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fix this stupid damage bug/sh1t

Started by nietrzezwy, May 16, 2010, 12:43:33 PM

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Quote from: nietrzezwy on May 16, 2010, 02:52:10 PM
look at the picture under ur nickname, thats interesting, u are smth like ave satan 666 ? or u like to kill young virgins ? omg, interesting what kind of zeroes got networks at home, this is the way how peadophilia started, with bastards like u, stfu and do not comment on topic ;]

wtf is this? some youngling zero trying to prove somethink by insulting ? funny kid.

anyway if you know sooooo much about L2 you should know that glad is pvp char and crit with skill for 5k is quite normal. so stop crying and get yourself armor.

muck kid
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


yeah so lets all make glads :F its like a nuker with 10k hp ++++++ and heavy armor. n/c and I have never had any problems with pvping glad 1x1 and it didnt even touch me, greets for u all


Quote from: nietrzezwy on May 16, 2010, 03:11:43 PM
yeah so lets all make glads :F its like a nuker with 10k hp ++++++ and heavy armor. n/c and I have never had any problems with pvping glad 1x1 and it didnt even touch me, greets for u all

well you propably played on server where you havent any good player with gladi.
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Quote from: Daniel Defoe on May 16, 2010, 03:14:43 PM
so finally server where glad works?  ::)
check this and stop cry

no wonder, look at ur buffs, u were a hero ;d thats why u pwned, anyhow Im shocked and it shouldnt be like that.. LEt me make a glad now than ;FF bb


Quote from: nietrzezwy on May 16, 2010, 02:52:10 PM
look at the picture under ur nickname, thats interesting, u are smth like ave satan 666 ? or u like to kill young virgins ? omg, interesting what kind of zeroes got networks at home, this is the way how peadophilia started, with bastards like u, stfu and do not comment on topic ;]

for comments like these u just should get  a ban....

for the record, dhart plays glad for like 4 years now? and the same goes for me.......

so fuktard! keep ur duche comments to yourself and cry more about gladiators..... UR FUKING WEARING KARMIAN!

now flame me...

/mybirthday 20/09/2005

The Last Doombringer member online!

Zenith Infinity Raven

Vassility SPS/ES
Valima PW/SWS


2nd naab, first learn to pvp, or are you all gonna leave the server again :-*
/mybirthday 20/09/2005

The Last Doombringer member online!

Zenith Infinity Raven

Vassility SPS/ES
Valima PW/SWS


Quote from: id8675309 on May 16, 2010, 05:13:28 PM
Haha. Kiddo.

If you didnt notice this serv is dead already. Who will leave? Botters?

Nobody will come to play here where L2w is officially approved.

Yes, no L2w autoban means automatic bot approval.
And as i can see nobody who use L2w cares about rules.

And dont write retarded post next time. Youre too short.

Ok, server already dead. So why are you posting on a dead server's forum?

On the road again. :D


Quote from: id8675309 on May 16, 2010, 05:13:28 PM
Haha. Kiddo.

If you didnt notice this serv is dead already. Who will leave? Botters?

Nobody will come to play here where L2w is officially approved.

Yes, no L2w autoban means automatic bot approval.
And as i can see nobody who use L2w cares about rules.

And dont write retarded post next time. Youre too short.

lawl  ;D u just made my day!

go to ancient battleground and continue ur bot party ::)

and write about ur 2nd years, oh wait........... :-X

/mybirthday 20/09/2005

The Last Doombringer member online!

Zenith Infinity Raven

Vassility SPS/ES
Valima PW/SWS


Quote from: nietrzezwy on May 16, 2010, 02:44:24 PM
Ahahaha, u fuc.ktard, I was already playing L2 when u thought that sh1t is food u little brat, Glad has always been noobish like nothing else, BP pwned it, everytime I met Glad I PKed it like stun hit hit crit crit BB noob, it was worth nothing, and since u know nothing about pvp shut the fu.ck up kid okie ? lick my balls zero :)
If this is so true, don't you think it's time for Glad to own a little bit?

Frankly, you're just a lil whiner.


it was supposed to be new infinity-dragon-nm
seems this server is new arena,where come kids with 0 knowledge about l2, or from xkkkk servers,where they won in gludio after botting to 78-80-85  xD
glads are supposed to crit hard, especially on server, where armor is harder to get than weapon


Quote from: id8675309 on May 16, 2010, 05:31:50 PM
You want me to get down to your level and then youll beat me with experience?

wow ur rlly studied hard with those 1 liners  :-*

now say something you cant copy paste from the internet
/mybirthday 20/09/2005

The Last Doombringer member online!

Zenith Infinity Raven

Vassility SPS/ES
Valima PW/SWS


sigh, such a retarded fukface.........

vertaal dit dan maar verrekte kut   :P
/mybirthday 20/09/2005

The Last Doombringer member online!

Zenith Infinity Raven

Vassility SPS/ES
Valima PW/SWS