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Anti Magic and Resist Magic on Valkyria



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Anti Magic and Resist Magic on Valkyria

Started by kapibar, May 27, 2010, 12:30:45 PM

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Do they stack? It would be very very nice if they do
Paxton - TY/DE-OL/ES


I don't think "Magic Resistance" (mdef passive for tanks, sws, bd, etc) exists on DN. It seems to be replaced by the "Anti-Magic" passive of mages to prevent stacking.
- Solar


To avoid all/any stacking masteries drake made alot of passive skill changes, all the passive skills wich have the same effect were replaced by 1 general mastery... here is an exemple

Light armor masteries from daggers/archer/warlord/glad/tyrant increased pdef and evasion and the light armor masteries from mages increase attack speed, cast speed, mp regen. I had a SR/ES when these masteries were stacking, and pp+bd buff, maj light, and soulbow i had over 1.6k atk speed ;P. It goes on for many masteries like general weapon masteries, heavy armors, sword, mdef etc etc..

Hope this clarified your question


Its a shame a bit : (  nerfing and editing world of L2 by GMs draw me away from Nightmare for a long time. Valkyria is new hope, but Im afraid that situation from NM will soon repeat here :/

Beside, rize farmers thought about that before and L2 is balanced in one way or another. Every char in L2 has an aproporiate opponent. U all know that. Whats the point in nerfing? Bcoz some chars may be overpowered? Ur archer with 1,6k atk spd could be pwned by some experienced tank, Im sure about that, and this applies to ALL CLASSES. SK/SH still can be pwned by, lets say th/pal? And as always OL will be the toughest opponent in 1 v 1. I think the only exception for nerf are HYBRIDES, like OL/Elf.
      Too bad, my request won't be considered :/
Paxton - TY/DE-OL/ES


Quote from: kapibar on May 28, 2010, 01:16:33 AM
Its a shame a bit : (  nerfing and editing world of L2 by GMs draw me away from Nightmare for a long time. Valkyria is new hope, but Im afraid that situation from NM will soon repeat here :/
Nerfing and editing L2 by GMs should have made you flee from whole DN in the first place.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


... ye and leave all OP chars like that so we can have 25k hits and 54358k Cryts ;/
Adena Plix.


Quote from: kapibar on May 28, 2010, 01:16:33 AM
Its a shame a bit : (  nerfing and editing world of L2 by GMs draw me away from Nightmare for a long time. Valkyria is new hope, but Im afraid that situation from NM will soon repeat here :/

Beside, rize farmers thought about that before and L2 is balanced in one way or another. Every char in L2 has an aproporiate opponent. U all know that. Whats the point in nerfing? Bcoz some chars may be overpowered? Ur archer with 1,6k atk spd could be pwned by some experienced tank, Im sure about that, and this applies to ALL CLASSES. SK/SH still can be pwned by, lets say th/pal? And as always OL will be the toughest opponent in 1 v 1. I think the only exception for nerf are HYBRIDES, like OL/Elf.
      Too bad, my request won't be considered :/
Do u have substack system on official? Official is balanced sure , but here drake has to modify it to prevent some really OP chars.


Quote from: 2nFear on May 28, 2010, 12:59:28 PM
Do u have substack system on official? Official is balanced sure , but here drake has to modify it to prevent some really OP chars.

Sorry Kapi but I realy have to agree...

If there would be non of those modyfications we would have an TH/PP HE/PP with 2,4k atak Speed :)
Adena Plix.


Quote from: kapibar on May 28, 2010, 01:16:33 AM
Its a shame a bit : (  nerfing and editing world of L2 by GMs draw me away from Nightmare for a long time. Valkyria is new hope, but Im afraid that situation from NM will soon repeat here :/

Beside, rize farmers thought about that before and L2 is balanced in one way or another. Every char in L2 has an aproporiate opponent. U all know that. Whats the point in nerfing? Bcoz some chars may be overpowered? Ur archer with 1,6k atk spd could be pwned by some experienced tank, Im sure about that, and this applies to ALL CLASSES. SK/SH still can be pwned by, lets say th/pal? And as always OL will be the toughest opponent in 1 v 1. I think the only exception for nerf are HYBRIDES, like OL/Elf.
      Too bad, my request won't be considered :/

No thats the reason why suchs chars got nerfed... belive me, absolutly no one was making a fighter/fighter combo bcs no stack masteries you were an elpy... best subs was mage/fighter. Yes, nerfs are needed here cause of our playstyle... onlything is on valkyria you have bit of both, and then it srews things more... people wanna have retail skills when you are on retail, but should be nerfed when play stack... try think about the coding behind all this, so that the nerfs are only effective on stacks, how could u make the difference, scriptwise between a UD from a main class, and a retaill class... its the same skill ID, you would need to rechange all the skill IDs, char skill tree to make this possible


You've spoiled the epic mood of Lineage 2 : ]
Paxton - TY/DE-OL/ES