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Started by Salcha, June 16, 2010, 10:35:34 AM

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Quote from: ChillyWilly on June 16, 2010, 03:22:59 PM
hehehe  spotted the sarcasm that time!   :D

Salcha, I read your original post as well.  You gave none of the information a GM would need in order to give you any help.  Even if you can't explain in English, at least do so in your own language, and maybe some member of the forum can translate. 
IF you make the situation clear, and IF it wasn't somehow your own fault, they may be able to help.
(and I wouldn't advise being so pissy about it, nobody wants to help someone who insults them)



Quote from: Meto on June 16, 2010, 11:45:07 AM
u can't help him anyway u even cant ban. U are not even GM just simple jailer who move bots to jail and report to Torn :)


Salcha's problem is like that.. at 1st he is my rl friend. i gave him one of my accout's to play and few days ago he ask me did i touch stuff there. Welll i didt touch em. like 2-3 week i even didnt log that accoun to any server. Stuffs dissapear is like dual c grade dont know wich one exactly and some ammount of adena like 2kk. Its not worth much but still its not nice to bein scammed.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


if you do not understand  please do not write me   ( kapish chillywilly )


Quote from: Salcha on June 16, 2010, 11:35:40 PM
if you do not understand  please do not write me   ( kapish chillywilly )

apparently you do not understand...  To get any kind of help, you have to provide details.  Things like:  the last date you logged the account when you still had the items, exactly what items are missing, anyone who might know the account info, the date and time you found the items were gone, anything that would give an idea who, how, and why someone would take them.  Though I can't imagine anyone bothering to hack for what your friend said is missing...


If you seek help you could at least give some information like your charname at the least and when you lost mats/items, if you feel uncomfortable exposing that information here then you can pm us (GMs) but accusing/disrespecting others will not get you anywhere.


i will write you personal msg 


Quote from: Salcha on June 16, 2010, 10:35:34 AM
in this server gm does not help the simple people, just only at friends

( FACK U ,,,,,,, if you wont ban me )
Quote from: Salcha on June 17, 2010, 09:34:24 AM
i will write you personal msg 
I will personally put myself that you never got any help nor answer, since your rudness have no limits, shame on you.