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What is your opinion? :)

Started by TifaPL, May 08, 2010, 02:16:23 PM

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XxDualityxX BD/PR lvl 85 sleeping for ever


I just don't understand idiots who want roll back  3 days and server is barelly up for 7 days. Just fuking wipe this sh1t make a higher rate for a full week like x20 for 1 st week that will bring more people specially the 1 st week, this is best suggestion that someone could make.


Quote from: SplichO on May 09, 2010, 12:58:47 AM
I just don't understand idiots who want roll back  3 days and server is barelly up for 7 days. Just fuking wipe this sh1t make a higher rate for a full week like x20 for 1 st week that will bring more people specially the 1 st week, this is best suggestion that someone could make.
u crying cause u want a CH
1st week is the most important on new server, if u failed on something it's ur fault
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


Dude i am here solo not shooting for a clan hall, i was stating facts and adding clan halls as 1 of major factors why it should be wiped. For your info this is my "fun server" i don't play here for any other reason then when i am bored from grinding on another server to log in here and play something different. But from what i saw those who are against Wiping and they want to roll back 3 days when CH were awarded pretty much shows weakness in expose it self that exploit was used to obtain that same clan halls and for much more. Asking 3 days roll back on a server 7 days old got no sense, and only explanation is as i explained previously that you are 1 of the people who use exploit.

ps. To admins you got to act a bit more mature then this and solve this, what ever you do and decide it must be fast cose this is what will make you lose players not the wipe or roll back, cose people hate to wait specially at weekends.


exploit apeared at 1am yesterday like other guys told u, 2 clan hall were not bought so ur theory is wrong
u spreading wrong infos that scare ppl from this server and that's it
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


But what about l2w users grinding coins and selling items from NPC ? They got a lot of money since the beginning


check aden godard and rune, all the bigs clans got good clans halls, u think they need l2w to gather 50kk between several ppl ?
the trick to make adenas selling D grade weapon was posted at the 1st day and most of ppl used it to buy quest items, all the ppl/clans  that played first week had same chances.
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell