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Started by Evolution, April 28, 2010, 10:28:36 PM

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Nerf it ?



like someone care about ur poll  :D

They didnt even care about their oficcial mutants poll ;)


Quote from: Evolution on April 29, 2010, 08:59:07 PM
02.05.2010   End the Poll. And we will see results.
And nobody will give a damn about them.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: voudas69 on April 29, 2010, 05:16:34 PM
if some one hit u for 10k means he is a nerd? 8 years old logic ......
i am a necro since i start l2..... nerf me i dont mind.... i will still play my necro.....

wow u completely drive what i said in weird direction

i will make it simple to u

strong necro = lots of items = lots of playing hours = lots of farming = NERD

and yeah i was one once


i dont think necros need nerf.. just buff urselff with all the dark resits and u'll be ok (the dance, the song, and both buffs) ye sounds alot but again learn to buff u xD. and if u are figthing vs many class at same times well just prove u are smart enough to know wich buffs u cant dispense with.  ;D
Disturbed Sk/PS---->Retired
ikki PP/Th----> Retired
Kindleoric Pal/Des--> Retired


Quote from: Evolution on April 29, 2010, 05:49:40 PM
holy - divine  ::) ?

if you can't kill necro on pvp with 2 resist for dark i can say you only  QQ and i repeat you Learn how to play, use your steal essence


make the old bar and we will see how necro pownz :D


Quote from: voudas69 on April 29, 2010, 05:16:34 PM
if some one hit u for 10k means he is a nerd? 8 years old logic ......
i am a necro since i start l2..... nerf me i dont mind.... i will still play my necro.....
aye and u never relroled to pr/bd till mages become wtf pwnage, just shash and drop it.
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on April 30, 2010, 11:11:48 PM
aye and u never relroled to pr/bd till mages become wtf pwnage, just shash and drop it.
it wasent even not my char lol.... and sorry if that time archers was the super duper wuper charakters.... no one was playing a mage or they get oneshot down.....
[url=http://www.megic.1go.dk/dontclickeng.htm]DO NOT CLICK HERE[/url]


Quote from: Evolution on April 28, 2010, 10:28:36 PM
nerf that sh1t. ?
or give prove... is the same like sps or sorc... cuz any sorc or sps dont hit and crit me so hard... even with fvcking full resist. 

and don't flame me here cuz i don't care about it... just post here ur opinion about necros... they are balanced now ? ... they don't need nerf... ?  ::) :-X ???

Problem not in this that necro or some other class is op but in this that track is totally freaked up other classes.


in full resist agains sps (krdo was hitting me for 275 look his stuff ;) ) in full resist agains dark ( necro with am+a+10 hitting me for 125) but its impossible to play with every resist make the bar like in official and we can speak then and those necro who donated for QQ weapon will QQ .


This game has turned from a game of skill into a game where the number of bots determine the outcome.
All you ever do is buff, and if you make 1 misstake or they have god forbid, a mixed party you're screwed.
"Learn to buff yourself" well, even with lvl 4 manuscript you still have selfbuffs and shit so you can only really defend yourself vs 1 element at the time.
And in siegetimes it's impossible to be well protected.

Imo elemental should just give all elements and holy+unholy and remove the rest. 1 buff for mages, and 1 dance and 1 song for archers.

And to you necro's out there.... You know you're stronger now. In-game this is not a secret. People reroll to necros cause they do insane damage, why noone knows. But they do.
Necro is the only char now that can 1 shoot anyone. And this is even with Dnet sets that gives a good base resistance vs dark attacks.

But as soon as we get on the forum every necro ingame gets superdefensive, but I guess that's just the way the story goes....



Quote from: kidicarus on May 26, 2010, 09:23:35 AM
This game has turned from a game of skill into a game where the number of bots determine the outcome.
All you ever do is buff, and if you make 1 misstake or they have god forbid, a mixed party you're screwed.
"Learn to buff yourself" well, even with lvl 4 manuscript you still have selfbuffs and shit so you can only really defend yourself vs 1 element at the time.
And in siegetimes it's impossible to be well protected.

Imo elemental should just give all elements and holy+unholy and remove the rest. 1 buff for mages, and 1 dance and 1 song for archers.

And to you necro's out there.... You know you're stronger now. In-game this is not a secret. People reroll to necros cause they do insane damage, why noone knows. But they do.
Necro is the only char now that can 1 shoot anyone. And this is even with Dnet sets that gives a good base resistance vs dark attacks.

But as soon as we get on the forum every necro ingame gets superdefensive, but I guess that's just the way the story goes....

+1 <3