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spawnkilling allowed?



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spawnkilling allowed?

Started by bourrin, May 11, 2010, 12:47:00 PM

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when u have spawn effect, ennemies can hit u somehow for like 1 second / 7 or 8, is it allowed?
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


yes, you need to come out from the Spawn when effect is not 7-8 but 1 sec so you can Instantly pvp.
Adena Plix.


yeah and the funniest when you chat on TS or VT with your clan mates and you port out to a location and a leader says "Move out from the spawn and attack in 3 2 1" (Probably he moves out and has 1sec from spawn prot) and you move out and have like 8sec from spawn prot and you watch the pvp and cant do anything :D
Server: -Infinite Nightmare 20x
Char Name: -Ashey
Char Gender: -Female
Mainclass (lvl): -Cardinal/Hell Knight (85)
Retail/DNsub (lvl): -Cardinal/PhoenixKnight (80)
Clan: -Black Army



that's not what I meant
Ppl can hit u while u are in the spawn, but they will manage to touch u only for 1second / 7-8
some guys tried to pk me this way while I w as suposed to be safe on the spawn
next time i ll fraps it
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell