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About new RB system



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About new RB system

Started by BanThemAll, June 15, 2010, 06:08:34 PM

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Guys arent u tired of watching clanless orcs+2/3 buffbots killing all the fuking rb?

At least gm should make rb buffeable, coz atm just bots without war killing rb :-\ (buffing rb we can make pvp/long rb)

U implemented this new system coz u said it will be more pvp/fun in rb but tbh its worst than before...

Why would ppl go rb with clan+war chars, when they can easily make 4 bots pt and kill all rb without even making pvp.

And btw lower RB m.def coz its just lol ;) (sh with 9k m.atak hiting 50% of the update rb lower than 150 dmg)

Any opinions?


zerocool14 sr/tk ( noble )           zerita14 bp/wc  (noble)
wolfwar2 wr/sws ( noble )           Wakan bd/de
muack    he/xx (noble)                Qazar ty/spoil (noble)
zeritaPL ??/?? ( pvp)                  Khaty     pp/wk (noble)
                             Zerostyle => pvp


Quote from: Sesshomaru on June 15, 2010, 06:31:20 PM
PK orcs maybe  ;D
Dude we are not in c4 anymore, almost all fking server have wc/xx for buffbot and all rb with random lvl 50 sumoners.

And u tried lately to pk a 7 bot pt killing random rb? (they will relog/have salvation in bots/get sumoned in less than 2 min)  ;)

So yea pk is no good option.


Quote from: BanThemAll on June 15, 2010, 06:36:47 PM
Dude we are not in c4 anymore, almost all fking server have wc/xx for buffbot and all rb with random lvl 50 sumoners.

And u tried lately to pk a 7 bot pt killing random rb? (they will relog/have salvation in bots/get sumoned in less than 2 min)  ;)

So yea pk is no good option.

- make ur pt on full buffs (mostly an archer pt)
- w8 RB HP be under 5-10% (depends on how strong RB is)
- PK the orcs (after orc is down RB will turn into assist chars, so just need to make 1-2 pk's)
- hit the RB and move it to some hidden place to kill it alone


The only solution for this problem is to publish their spawntimes online. On the other hand, this way you do freak lowlevel clans who are making adena by raiding.
Flatline Delivery:



Quote from: HellRaizer on June 16, 2010, 09:27:25 AM
yeah, that's the spirit
i bet it's the only way you nachos can kill any rb

Nops, we kill with DE/TY.

And nachos r from Mexico not from Brazil.


this server is too old for changes . . . this is the true
JACKSPARROWPL th/pp  |  Prototyp3 wc/bp  |  xMortalMagicx sps/ee 


Quote from: Weezer on June 16, 2010, 02:23:44 PM
Nops, we kill with DE/TY.

And nachos r from Mexico not from Brazil.

Thats the problem.. no one makes rb pt anymore they just log 2 bots+orc and start killing every single rb.

So imo its, rb like now = 0 pvp /0 fun (just bots )

RB like before but with boosted stats/drops and buff/heal = Ppl making long rb /pvp/some fun.   

Plxx bring some of the old fun back..


Increase reflect dmg to  50% or more
InfiniteNightmare x20, Proud BA Member

DevilsNation always in my heart...


Make ur own ty/de and farm like others ...


Quote from: Electr0n on June 18, 2010, 12:25:42 PM
Make ur own ty/de and farm like others ...
So i should also bot to get manor crops? or maybe get MS boting in blasing?

That wont fix anything in fact it will make things worst.


Somebody is to slow to fight old skilled players and wanna changes on server to make it better for him self :p
Everybody can make summoners and warcrayers, but some ppl are to lazy. About pking orcs - its possible i was pked many times, and some clans make partys to kill rb with much bigger chance to kill rb.
In my opinion other rbs should be hard to kill like Naga from BS. Orc solo need a lot of time to kill it so if u come with ur clan members u can annihilate easy - if u cant, its about ur skills. Maybe try to improve them
BTW shyeed queen drop only dyna jewels recipes which are worthless since they are so cheap, if this rb could drop jawel fragments ppl will come to kill it, because now its almost always alive