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prevent not punish!

Started by coyz, June 07, 2010, 10:43:04 PM

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Well not realy Walker users wont Donate. Ant they will prevent normal players from doing so when server is fcked up
Adena Plix.


Quote from: Biolo_idiota on June 08, 2010, 06:22:46 PM
Well not realy Walker users wont Donate. Ant they will prevent normal players from doing so when server is fcked up
you can't say that...
you are saying like all l2w users are evil and stuff...
Today is alrdy 300 people less online than previous days this time

Quote from: Dei on June 08, 2010, 02:32:57 PM
Gm should warning the ppl first who use bots with 1200 hours like on dragon.
After 2nd time botting he should ban him permannent as well.
After 1st warning ppl understand that he spend much time to exp the char etc. and the most of them
dont do it no more. That ppl who used l2w and was permanent banned  will just leave and never come back.

Best punishment would be , 1200h ban and removing spoiled or dropped items from speculation  that hes on walker.
But it will takes more time from Gms. They will just push 1 button and perma ban this player.
yeah agree, that way we could keep population and get rid of most l2ws


Quote from: coyz on June 08, 2010, 07:12:31 PM
you can't say that...
you are saying like all l2w users are evil and stuff...
Today is alrdy 300 people less online than previous days this time

And arent they ;)?
Adena Plix.


Gms are obvioudly biased to favor the "big" clans of the server, the ones that donate 3k euros every month just to get some kind of advantage, the rest of the people around are expendable and can easily be banned forever with no problem.

Just look at exc1dium heroes, 3 weeks of running server, 3 subs, noblesse, hero stat, dn sub on those retail subs, full a/s grade overenchanted equipment, minimum of 2 s grade weapons per char, IN 3 FREAKING WEEKS, i dont know how pro they think they are but if that is not a solid proof of a walker user i dont know what could be.


There are certain rules, and people see the main rule (bot - prema ban) every day, thats the main warning. People wich use l2w are satisfied with the thing that they got everything (level, gear) allmost for free without even siting and playing by pc, and they dont need to donate, however im sure there will be people ( omgi donated now i have ant ban status cause gms drinking beer for my money in weekends) About clans that bot, not random nonfactors, the main issue was to bot, and dont get cought, i see some clans have reached theyr goal, some of them didnt.

For ppl that bot: If you found a cave where u can brake rules and dont get punished, gg to you, you rox now, but as a legit player il have a big boner when il have a chance to catch up and beat the crap out of you ;)


Looks like dei (excidium) wants to bot until he is warned, and then slow down a bit. Hah.


Those permabans can make some problems for donators too, for example:

You donate for server, you chose character and after one day you got perma ban on it for use l2w ... how then you may take those coins :P