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Tyrand destro question?



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Tyrand destro question?

Started by greg270, June 03, 2010, 11:46:38 AM

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Am i wrong?

Few months ago was possible to HEAL tyr/destro coming on Invincibility??

aAnd now how it is? I think heal dont work?


Man , u cant heal tyr/destro now when he have invincibility on, many times killed Tyr/destros by healing it, when he was runing on me on invincibility, but not long time ago it changed , your heal will not rise anymore HP destro , when he have invincibility ON:(

Anyway this topic is abaut posibility of heal destro on invicibility not abaut damage reduction, answer question pls, in my opinion now after updates u cant heal destro on invincibility, u can but no effect


Quote from: greg270 on June 03, 2010, 11:11:12 PM
Man , u cant heal tyr/destro now when he have invincibility on, many times killed Tyr/destros by healing it, when he was runing on me on invincibility, but not long time ago it changed , your heal will not rise anymore HP destro , when he have invincibility ON:(

Anyway this topic is abaut posibility of heal destro on invicibility not abaut damage reduction, answer question pls, in my opinion now after updates u cant heal destro on invincibility, u can but no effect

seems you are really dumb....
EE can heal, BP can heal ty/de on invincibility, if you don't know what skills to use, go play and study chars, instead of making useless topics
maybe even Divine enchanter can do it, as i already wrote, need test.