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Server Rules...Guantanamo server???



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Server Rules...Guantanamo server???

Started by cumshot, May 18, 2010, 02:04:01 PM

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Dear Gm's

I know ure very concerned, about bots, scamers, etc.. and u want a bot free server , scam free server, etc..

But IMO, ( and I think lot of ppl think like me ) , ur server rules are too much extreme.

Lets see, OMG i dont like bots, I've recorded/frapped lots of bots ( some of them from ppl that now got a good char, CL's, etc.. ), but I wont report them, why???

Do not use L2 Walker or any other program concerning bots, scripting, hacking or cheating.
(If you are caught using l2w you will be banned on caughted character + other main chars you have - of course all permanent ban)

Cuz I dont want to play a empty server , I may understand a perma ban for a bot, but perma banning all his chars and his main char  is freaking insane, maybe because he is booting some mats with a lvl 20 dwarf to craft some shits...U will ban his main char that maybe has been raised by hand?? omg

Now lots may laugh at me, or maybe GM's may think what I am saying is stupid, but just face it, in a server w/o bot protection, lot of ppl bot, even clan leader from big clans bot some stupid dwarf or pph....and if u caught him by a hater report..u will ban his main ??? xDD I am sure then all his clan will leave... so 50 ppl less, and this will continue on, and will end in wars reporting bots so maybe u reported a bot that his main a clan leader or maybe is from ur ally...so GG, this server will be empty in less than a month, cuz I can assure, that if some1 is perma banned his main because he botted a stupid buffer or dwarf...he will get kinda angry and will leave for sure.

If u dont want bots, tell Drake to invest some of his insane money from donations for a security system, like they have on Frintezza or BFDR, Arion, etc...ofc will be some1 that can bypass it, but will be just a few guys that got some skills in coding/programing ( than wont share his knowledge for free )

Offline shops = You can have 1-2 max offline shops per IP, if you have more then mentioned PERMA ban

OMFG, u will permaban for this stupid thing...is this Guantamo server??? this can be a mere mistake by some1, or maybe ure worried cuz ur server stability may be freaked up ?? I may understand, but first, this is ur fault, cuz there are lots of server with no problems in this stability about offline shops and they earn less money from donations than this network...

But anyway, permabaning for this thing a guy...is as I said, insane, if u make a temporaly ban for this I am sure he will understand it and wont log again 3 shops...omg he logged 3 shops lets kill him he is muslim terrorist !!!

And as I said, I dont like bots, I dont like scaming, I like server stability, but perma banning that much will make lot of ppl leave..and the result is insane in comparision with the damage the person really does to the server.


Quote from: Torek [IF] on May 18, 2010, 02:26:13 PM
the civility of a nation or community is measured on the % of ppl who obbey to the laws.
if on this server noone care about laws means that this server sux (cuz ppl make server).
so stop complain about gms' work, if ppl decide to risk using l2w knowing that they could be PERMAbanned well this means that they are rly rly irrecovable.
if i were a gm i would give up soon.
cuz the valkyria community is a kinder emo qqer garden.
so the problem is the ppl avidity, immaturity and cleverness
+1 and if Gms bann a leader of clan.. and this memmbers leaver, be sure that clanmattes are botters too..


Quote from: Torek [IF] on May 18, 2010, 02:26:13 PM
the civility of a nation or community is measured on the % of ppl who obbey to the laws.
if on this server noone care about laws means that this server sux (cuz ppl make server).
so stop complain about gms' work, if ppl decide to risk using l2w knowing that they could be PERMAbanned well this means that they are rly rly irrecovable.
if i were a gm i would give up soon.
cuz the valkyria community is a kinder emo qqer garden.
so the problem is the ppl avidity, immaturity and cleverness

Dude I know a lot of laws ( I study them ), USA has one of the most hard laws regarding criminals... and % of criminals there are one of the most higher in the world

Europe Law, is kinda more soft, and % of criminals are much less than the USA, also in Europe u dont get killed by law,,, in the USA yes..

why then?

The problem is the punishment.

Here, if some1 is caught boting 1 day, 5 minutes, he will get all perma banned, which means 99% he wont come back to server, so 1 guy less.

If he has a "second chance", lets say, first ban = 700h , second ban = perma , he will have the option to say : Ok I understand here is not a place to bot cuz ppl is really concerned about it, i wont do it again..and he will keep playing in server. If he is caught again, will mean that he doesnt care about it, so u can perma ban him.

Now maybe some of u say , obey the rules, bla bla, but I bet u will be the first to complain when someday ur CL, friends, etc.. got freaked up and permabanned just cuz some day he made a "mistake"

If CL's is banned cuz boting some stupid char, that doesnt mean his members or friends are botters, so dont asume every1 is botter.


