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Few questions about server features



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Few questions about server features

Started by Firefly, May 11, 2010, 09:01:20 PM

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Cross-race Subbing aka mutants are available? What restrictions?

Does fist fury and totems work with other weapons or only fists?

Passive masteries stack? For example, light armor mastery from mage (+atck speed + casting + p def) stacks with the one from fighter (+pdef or +pdef and evasion)???

Is there any kind of custom potions? Laboratory? Mana potions?

Does gsap stack with haste?

Any kind of tatoos? Or dyes?

What is the server population atm and server live since how long?

Im just dedicing if it's a good idea to move here with a couple of friends, plz take a minute to kill my doubts. Thx in advance, cheers


1, mutants no.. main + 3 retails, main w/o posibility to stack. retails yes.
2, destro/tirans u say? i mean yes.. but not sure.
3, no, dn leave this a long time ago, i dont thing that here is posible.
4, custom potions, yes. Like others servers of DN.
5, i dont know.
6, yes u have tattos and dyes.. at same time ( a sh1t my opinion)
7, yes, main + dual and 2 more like store offline in town.
8, the first days around 1,2k of chars (not players, remmember dualbox is allowed) and now the server fell a great error, u can find it in forum. to much ppl left, and full clans. i dont know hou much. live hou long? if mystakes like this follow not to much. Ppl keep playing here beecoz is DN, and there are not other like this Online now. but others dont acept the "not rollback" and leave and others i think go to follow near.


So i can make for example warlord as main and then retail it tyrant/destro and use totems and fist fury with pole and 2 hand sword?
What about wc/ty, i would get light mastery from wc and agile movement too?


Quote from: MumM on May 11, 2010, 09:12:33 PM
1, mutants no.. main + 3 retails, main w/o posibility to stack. retails yes.
2, destro/tirans u say? i mean yes.. but not sure.
3, no, dn leave this a long time ago, i dont thing that here is posible.
4, custom potions, yes. Like others servers of DN.
5, i dont know.
6, yes u have tattos and dyes.. at same time ( a sh1t my opinion)
7, yes, main + dual and 2 more like store offline in town.
8, the first days around 1,2k of chars (not players, remmember dualbox is allowed) and now the server fell a great error, u can find it in forum. to much ppl left, and full clans. i dont know hou much. live hou long? if mystakes like this follow not to much. Ppl keep playing here beecoz is DN, and there are not other like this Online now. but others dont acept the "not rollback" and leave and others i think go to follow near.
You should to be my eng teacher rly...

ExCiDiuM <3
Chujozord - DE/PAL
CrazyJoe - PR/PAL
Unloco - BP/WC
PanPijak - NE/EE
Cherry SORC -> ES/EE


Quote from: ChujoZord on May 12, 2010, 11:19:49 PM
You should to be my eng teacher rly...

Isnt people here talking about server features?


If i remember correct not all totems work with different kind of weapons then fist's.

Bison/rabbit/wolf/ogre are the only ones that work with other weapons if i remember correct (but been a while since i've played so cant put a 100% behind my words).

@ ChujoZord, stop critizing people...  this forum section already seems to be turning into a flame section like on the others. When u don't have anything usefull/helpfull things to post u could just shut it.