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missing hom sword



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missing hom sword

Started by Ashanti, June 14, 2010, 11:28:18 PM

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On satrurday or sunday I finished my noobish char for clan academy.

I collected on char about 4 600 bronze coins. After i reached 40 lvl i went to igor and i bought homukulus sword. It was yestarday or on saturday. And today i loged in on this char and .... hom is missing. I think that it was some rollback form this time when i bought it but i don't have hom or 3000 bronze coins atm.

Please can any GM cheked it. Char name is MEGALLA.


p.s. Please all qq or troll pll don't post here nothing. I want only GM reaction ..... and yes this hom is not very valuable for me but a rule is a rule ... i earned it .. :)


Same problem had my friend, try full check that's how he solved it....
.....Valkyria x9.....
Clan WiseGuys
karjak - bishop
Delacroix - berserker


Also, shouldn't GM only messages be in PM? Is there any reason to post in a public space and order other people to not comment?


Quote from: karjak on June 15, 2010, 12:32:28 AM
Same problem had my friend, try full check that's how he solved it....

Full cheked helped (i though that i did it previously but .......). Thx karjak. Tthe problem solved. :)

@ bsrealm.
I did a topic here, at public not at pm to GM's because maybe not only me had this kind of problem, so they can see the solution. I didn't say that no one can post here anyting, i just said no trolls and qq :) Why? Becasue here was some topics about missing gear and they became a battle filed for QQ's and Trolls :)

Please close a topic :)


Quote from: Ashanti on June 14, 2010, 11:28:18 PM
p.s. Please all qq or troll pll don't post here nothing. I want only GM reaction .....

I guess that led me astray :)
Glad you got your weapon back. Later.


Do a full check. I see you have it in your inventory.