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Started by roberts, April 29, 2010, 06:20:34 PM

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As i wrote, we are looking for hungarian people, but if it will be possible, we will let in the foreigns too, just atm we have enough member....
Now i change my language to hungarian, but i'll write in english too, as soon as it's needed.

Szóval  magyar tagokat még mindig keresünk, akik úgy érzik szeretnének csatlakozni egy jó társasághoz... Egyelőre nincs sok feltétel , legyen ventrid, legyél normális, preferáljuk azokat az embereket, akik már korábban tapasztalatot szereztek és nem most akarnak majd mindent megtanulni !

keresni PM-ben keressetek , bár már a magyar részlegből felvettek , akik jelentkezni akartak, mégis úgy éreztem, hogyha mindenféle szar kis klánnak van itt topicja, ám legyen nekünk is :P
RobertS lvl 76+ SS/PS Valkyrie (x9)
Leader of Goldragon (with Hungary)


létrehozáskor név elírás lesz? :DDD
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


Quote from: disc on April 29, 2010, 07:17:25 PM
létrehozáskor név elírás lesz? :DDD

NEM.  ;)
RobertS lvl 76+ SS/PS Valkyrie (x9)
Leader of Goldragon (with Hungary)


kb hany tagotok van?
More hate more fun


Quote from: CheGuevaraChe on April 29, 2010, 07:48:34 PM
kb hany tagotok van?

Hát elég régi infom van erről, de úgy tudom olyan 70-en leszünk kb.  :)

On the road again. :D


So , the clan opened for foreigns... We are looking for ppl who has the following classes:

BD, healer, wc, pp

If your char has another class, pm me IG roberts, or pm here, maybe we can talk about joining but i dont promise anything we are looking for supports...


Min. lvl 55 if you're support, lvl 65+ if you are not support but wanna join.
good in english
patient against hungarian spam

About the clan :
CL 's : Hungary and RobertS
Clanname Goldragon
Ally : Infinity (allymates: fatalillusions)
We have war with excidium
CH in Rune
We arent farmers, we like pvping
almost every  ppl are 61+
80% of the clan are fighter

Pm here or IG roberts or hungary

RobertS lvl 76+ SS/PS Valkyrie (x9)
Leader of Goldragon (with Hungary)


you forgot to add that hungary is one of oldest well known botters of infinity


Quote from: flamingAwe on May 15, 2010, 01:41:37 PM
you forgot to add that hungary is one of oldest well known botters of infinity
I think Russians are  better ;)


Quote from: flamingAwe on May 15, 2010, 01:41:37 PM
you forgot to add that hungary is one of oldest well known botters of infinity

i've never seen hungary farming by bot... if he's such a big botter why is he still not 3rd classed? Every big botter are 76+ now, but he isnt, because he doesnt use any cheat programme.

RobertS lvl 76+ SS/PS Valkyrie (x9)
Leader of Goldragon (with Hungary)


Quote from: flamingAwe on May 15, 2010, 01:41:37 PM
you forgot to add that hungary is one of oldest well known botters of infinity
yeah and hes dare to call others a botters rof

Quote from: roberts on May 15, 2010, 10:39:36 PM
i've never seen hungary farming by bot... if he's such a big botter why is he still not 3rd classed? Every big botter are 76+ now, but he isnt, because he doesnt use any cheat programme.
lve seen a few people from ur clan farming while afk with dualbox on his back who was afk aswel, i dont like snitchin though.