3 buffs.
Steal Divinity lvl 2 steals randomly 4 buffs.
Steal Divinity lvl 3 steals randomly 5 buffs.
Steal Divinity lvl 4 steals randomly 6 buffs.
Steal Divinity lvl 5 steals randomly 7 buffs.

3)Skill Curse Divinity. How it works now? No effect/dmg on your target. How it should work? It's a magic attack that its dmg gets increased depending on the number of buffs your target has. 0 buffs = almost no dmg 20 buffs or more = 2k dmg according to players at OFFICIAL http://www.l2guru.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-93160-p-4.html

4)Skill Blink. How it works now? It does AoE Stun and dmg on your target, if you are near him (if not, you spam it in the air) and doesn't teleport you 600 steps back, from where you stand. How it should work? The range to cast Blink is 40(melee) it should do AoE Stun and dmg, and teleport you back from where you stand 600 steps (not teleport you 600 steps at the back of your enemy!!) Check this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAI3f-SAubM at 4:48 how Blink works.

5)Skill Checkmate. How it works now? Doesn't work at all. Gives msg "Checkmate cannot be used due to unsuitable terms" even if you have landed Death Mark on your target already. How it should work? To use Checkmate your target needs to have Death Mark debuff on him. Checkmate is a melee attack (40 range) that ALWAYS lands like a critical attack. No matter what, it will land and hit hard just like it was a critical attack. But that isn't why this skill is so dangerous and powerful. This skill is dangerous because it also has the ability to critical hit as well. A critical hit that can critical hit is a monstrous combination. Also it should ignore Shield P.def.

6)Skill Shining Edge. How it works now? Almost correct, it's a melee attack skill with 40 range BUT...How it should work? Shining Edge should work like Mortal Blow type skills (like daggers). Meaning it has chances to land on your target or miss. Shining Edge is a mortal blow skill that has a chance of doing enormous amounts of damage in one shot. It has a chance of missing of course, but when it lands, it lands hard. (and here comes again the problem with dmg from skills like daggers had in D-Network.)

7)Skill Pride of Kamael. How it works now? It increases only P.Att. How it should work? It should increase P.Att/M.att/Mortal Blow chances (Mortal Blow chances refer to landing rate skill Shining Edge.)

8)Skill Curse of Life Flow. How it works now? Doesn't work. Couldn't land it even to an elpy. At least it doesn't go as a debuff on you like it did before. How it should work? It's a debuff, so when you physically attack the debuffed target, only you get "healed" for 200 HP each hit. (More if you deal very high melee physical damage) Something like Vampiric Rage, but different condition.

9)Skill Annihilation Circle. How it works now? It consumes souls depending on the number of target you hit with the skill. How it should work? It should consume 3 souls no matter how many targets you hit.

10)Skill Voice Bind. Couldn't land it even once on char same lvl as me. Maybe needs a tiny boost on the landing rate.

11)Skill Shadow Bind. Same thing like Voice Bind. Needs a tiny boost on landing rate.

12)Skill Warp. Same skill as in Arbalester class. How it works now? Your character "jumps" at 400 steps upon your enemy and reuse is wrong. How it should work? You character should teleport 600 steps forward from where you stand (ahead from where your character "looks" at). Skill description is "Teleports you to the battlefront." (not
"Teleports you upon your enemy" if you know what I mean  ) You don't need a target to use the skill. Skill reuse should be 7 seconds (it's a lot more now).
Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


Arbalester skills bugs

1)Skill Imbue Dark Seed. How it works now? It debuffs your target with the Dark Seed. The Dark Seed remains there for like ~3 min giving a weak Poison and never grows to paralyze him. How it should work? It should debuff your target with the Dark Seed and for 20 seconds, it consumes 76 HP per second. Once it's fully grown (after 20 seconds pass) it paralyzes your target for 5 seconds. (notice: It's paralyze and not Anchor. At paralyze you can do dmg on your target).

2)Skill Cure Dark Seed. How it works now? It doesn't work. Gives msg "Cure Dark Seed can't be used due to unsuitable terms." How it should work? It should remove the Dark Seed debuff from your target. To cast it you should be in party with your target.