Quote from: cumshot on May 18, 2010, 02:04:01 PM

Cuz I dont want to play a empty server , I may understand a perma ban for a bot, but perma banning all his chars and his main char  is freaking insane, maybe because he is booting some mats with a lvl 20 dwarf to craft some shits...U will ban his main char that maybe has been raised by hand?? omg

Buahahaha omg man u made my day, do u rly study ? . So I will make few chars for botting and making money and 1 main char for fair play LOL.
Quote from: cumshot on May 18, 2010, 02:37:32 PM

Here, if some1 is caught boting 1 day, 5 minutes, he will get all perma banned, which means 99% he wont come back to server, so 1 guy less.

Server dont need L2w users dont u get it ?? Its rly so hard to understand ?? If som1 got ban for l2w than gtfo from server and GL trying botting on another one.


I won't even bother starting here.I never thought doing it .Becouse from what is 90% off forum treats-bullshit emo kiddis lower than 18 years old.With none idea what the freak to do.
Bots lmao walkers lmao , i wana play with normal mature enof to understand rules and fair play ppl,other ways i won't get the needen feeling for full gaming experience,one you never had couse off the damn bots you damn kiddos use.And that proves your lack off ani triing even to understand the roots of the game.All you can do is copy someones else ideas and you do it the worst way posible.With tottal missunderstanding for why it was done that way in first place.Becouse you lack the brain chains that would lead you to the sourse off the idea.That is lack of life spam time and ingame experiences!GL in RL and here!Kids that spam this forum are showing tottal lack off any ideas how to improve game here, and this is dead server from begining.GM's said server was never tested with ppl never done Alfa testing-thou there are a bunch off ustless treats about what server sux at,and there is also thouse botters-all emo kidds triing to achieve faster goals with less actions.So what GM's to attemp to first?
Rofl all this leads to the idea that 90% off ppl that started here, with theyr retardet  idea this will be theyr emo server for be uber lamed p0wn30r3,will leave the minute gm's take server at balance state and start dealing seriusly with botters.Other 10% are the entusiasts that came from other DN servers,some % of them also botters.so ROFL expencive lab rats we have here ,would i say again  ;D ::) :o


Quote from: Torek on Today 27.01.2011 at 03:31:00 pm
u forgot to say "join aion blablabla bullcrap"

I have you to do that now  Shocked Roll Eyes  Grin





As im saying in another post:

I undesrtand ppl who use l2w why? Ok i dont have time like when i was young. I got family, work not to much time to play. And i dont have the same  enjoy exping in the same area in the same time from many years. Just exp char/ subbed and have fun with TvsT this is what you can do and enjoying this game PVP not exping exping exping.

I dont understand only players who use bots for farming money :/ 4 bots l2w and farm farm farm Cheesy

Greets Smiley



Quote from: Creslin on May 18, 2010, 04:08:57 PM
As im saying in another post:

I undesrtand ppl who use l2w why? Ok i dont have time like when i was young. I got family, work not to much time to play. And i dont have the same  enjoy exping in the same area in the same time from many years. Just exp char/ subbed and have fun with TvsT this is what you can do and enjoying this game PVP not exping exping exping.

I dont understand only players who use bots for farming money :/ 4 bots l2w and farm farm farm Cheesy

Greets Smiley
ROFL ,Hight Rate  servers do talk somthing to you ? You wana play half of the game ,not the game so than go to other retardet server ,which would be more suited to your needs, don't bullshit around here iff you mature enof to have family you mature enof to understand this also.Other ways you just low life ,and cheap layer rofl!
Not that i care but i can't resist such moorons like you.

Quote from: Torek on Today 27.01.2011 at 03:31:00 pm
u forgot to say "join aion blablabla bullcrap"

I have you to do that now  Shocked Roll Eyes  Grin


Bro you don't have any competence to judge me that im a layer or smtgh.  This is my opinion that's all. You like it or not, Everyone got own opinion and if you dont agree just read it, give yours but mark your words. Now you can open hot chicks and play your little dk BOY !




Quote from: Creslin on May 18, 2010, 06:22:09 PM
Bro you don't have any competence to judge me that im a layer or smtgh.  This is my opinion that's all. You like it or not, Everyone got own opinion and if you dont agree just read it, give yours but mark your words. Now you can open hot chicks and play your little dk BOY !

I asume is differente from judge.And besides this still my answer remains the same!Also you refer to what, you have said so .......
And this is my opinion also like it or not...................

Quote from: Torek on Today 27.01.2011 at 03:31:00 pm
u forgot to say "join aion blablabla bullcrap"

I have you to do that now  Shocked Roll Eyes  Grin


L2w users = scamers ...scaming everybody that worked hard for their items and anyone that enjoys the fun of the game. Scamers should be deleted, no second chance, and we should be happy if the guy leaves server we dont need ppl like that in our community. Keep baning them ... they will learn in the hard way.
OOONunoSilvaOOO - pw/sws - hero (rip)

OONunoSilvaOO - pp/he - hero (rip)
OONun0SilvaOO - gl/pp - hero (rip)
DawnElememtal - th/pl (rip)

OONunoSilvaOO - gl - 1st glad hero (rip)

Requiem For A Dream
