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Started by Renan, April 21, 2010, 02:35:10 PM

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Quote from: POUSEGAMANE on April 22, 2010, 10:13:26 AM
  yeee strafko is the best archer on the server...but not on NM.... :P
uuuuuu faker stfu come and flag biach....
You carefully nock an arrrrrow
Critical hit
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: trooperXkoki on April 22, 2010, 07:22:00 PM
uuuuuu faker stfu come and flag biach....
You carefully nock an arrrrrow
Critical hit

Your excelent shield defence has been sucsessfull !
........... hit you for 1 damage

Uahahhahaha :D :D :D :D


Quote from: trooperXkoki on April 21, 2010, 07:37:56 PM
and 85%pride and friends
other 75% are gm
and 69%donators

it can't be, this is 229%


Quote from: chlipus on April 23, 2010, 10:05:48 AM
it can't be, this is 229%
100% + 100% +29%bonus from baium ring = 229%
whats wrong???

Quote from: ZEFEROT on April 23, 2010, 07:49:58 AM
Your excelent shield defence has been sucsessfull !
........... hit you for 1 damage

Uahahhahaha :D :D :D :D
carefully nock an arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrow(10sec)
Cannot see the target
Cannot see the target
Cannot see the target
Cannot see the target
Cannot see the target
Cannot see the target
Cannot see the target

xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


229% but with right number of down it brings back to correct 100 % XD et voila :)

btw welcomz new player


xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)