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Started by kissmyarr0w, April 22, 2010, 06:26:46 PM

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1 may..............................................................2012
And after 2 years of beta will be open for shore^^ so stay calm and dont flame too much ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


The month is right!The year lol ok no it is not is 2010!As for the day no it isnt saturday  ;D.

P.s. No more infos will be given  ;D ;D.

P.p.s. Calm down btw,it will  open btw some1 can check the forum even if he/she isnt online i mean with his/her account.(This is coz i read on other topics about the last date that gm was active and only for this).

Anyway have a nice day/evening w/e. Ciao.


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