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Started by MaleficivM, June 15, 2010, 01:04:42 PM

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 WTF i took festival adena cuz i can open store to sell all my letters / cuz prices 1. unbuyable if u play like normal human 2. SUXX since u buy from other letters for like 2kk each / , and what i found , they not sellable tradable LOL WTF !!!!
WHY THE HELL letters are tradable and Festival Adena NOT  ??? ??? ???
PLS DO SMTH i spend hell money , i have like 90 festival adena and i dont want such a shit price LOL !!! >:( >:( >:(


Quote from: MaleficivM on June 15, 2010, 01:04:42 PM
1. unbuyable if u play like normal human 2. SUXX since u buy from other letters for like 2kk each / , and what i found , they not sellable tradable LOL WTF !!!!
+1, true

Noob and Beyond


Quote from: MaleficivM on June 15, 2010, 01:04:42 PM
WTF i took festival adena cuz i can open store to sell all my letters / cuz prices 1. unbuyable if u play like normal human 2. SUXX since u buy from other letters for like 2kk each / , and what i found , they not sellable tradable LOL WTF !!!!
WHY THE HELL letters are tradable and Festival Adena NOT  ??? ??? ???
PLS DO SMTH i spend hell money , i have like 90 festival adena and i dont want such a shit price LOL !!! >:( >:( >:(

this is DN, maybe u dont know but here all  event is a total FAIL,


70% some were instantly coopied from the retail  ::)
Adena Plix.


this event is totally useless