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Some questions before start !



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Some questions before start !

Started by 0741581532, May 03, 2010, 03:52:13 PM

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I played DN 15x till like 1,5 years ago and there were some things that i hope i wont find herebefore i start; such as :

1. At a moment passive boost atk speed was removed from TH, PRs and SRs got some critical power lvl, tanks/daggers  for example TH/DA couldnt use Dash when in heavy, lowered power for skill Deflect Arrow in mages/tanks wearing robes and things like that.
Tthe questions is : did those things apply here too and this is just another copy of DN with substack system changed  or?

2.Are the subclass skill certifications working? Coz if they do i cant understand the stacksub system. Ex :A paladin well buffed and with all the right certifications pwnz alot of stacksubbed chars.

3. How much time will pass until nerfs and boosts will start? Coz i wont start a char and in 3 weeks emoquit, just coz some QQs moar.

Ty for future answers.

LoccDogg - HE/WK - DN 15x - off
741581532 - HE/PP - DN 15x - off
SoulDancer - PR/BD  - DN 15x - off
?X?X?X?X? - ??/?? - Valkyria 9x - ??


Some wise guy that runs this server care to answer? Or are u offended by my way of asking?
To tired of DN style till now.

LoccDogg - HE/WK - DN 15x - off
741581532 - HE/PP - DN 15x - off
SoulDancer - PR/BD  - DN 15x - off
?X?X?X?X? - ??/?? - Valkyria 9x - ??