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This restricted sub system is useless

Started by disc, April 29, 2010, 09:35:00 PM

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Quote from: qwertyzxc on April 29, 2010, 10:36:53 PM
yea i w8 for this server 1 or 2 months and now gms say faking shit rules   n/c ofc i`ll not join here  cya

Yes i think that MOST ppl that wanted to join here have same feelings but i think we should try...
CiS - Hell Knight / Duelist - OFF
AvL - Sagittarius / Hierophant - OFF


Quote from: LMS on April 29, 2010, 10:24:21 PM
This is the best solution, no more noobs with 3x box ownig partys at most important places. You will have to use some tactic, gather a good team. no more tyr/destro farming epic bosses. Oly will be again playable without sps/ee and th/pp. Finnaly at DN servers we will have team play as it used to be in c4 times.
So i bet that a lot of ppl at 8 pm tomorrow will start adventure at Valkyria. If you complain about such system no one will cry for you.

sorry but if u call noobs ppls who use ty/des who kill bosses ur a retard. On substack system u can killbosses with full pt with 39018293 ppls or just ty/des + some friends ( ofc  nabish ty/des cant kill epic boss with a grade or s grade items only some ty/des can kill some good rb`s with good gear and support ) u have 2 option for that and now ? u need 47892744 ppls for kill rb and here will not play 328942 ppls becouse this server will look like 99% all others server`s

anyway ty/des cant kill epic boss like valakas/antharas so what u talking :<>


Quote from: qwertyzxc on April 29, 2010, 10:40:45 PM
sorry but if u call noobs ppls who use ty/des who kill bosses ur a retard. On substack system u can killbosses with full pt with 39018293 ppls or just ty/des + some friends ( ofc  nabish ty/des cant kill epic boss with a grade or s grade items only some ty/des can kill some good rb`s with good gear and support ) u have 2 option for that and now ? u need 47892744 ppls for kill rb and here will not play 328942 ppls becouse this server will look like 99% all others server`s

anyway ty/des cant kill epic boss like valakas/antharas so what u talking :<>

I'm sorry but you are wrong about this server. It won't be like 99% of servers around. Because normal PvP ( not about epics and oly ) i can assure you will be on substacks. It just won't be that easy to make substacked char. So think about it.
CiS - Hell Knight / Duelist - OFF
AvL - Sagittarius / Hierophant - OFF


Tp bad the world of dragonnetwork isnt a democratic' world


Quote from: LMS on April 29, 2010, 10:24:21 PM
This is the best solution, no more noobs with 3x box ownig partys at most important places. You will have to use some tactic, gather a good team. no more tyr/destro farming epic bosses. Oly will be again playable without sps/ee and th/pp. Finnaly at DN servers we will have team play as it used to be in c4 times

lol what a bullshit... in c4 we had NORMAL sub system...

btw it would be better to fix the exploit and bugs instead of making a dn server what's looks like a shareware game...

and if you have owned by a 3box party, then YOU need to have tactic, and  better party...

I would be happy if i can play on a server like the dn was in c4. Those were the best times... but this shit VERY VERY far from that.
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


those who like this new system should try a server without substacks. You'll have that balance (LOL) on those, and you don't need to re equip for a varka pvp, and you'll have that "teamwork" too.
That's why i say, if i really should be an l2 nerd, i would play on an off like server, after these changes on this server, cuz it is same like here, just you don't need reequips when you move to an unrestricted zone :D and you can play with that class you want.

but really i wanted to play a stacksub server, but if there wont be stacksub server, i wont play l2 :)
beleive me, who like this shit system, a plain off like server would be better for you. Try fe l2.ru
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


Quote from: qwertyzxc on April 29, 2010, 10:40:45 PM
sorry but if u call noobs ppls who use ty/des who kill bosses ur a retard.
anyway ty/des cant kill epic boss like valakas/antharas so what u talking :<>

Have I? And you can use your beloved tyr/destro to kill rb- just 3 of them are restricted ... Question is what YOU are talking about ...


people came because they want new dn-style stack sub server....why dont you just give people what they want, nobody asked for a QQ fishy friendly sub style. We want pure hardcore DN server, stack-sub.


Quote from: Danoontje on April 29, 2010, 10:50:40 PM
Tp bad the world of dragonnetwork isnt a democratic' world

Realy? Even if 100 will complain - 1000 will play


Quote from: Boolets on April 30, 2010, 12:20:37 AM
people came because they want new dn-style stack sub server....why dont you just give people what they want, nobody asked for a QQ fishy friendly sub style. We want pure hardcore DN server, stack-sub.

+1 for that

i probably wont play because of that stupid rules and i think many ppl think like me ;)


Quote from: disc on April 29, 2010, 11:57:32 PM
I would be happy if i can play on a server like the dn was in c4. Those were the best times... but this shit VERY VERY far from that.

Yeah, ppl were inviting you to exp party. For pvp u had to have pll with support subs in your party. Not everyone had full buff 24/7. Or boss sets. I remember when u could play PP as your main. Or even BD :o
I made my 1st sub to pp just so i could buff myself with basic buffs, not to "pwn" everyone.

All that was because ppl didnt use dualboxes or 5x boxes. Dualbox killed DN more effectively than all the corruption together.


Quote from: Boolets on April 30, 2010, 12:20:37 AM
people came because they want new dn-style stack sub server....why dont you just give people what they want, nobody asked for a QQ fishy friendly sub style. We want pure hardcore DN server, stack-sub.

Man! i love u!!

why all of us stay here? for same reazon.. DN sub..we want a hardcore playing! full pvp in everyway at everymoment.. everytime!
If i know that i will stay 80% of the time playing whit a char w/o subclass stack (that is not what i like..) i ll find a Ofitioal server..

BUT NO!!! I WANT FIGTH! I WANT SUBCLASS/STACK! I WANT A FULL PVP EVERYWAY WHIT SUBSTACK! only good idea that i see, of all of this.. Is Olys just whit main w/o subStack.. now.. sever lost 50% of ppl.. 35 to 40 ppl just of my clan. in the first 3 weeks.. will lost other amount.. in some time the server will be empy..

Sorry.. but ppl 90% of the ppl, or more, coming here (and wait more that 10 weeks!) for other server..