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New 5vs5 pvp event (UPDATED) !



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New 5vs5 pvp event (UPDATED) !

Started by Kain, April 17, 2010, 12:20:14 AM

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Starting, i would like to say that i'm sorry i was away for a while . But now i am  back
and the events are going to start happening again!

So lets get on with it then! A new event will take place, its a 5v5 event,but it has a new rule.
Only items that reach up to "S" grade are allowed. That means armors, jewels, and weapons.
Also the max enchant of the items that can take place is up to +10.

As with any event, you can join by pming me in the forums with your Team names and
your Team Leader name, and then just wait for the "ok" answer to come from me.

That is all for now, thank you.

The time of when the event will take place, will be announced the following days .

You can start making up your teams now .

Edit :

Hero weapons not allowed.
Hero skills not allowed .
Ress and any kind of self-ress  skill not allowed.

edit vol 2:  Since we had no participations with the A grade option about weapons/armors/jewles ,i changed it to S grade ,not S80 .
The funny part is that i got informed by Trackzero that you asked for "a grade" event  but  nevermind .

~ Kain .


Quote from: alinutza on April 18, 2010, 04:16:27 PM
Can u at least say an aprox date of event?...because ppl will register considering that too.Ty
Once we have minmum teams signed ( 8 ) we can give u exact date, Kain is doing all job so for more info talk to him.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


I m waiting for your participations .


  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on April 21, 2010, 08:51:47 PM
cuz ppls had to enchant their items... k so u ve 1 team less now
Quote from: Kain on April 17, 2010, 12:20:14 AM
edit vol 2:  Since we had no participations with the A grade option about weapons/armors/jewles ,i changed it to S grade ,not S80 .

Was 0. So, -1 now?
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


You have a 3-day limit in order to sign up for participating.
Also we must have at least 8 teams signed for the event to take place

~ Kain


if u started an event , if u want to be nice at least keep the initial ideea cause ppl that will participate already started find items or enchants


lol so now dnet sets and rb sets are allowed ? sux....for sure all donators that can handle the pvp w/o high gear QQQQQQQQQQ a lot -.-
why don't make a poll or smth about this and let us decide if will B/A/S grade or not?  >:(


Quote from: slimx on April 21, 2010, 09:07:09 PM
lol so now dnet sets and rb sets are allowed ? sux....for sure all donators that can handle the pvp w/o high gear QQQQQQQQQQ a lot -.-
why don't make a poll or smth about this and let us decide if will B/A/S grade or not?  >:(
1st of all whole server QQ-ed i make events only for "donators" never for lower grades, so fine we made 5 v 5 event only A grade and waited 1week + some1 to sign and after all this time no1 did, so how long i have to wait u? 1 month?
Quote from: 48Bit on April 21, 2010, 08:57:36 PM
Was 0. So, -1 now?
2nd you need OE items to be able to participate event? What about ur "pro" skills? they exist only if u have something OP vs others???
Next time ill make it in no grade and no aguments and no atributes to lets see who is real PRO player here and who is only OP crap abuser

I have other plans for server and i cant wait unlimited amount of time for you ti sign, ourt obligation is to allow u possibility to sign for event and enough time to sign, i think 2 weeks is quite fair; If you dont wanna sign, fine, we will close and go to next things we have to do on server, but next time dont complaine about we dont make events on server (since last month we didnt made any cayse of server dcs, now when is fixed we can do it) and take a look of events hystory i think u will understand how many often we make (i dont even count there quick ones made) , so sign or not i got pissed by this ungreatfull community.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


so only my team signed until now? ;D if no1 sign i guess we win QQ  :D :D
didn't know there was such a lack of teams... all server could have participated at A grade event and have some fun w/o beeing powned by any noob skywalker  ;D


Quote from: TrackZero on April 21, 2010, 09:15:37 PM

Actually i said it to jygh. U prolly misunderstood me.
The A grade event idea was good imo, but I wouldn't sign anyway cuz i've no team.

Grateful part of community silently plays on ur server. Few spammers annoy u here. U should get used to that alrdy.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


1st) of all i guess you had no participants cause you didnt announced the time
2nd)we wasted coins for a grade gear and now is changed...
3d)i thought event"s point was to pvp w/o atributes..