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Wrong password when i try to log



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Wrong password when i try to log

Started by eneto, May 21, 2010, 02:16:17 PM

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hi, im newbie at server and since yesterday im trying to log, but i cant, always says me: incorrect password or account...
I have hellbound installed after that i patched the system and did fullcheck, after that i tryed to conned but... nothing, always pass error.. some help plz?



either you are new troll that can't read
or you just enter wrong pass, try again


Quote from: flamingAwe on May 15, 2010, 12:56:08 PM
forum account is not game account

create/manage game accounts here:

if u refer about that, i have my account for forum, and i created another account to game at these page, but nothing, im sure im typing 100% pass good ... :(...


ok i found the error.... was couse i have at the L2 folder anothers autoupdates from anothers servers... and when i open the DN updater, that opens the updater from another server, dunno why :(, easy, move up all others updaters and open DN updater .. but thx for help