3)Skill Slow Trap. How it works now? It triggers from you, it stays on the ground for like 2 seconds and once it's triggered it casts the debuff on you also and to clan members/ally/not flagged people + even if you get the debuff on you it doesn't give any Slow effect. How it should work? The trap should stay on the ground for 2 min (and not disappear after 2 seconds) and be triggered by enemies (wars/mobs/flagged people) that pass in the AoE, that the trap has and get the debuff Slow.

4)Skill Flash Trap. Exactly the same bug as Slow Trap, but gives AoE Stun effect (instead of Slow).

5)Skill Poison Trap. Exactly the same bug as the 2 Traps above, but gives AoE Poison effect.

6)Skill Binding Trap. Exactly the same bug as the 3 traps above, but gives AoE Binding effect (root).

7)Skill Decoy. How it works now? There's animation but doesn't summon an image of you. How it should work? It should create an image of you, which spams aggression on your enemy to distract his target. Don't know if it might help, but there's a mob that does the exact same thing. Mob name is "Wailing of Splendor"

8)Skill Shift Target supposed to aggro nearby mobs/enemies to the selected party member, not to oneself. 'Almost' works, only target of the aggression needs to be changed.

9)Skill Deadly Roulette. Check the lethal landing rate. Couldn't do it many times to check its lethal landing rate because reuse is too big. Deadly Roulette has very high Lethal Landing rate because to use it, Arbalester should have less than 10% (in Kamaels that's less than ~200 HP) Range is 900.

10)Skill Ultimate Escape lvl 2. Possible bug. As I said before don't know if it is an update from Gracia or the skill is missing at lvl 52. Check it if you have any better source better than mine. http://lineage2.rochand.com/Knowledge/race_kamael.php?my_class=kamael_arbalester

Also check the reuse (recovery) of Crossbows. Crossbows are transformed Bows, so they are also Slow BUT they have faster reuse (almost no reuse) of attack than Slow Bows. In other words a Slow Crossbow hits faster than a Slow Bow. This is because Arbalesters attack from 700 range and not from 900 like other Archers and Crossbows have less P. Attack than normal Bows they come from. The possible bug that needs checking is if Crossbows have faster reuse (cooldown) than bows. (Something like Icarus Spitter)

Check also Kamael NPCs at Kamaels Guilds and especially NPCs in Kamael Village. Some are not working.
Especially NPC named "Nerga" at Kamael Village doesn't allow you to enchant skills because that option isn't "click-able" (among others).
Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


Inspector skills bugs

Notice: All Curses of Inspector/Judicator are bugged on landing rate. As I told you in the previous e-mail due to low INT of Kamaels and unique weapon masteries, their M.Att is low and that’s why their magic attacks are multiplied by 2. As you may know M.Att is one of the things that affect the landing rate of Curses, so maybe that’s why all Kamael Curses (and Magic Attack spells) have so low dmg and landing rate. So before you boost landing rate of all Curses listed in the previous e-mail and in this one, fix the bug of Magic attacks not being multiplied by 2. To test the skills listed below, my target had to remove his jewels to land the Curse.

1) Skill Thin Skin. Low landing rate. Other than that skill works as it should.

2) Skill Spite. Low landing rate. How it works now? If it lands, it triggers correctly but has no effect, meaning that Crit. Dmg isn’t “greatly increased” as it should. (Something like skill Critical Wound of daggers) How it should work? As said before, once Spite is triggered Crit. Dmg should greatly increase.

3) Skill Weak Constitution. Low landing rate. How it works now? If it lands, it never triggers. How it should work? Since you landed Weak Constitution and the debuffed target starts attacking you, there’s a chance the curse will trigger and a Stun effect will land upon him. (Obviously if the debuffed target doesn’t attack you, the curse won’t trigger).Notice that curse is triggered when dmg is received.

