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Zone limitations

Started by Handrail, April 29, 2010, 07:42:30 PM

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Heh, let's focus on actually making retail quest first ;]
/ l2 offline ... finally ...


As far as i understood, we cant exp any of our retails in necros/catas and so on....


You have answer: We have restricted some areas where you can only go in with your main class (single class). There you will have to rethink who to take to your party, no more one man army or super damage dealers.

Or not  ???  main class is single class and retil sub is also single class o.O when you have retail+DNsub its two classes

Omg its sooo hard
DragonNetwork since 2005


this will encourage botting more and more..becuz ppl are greedy
u need only 60-70 lvl bd-sws only..same for empower....
most pvp is done in epic areas..why use subbed retail for??try to think what will happen months later..ppl with sub will even camp in those areas just for pvp points, nonsubbed main class cant do anything vs subbed retail..there will be chaos in fog entrance, in antaras heart...
this system is ONLY good for oly nothing more....
this is my opinion I was thinking of a clean start but not now...