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a question about the rules



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a question about the rules

Started by babiskk, April 29, 2010, 04:50:08 PM

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i ve spent days on reading this part of forum, didnt wanted to bother with questions so far.i just readed the rules an i wuld like to know one parameter.
is about he dual box system.personaly i totaly agree on it but, what is gonna happen when players use netcaffe to play??as far as i know, many people use net caffe, and many of them will grab the chance to leave offline shop from that pc for several hours.means, more then 2 players will be visible behind the same ip address.
same goes as for xp/farming.for sure there will be plenty of players to try abuse this, ie using triple or more boxes and if cought, will provide this as an excuse.
im sure you are aware of this, please inform comunity for what will hapen on this situation.

ps: i welcome the new server as many others.althought i believe that you admins and gm's will need a lot of pills (drug meds) to deal with the hordes of any kind of scammers, exploiters, amd generaly egoist people, as the majority of dragon network players have proven that they are....
good luck and ..happy birthday Valkyrie !!
I love you, not for what you are, but for what i feel when i am with you...
                                 Gabriel Garcia Marques


Is simple, listen... if u play from net cafe that many pcs use the same IP then if u get punished coz of offline shops or coz maybe of many chars from same IP u can if u want to avoid this ; HOW? Well take a look :

1ST take a cellphone with camera even VGA resolution is enough.(all cellphones nowdays have camera,well almost all).

2ND take a pic from ur cellphone of the net cafe,of u on the pc that u use and last but not least u can make even video and send it to one gm if u get punished. ;D ;D

I hope i help u all to find one good solution for this.

P.s. If u play many friends u can make one pic of all of u and put the name of chars above ur heads also.If u want put red names (karma). It will not help a lot but nvm will be funny.  ;D ;D ;D

Aplo e?na kanoume k ligi plakitsa na pernaei i wra ehehe  ;).



Descent, what about two computers in home with share one ip from router ? Me and my girlfriend want to play. Can we have dual box (2 chars) on each computers?


I will reply here once for all, main point of preventing multi users logging from same IP is cause in 96% of cases are l2w users which we are totally against!!!!!!! So that is the point of that rule         BUT     there is big difference when someone is activly playing on 2 PC-s and when someone is doing l2w with 2-xx chars from same computer. So as long there is a live person behind playing you have no worries.
Regarding this we builded a team of people who will have task just to check players all around map 24/7 in different time zones so surely we will try to cover all.So if you pass all tests when asked by our assistants you have no worries.