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Started by Biolo_idiota, May 31, 2010, 12:41:18 PM

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I have noticed that a lot of ppl like me have tons of unused coins ..

I mean like 5k Silvers that I will never farm to get B grade even with retails etc :P

How about making some kind of Extra echanges?

1 Bronze - 5 Adena
1 Silver - 10
1 Gold - 25
1 Platinium - 50   45.000 - x50 2.250.000 adena not much but laer I will be some how helpfull :P

Or a upper echange 5 Bronze - 1 Silver etc..
Adena Plix.



This is already 10th time someone opening same topic

Someone suggested u should use little trash can icon...


Sure when you are farming Coins that shuld be used for Items (rates of the server ver lowered so we can get Items before we owergrown the Item's) But sems that its impossible after fiew Fixe'z :P
Adena Plix.