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Aloha ! :D



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Aloha ! :D

Started by Ch4risma, April 29, 2010, 07:11:43 PM

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Hmm i have to log since january ? dont remember exactly :D ! 197 days more at army are many ? :D
How are you all of you ? :D Bored to log ingame and talk to each of u so i write here :D !
Kisses to every1 of you :D ! Kisses from army ( 6months more ) :D


ps.and for whoever doesnt know me i am on the left :) !
Have fun bitches ! :D
Tsakalaki ----> Th // WL (working on nobless )


Your friend looks stunned.


Quote from: TheLox on April 29, 2010, 08:54:06 PM
Your friend looks stunned.

He saw a missile heading his way  :o


Get out the stick from your ass.
A strong principle: "As long I can't kill all my enemies, I use to run away"
When I was young I believed that money and power will make me happy. I was right (Bill Gates)


Quote from: Oblique on April 29, 2010, 09:04:00 PM
Get out the stick from your ass.

But that would end all the fun..

Any way Hi Ch4risma ;)
Adena Plix.