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=Jaila= Obiectivity. ^Torn^ make something...

Started by Navaro, June 12, 2010, 09:43:23 AM

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Quote from: Ryoko on June 13, 2010, 01:43:39 PM
Do u know what sarcasm is ?

I don't think he does, a study shows that only people over a certain IQ can detect sarcasm


well I do know now;] sorry for mess, peace.


Quote from: Kazuki on June 12, 2010, 11:47:35 AM
Quite funny, i thought it was a forum on which we could give our opinions about what is wrong on the server ?

And sorry if you don't see it, but a GM playing on the server he's managing IS wrong.
Even if you are not in excidium clan, your opinion might be biased by what you do or did while playing, what ppl did to you etc...   and sorry to say, there is nothing you can do to change that because as everybodyelse , you are just another human being.

But yes, threaten ppl with ban etc.... for sure that will solve everything...

GM playing in some clan was EXACTLY one of the main reasons dragon x15 died.Ask Glasy alla Ebolas if you don`t believe me  ;) ;)
But if he says he don`t, u must believe him against the odds ;) ;) After all, he is GM on DN  ;) ;)
magnitogorsk aw/sk wk.sws pp.sws glad/des
Prometeu th/pp bp/wc tyrant/des aw/pal
Prom ty.des wk.bd des/spoil  spoiler/sh :D
18/04/2010 MOS, Simun: You are a great and old player, Atreide :P
17/06/2011 Coliseum, Ako: You are a noob, no1 ever told me you are good, except of BESEN :)


Quote from: jailaa on June 12, 2010, 11:46:05 AM
Are you stupid or just pretending ? That's a screenshot sent to me by Fun

Jun 10 2010 12:51PM   Fun   -   NEVER!   ^Torn^

just LOL ....plz stfu b1tch

ur GM? :D  u r fuccking kid



Quote from: jailaa on June 13, 2010, 01:49:44 PM
I don't think he does, a study shows that only people over a certain IQ can detect sarcasm

I'm pretty good with sarcasm, and I missed it the first time, too.  ;D
Text makes it a bit harder to see...  maybe use "  ::) " with it, to help recognition?    :-*


GM's shouldn't play at the server as normal player ... but atm i don't see that jailaa is banning ppl from one clan and don't ban ppl from other clan ... This whole topic is just missunderstanding and acussing jailaa just because he didn't answer on one pm. Guys be seriuos ... and think a little bit: how many pm's in one time have GM's? It is normal that he can miss one or two or even few more pm's. Also remeber that not all of you have a good english or can say clear what they want ... u have some example -> Korina ;)

So cool down ppl ... we will see in the future if jailaa is objective or not ... And now, let him work a little bit and other GM's take a carefull look on him.


Quote from: jailaa on June 12, 2010, 01:54:35 PM
korina, peja, masterghost, hotpussy, pono, pezet, albarosie .. and more :) , i don't think they dare botting anymore

Are U fck ing kidding me ?


Quote from: jailaa on June 12, 2010, 01:54:35 PM
i give you list of people that suspected for walker only from exci and i check on daily basis and they know that:

korina, peja, masterghost, hotpussy, pono, pezet, albarosie .. and more :) , i don't think they dare botting anymore

BUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no, cuz they dont need exp more




i see only exi members protecting jaila xD so funny


Quote from: Ashanti on June 13, 2010, 08:11:55 PM
This whole topic is just missunderstanding and acussing jailaa just because he didn't answer on one pm.

you are wrong. this topic was made, cuz same time when jaila came check our 2 chars, he recived some pms about other bot. result - only lolclave chars were checked.

so keep your cool stories to yourself bro.


Sir, we are surrounded! Excellent, now we can attack in any direction!


Quote from: Torn on June 12, 2010, 12:15:03 PM
OH what a drama, 1st of all you must understand that Jailas Logs are monitored every day and there is no way he can be "corrupted" or anything, his decissions are always consulted by me and advised what to do. We dont protect any clan any perso any alliance basically YOU ARE ALL SAME TO US, doesnt matter if you play 10 years 1 month 1 week old player or new player donator or non donator, if you are using l2w you will  be banned no matter what. Also Jaila is getting PMs (i see the logs) from all the players on server checking EVERYONE not  any clan based, and i can tell you 1 thing, if EXi clan doesnt use bots now for any reason maybe they are just too jealose seeing other people using l2w while they are too affraid to do same since they know they will be banned too, in the end why you think they dont use l2w atm, if we dont wanna ban them they would use it right?
So all this story about "corruption" or anything FAILS big time, and i wont tolerate this false acusations. We are not playing on server where we are GMs and we will never do it, so we dont care for any clan you are all same to us.



Didn't you say you can't be 24/7 on PC, and actually how big is the GM's staff here, i mean can you even afort your self to cover atleast 12 hours a day , on 5 servers? ROFL. :-X And how should ppl plaiing here understand Basically ?
And i see how DN dies faster. :o ;D ::)
R.I.P DN ! I don't know how private network of servers depending on ppls mothly willing to pay donations , can afort having bots on server and not active GM's to observe game from first day of servers.Couse with  bot you won't pay any donation on server couse you get absolutly free all you need without moving a finger. So i ask why to donate when i can bot to get it ROFL and from this don't loose only normal players but also server owners.Especially at a small comunity like DN (once upon a time it wasn't).Lets drain all the milk from the cow till it dies folks .This seems to be the case now and here iff you ask me .
And here we have next topic about corupted GM's on DN and bots.
Not first post not last nothing will change .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjEUmdb2eh0 - Old as Hell and active to the bone !Sry didn't find English vertion.Still .... :-*
Best regards from Atreia cya Folks in next stupid topic, whylle i wait damn kisk to finish. ;D

Quote from: Torek on Today 27.01.2011 at 03:31:00 pm
u forgot to say "join aion blablabla bullcrap"

I have you to do that now  Shocked Roll Eyes  Grin