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Ban For What? I follow the protocol...



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Ban For What? I follow the protocol...

Started by the Punk, June 10, 2010, 09:21:50 AM

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the Punk


conversation went something like this:
Me: ok 5 minutes to send screenshot
Him: ?
Me: target me, make a screenshot and send it to this email "blabla@bla.bla" or forum pm to Jailaa
Him: k .
Me: < after 2 min waiting > Sent ?
Him: Sending mail now ..
few seconds later .. both chars dc
30 seconds later, relog
Him: sorry crit // YEAH SURE :)
Me: permaban bu bye

that's screenshot after relog

the Punk


Quote from: jailaa on June 10, 2010, 09:23:33 AM
:) yeah, that's after you relog on both chars "crit" and give me screenshot of after relog :) sure
nice weapon  ;D and yeah, you can see on chat windows, it was after restart  :D
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on June 10, 2010, 09:50:23 AM
i don't understand... why u can't do SS after relog? : o
for eg.: u are on bot, jailaa comes to you, ask for SS, you exit the game, start with normal launcher and make SS. guess thats why it isnt a solution.

ps: sry for my bad english  :P
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


haha nice one didnt ever hear about that antil2w system i hope u go to hell punk :P

RelaXo ~ Rest in Peace
Impact ~ Valkyria x9 Rest in Peace

