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Started by MaleficivM, May 14, 2010, 12:58:00 PM

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 I got 12k gold coins and i`m definitely done with mobs that drop gold allready. So instead of delete em , cant you put for example some enchant scrolls at Heine trader and/or accesories buyable with the gold coins we have left , like ewb= 10k gold or somth ?


Better to put potions or smth like this in for coins.

On the road again. :D


for sure enchants for coins would fck up the game. I agree with Toszi - pots or sth like that would be a good idea though..  But still EE/SE wouldn't earn money for making pots xD all in all it would be cool to have some 'coin exchange' system xxx silver = x gold etc


Mby somethink like "exchange weapon", for example give back your old b grade weapon+some number of coins ;)


First of all coins system sucks but it is on sever ....

I think that enachant / pots / mats / recipe should be for the coins. Why? Because it will slwowly crash economy of the server. If more goods than weapon was available for the coins there will be a larg bot party farming coins.

Also exchange coins for coins system is a bad idea, also will increase population  l2w use.


You will get chance to farm those mobs again if you take retail, or craft/buy weapon if you dont plan to take retail.