4) Skill Enervation. Low landing rate. How it works now? If it lands there’s no effect upon the target. How it should work? It decreases Casting speed/Att. Speed/Speed. (I found the % only at Max lvl of the skill)

At lvl 4 Enervation decreases Casting speed for 30% / Att. Speed for 23% / Speed for 23%

5) Skill Oblivion. Low landing rate. How it works now? If it lands, it never triggers. How it should work? Since you landed Oblivion upon your target and the debuffed target starts attacking you, there’s a chance the curse will trigger and he’ll lose target. (Something like skill Mirage or skill Switch but different condition)

6) Skill Mental Impoverish. Low landing rate. How it works now? If it lands, it regenerates the MP of the debuffed target with a certain rate as you attack him. How it should work? Since you landed the curse, it should consume the debuffed target’s MP at a certain rate as you attack him. (Something like skill Mana Burn but different condition).

7) Skill Soul Harmony. How it works now? It regenerates only your own MP for 30 sec decreasing P.def by 90% and immobilizes only you and there’s no effect for the rest of your party. Also it doesn’t consume 20 souls. How it should work? For 10 sec it should regenerate the MP of the whole party while whole party is immobilized and P.def is decreased by 90% for the whole party again. It should consume 20 souls (you may say that Soul Harmony is Party Invocation)

8) Skill Restoration. How it works now? It regenerates yours or your target’s HP but if you have Improve Condition buff or Bless the Body buff it removes it. How it should work? It should just regenerate yours or your target’s HP without removing those buffs or any other buff.

9) Skill Restoration Impact. How it works now? Works almost perfectly but sometimes for some reason I couldn’t find out it didn’t only heal me or my target but stayed also as a 20 min buff on my buff-bar. Also it doesn’t remove the Restoration effect. How it should work? As it works now BUT for no reason it should stay as a 20 min buff. And it should remove the Restoration effect (meaning: if Restoration effect flows through you and you cast Restoration Impact, the Restoration effect should be removed).

Now all 4 Superbuffs of Inspector give the right amount of % bonus and correct time of reuse but all have the same 2 bugs.

10) Skill-Superbuff Appetite For Destruction. How it works now? Gives the right amount of % bonus for 30 sec only to you or to your target. How it should work? The buff should last 10 sec and affects the whole party.

11) Skill-Superbuff Protection Instinct. How it works now? Gives the right amount of % bonus for 30 sec only to you or to your target. How it should work? The buff should last 10 sec and affects the whole party.

12) Skill-Superbuff Magic Impulse. How it works now? Gives the right amount of % bonus for 30 sec only to you or to your target. How it should work? The buff should last 10 sec and affects the whole party.

13) Skill-Superbuff Vampiric Impulse. How it works now? Gives the right amount of % bonus for 30 sec to the whole party (the only one that works correctly in that.) How it should work? The buff should last 10 sec and affects the whole party.

Notice: Since you changed the effect of all Prophecies to Gracia-like you may want to consider of changing those 4 Superbuffs (and skill Soul Harmony) to Gracia-like also. What I mean by Gracia-like? Reuse time is 5 min instead of 10 min that is now and duration effect gets a tiny boost of 5 sec (from 10 sec goes to 15 sec).

Few more Bugs:

1) Skill Death Mark. Doesn’t consume 1 soul when you use it.

2) Skill Prahnah. How it works now? It adds some bonus M.Def. to all party members for 1 min. How it should work? It should add a bonus of +3000 M.Def to all party members for 30 sec.

3) Skill Soul Cleanse. How it works now? Just animation, doesn’t do anything. How it should work? It should remove up to 3 debuffs. (Soul Cleanse was working in the past)

4) Skill Decoy. Seems to me you tried to fix it but you kinda failed. How it works now? You summon a “smoke” with a title “Virtual Image” that does nothing. How it should work? It should create an image of you, which spams aggression on your enemy to distract his target. Don’t know if it might help, but there’s a mob that does the exact same thing. Mob name is “Wailing of Splendor”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQbFglGoFGY at 0:30 you can see how Decoy works.

5) Skill Lightning Barrier. Skill works 100% correct as in Official servers. For official servers the landing rate is awesome because pvp last much much much longer than in DN. What I want to point out is that in DNetwork were most pvp last from few seconds to 2-3 min landing rate seems a bit low. It’s up to you if you want to boost it or not, now.

Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


u forgot smart cubic too :P it should remove debuffs while it just roots with a sucky landrate