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Major Issues of Valkyria 9x



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Major Issues of Valkyria 9x

Started by HouseIND, June 21, 2010, 03:18:33 PM

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Here again i am posting this not for Flaming or arguments . This is by far  global opinions from forum and I am Summing it up so that you guys get a good idea of whats going wrong and what can be fixed according to priority .

1. Raid Boss - Just make them the way they where
2. Olympiad - Just make them the way they where
3. Epics - Just make them the way they where / Allow subclassed chars to enter
4  Make Anti Bot - obviously everyone knows people bot at night / when jaila isnt online .
5. Fix the LolAttribute system you guys have , Make it like Normal Attribute system on Official
6. Fix Trex Exp

If all this is done , I think its a awsome server to play .

I follow these with some of my Suggestion which will make it even better

1. Just remove coin system , i think enough damage has been done . it just encourages solo farming and if you say it should be easy , make rbs normal and it will drop it , so that people will actually try make a party and kill it . Even if De/tys can kill...its fine ...even that requires 4-5 players

2.Make PVP zone for important RB's like Ember/Antharas/Frintezza/AQ/Zaken . For example , just the pathway which leades to frintezza npc ...

Ok , if these are done i think we can have 2k + online everyday and not  1000 online where 300 shops , 300 players and 300 bots are there...and 100 bored and afk like me :D

Good luck server , i am leaving maybe if some of these changes are made ill play here again . else bb l2 , ye I guess RL is way better :P


its to late to delete coin system.
boosted rb may stay, just decrase hp regen.
epics are too much stron like baium, too much dmg dude.



Quote from: k0dex on June 21, 2010, 03:22:50 PM
its to late to delete coin system.
boosted rb may stay, just decrase hp regen.
epics are too much stron like baium, too much dmg dude.



Hello guys,
It seems, house was faster :) I agree, this serwer is pretty bad. We might not be alone at this point of view. Here's some more important ideas:
1. No pvp!
A thing that makes any sense of playing this game at all. Its not important if we win or loose, we just need some action, and at this point there are few reasons, we figured out, that makes it impossible.
2. Epic boss setup
First time i see epic bosses that are impossible to kill after almost 2 months. Do you realy want us to gather 5 parties of s80 people just to kill baium ,when serwer population is 500p ? Not even mention, no stacksubs are allowed (no mutants!). Make it retail serwer like, and you will se some fights before boss spawn, some action.
3. Boosted Raid bosses
Same thing about them. At least, here we can take any adventages of stack subs, but come on, have you seen any fights about them? Its about quest golkondas too. There were 1 thing about DarkSide serwer i liked very much, fights about sub quest bosses. Anyone who played there, knows what i mean. Make it stronger and you will see results.
4. Olympiad system
I bet the basic idea, was to make farming oly impossible, but im afraid ,with such serwer population, making 50 fair fights are almost impossible. Just siting and waitng whole evenings to hopefuly find single fight?
5. Custom atributes settings
I have no clue what was the idea of messing with it. I just can notice that single mage class, is dealing about 5k dmg with vortex skill against a target with 0 atribute resist, while dealing 500 dmg againts 30 atribute value. Note that this mage has +150 atribute, and our lab rat has tateo jawlery. Its just me, or is it freaked up?
6. Walkers, L2C and coin system
First of all, coin system makes this serwer bot friendly, and also solo farming. Second, every one can find safe spot to farm them in peace, where's the action? If you really wants player life easier, just make quest reward x5, so farming quest would be faster (same way as on RPG club, i like that), and give us any chance to met enemy.
6. Other custom stuff
Or bugs? Missing items at shops, fortress, buffs working wrong way, lags, dawns and stuff. These are little things, but i guess you doesnt seem them making the whole picture good, do you?


Quote from: k0dex on June 21, 2010, 03:22:50 PM
its to late to delete coin system.
boosted rb may stay, just decrase hp regen.
epics are too much stron like baium, too much dmg dude.

true to coin system , but i guess it will get nuetralized with rbs dying more often and spoil/craft will happen more and also S rec are spoilable from FoG so i really think it will get nuetralized , it wont do more damage than like D weapons where tradable before fro 3k bronze coins where people made billions out of it and suddenly it was stopped and economy went for a toss . There are many people who exploited that . I say exploit because they made it unavailable for player post that.


U will see when ppl will start use cyclon/dod in siege/mass pvps what is really freaked up
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


about pvp spots, i miss old Blazing Swap pvps :)
Raids should be able to die vs 1 party of subbed ppl in A grade at least, so we can have those pvp's at boss's.
About epic pvps, Baium pvp kinda got fuked as soon as Gate chant came into the game... ppl rather w8 with their WC at toi13 than camp it. its just sad, but its what happens the most...


Quote from: HouseIND on June 21, 2010, 03:18:33 PM

4  Make Anti Bot - obviously everyone knows people bot at night / when jaila isnt online .

:D I know a few people that run some nice bot parties at night, even if i'm not on I know what's going on :) I won't give any more details but 2 bot parties going down tonight


Quote from: Diogo23 on June 21, 2010, 04:05:59 PM
about pvp spots, i miss old Blazing Swap pvps :)
Raids should be able to die vs 1 party of subbed ppl in A grade at least, so we can have those pvp's at boss's.
About epic pvps, Baium pvp kinda got fuked as soon as Gate chant came into the game... ppl rather w8 with their WC at toi13 than camp it. its just sad, but its what happens the most...
problem are ty/de
even if they got nerfed 10 times, reflect 10% added on rbs, they still outdamage other ppl and can kill without healing
most of the clan crying here make some ty/de , just they need more boss jewels to be more effective
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


I dont see any problem with tyr/de , plz dont change point of the topic

@jaila answer pms
@torn answer pms


Quote from: jailaa on June 21, 2010, 04:06:09 PM
:D I know a few people that run some nice bot parties at night, even if i'm not on I know what's going on :) I won't give any more details but 2 bot parties going down tonight
get a bot protector , and no one will bot and you wont loose 2 partys overnight  from server