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May I have an answer from authorities ?

Started by nietrzezwy, June 24, 2010, 04:54:23 AM

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first try yourself and then come with wannabe smart replies, guys.

Just now tested:
HE 78lvl with Draconic Bow + DC light - PP buffs(no POF) about 3,5k ptk

test target: PP 77 in devotion set - 330 PDEF !!!! - buff set: acumen,ww,zerk,shield, gr.shield

normal hits 200-250dmg
critical hits 500-600dmg

problem is, EVERY single hit had shield success ..even from BACK :) ..PP had no shield buffs btw

shield off:
normal hits: 400-500
critical hits: 1000+

well still not so much into devotion :p

L2 life: Infinity 5x
August 2005 - October 2008
thank you all ppl for this great adventure

Thnks fr th Mmrs


Quote from: Phate on June 24, 2010, 09:55:42 AM
first try yourself and then come with wannabe smart replies, guys.

Just now tested:
HE 78lvl with Draconic Bow + DC light - PP buffs(no POF) about 3,5k ptk

test target: PP 77 in devotion set - 330 PDEF !!!! - buff set: acumen,ww,zerk,shield, gr.shield

normal hits 200-250dmg
critical hits 500-600dmg

problem is, EVERY single hit had shield success ..even from BACK :) ..PP had no shield buffs btw

shield off:
normal hits: 400-500
critical hits: 1000+

well still not so much into devotion :p
WTB Devotion set +6, pm mi plix  :D

Noob and Beyond


Quote from: jailaa on June 24, 2010, 09:47:59 AM
We didn't want anyone to know this until we have the correct numbers in terms of damage, but Torn did consider a redo of pvp damage. However this requires a LOT of testing as we don't want to just set random % of + or - damage.

I am a little busy IRL for the next week so I doubt it will be done sooner than in 2 weeks but we are considering a full redo of the +, - in % of physical skills, physical attack, magical skills. We'll try to match it as much as possible to official numbers.

Yes Nietrezezwy it's true, I have not pvp'ed at low lvl for a LOOOOOONG time, it's been probably 3-4 years so I can't say if the damage is correct or not.

From personal experience:
HE lvl 80 full s-grade + aq/baium should be hitting ~1.5 - 2k damage crits on full s-grade mage ( all considering full buffs ofc). And a nuker should be doing 700-1k normal damage to 2.5-3k crits at 20% m crit rate on full buffs. Of course these numbers are not accurate, it's just an estimate. Getting all the damage correct is not something easy, considering we have DN subs  where you have nukers with deflect arrow and archers with passive mdef, it's not something easy to do and someone will always think they're not doing enough damage or someone is doing too  much damage to them.

To an already bad pvp system element stones were added who made things even MORE complicated. Yes, it's work in progress, with little time from the GM's to do this.

http://www.l2calc.co.nr/ here it is ... setup a HE lvl 80 DB+f, Drac Light, full buffs ... combat calculations vs clone, without boss jwlry

Damage dealt in 1379 pdef from a HE with 3333 patk ( full buffs) no boss jewelry
337-372 normal hit  and 1847-2041  critical ( this is without chant of protection, nukers with deflect arrow etc) ... add AQ + Baium = 2441-2699

Ok this damage is a little too much and it's before the "fix" to dw,chant of fire and other crit power buffs who had a small nerf

Maybe u could consider also adding 3rd buff line for dances/songs. When ppl will get attributes, dmg will become much bigger and they wont have space for songs/dances against attr. I know how to buff myself with only 2 buff lines but dont forget that here u have substack system so u have twice more selffbuffs, toggles and ofc DN potions. I can easily overbuff myself with 3 buff lines (only with usefull stuff) so why I need to pick up only few ?
Why it cant be like on normal server ?


to jailla -

well everyone who played on other servers knew u made here some custom dmg reduction in pvp. It was pretty obvious.
As it seems for me this dmg reduction affects only normal hits, NOT skills. That why mages hit so hard and for bow user its almost impossible to winn vs mage on equal buffs, lvl and gear. Here comes my question to admins - is it true or no?

Just look how almost all here play mages, exept de/ty. To be true, this server has some true problems, but i like it anyway. Mostly bc of ppl like Phatee, etc...
What i wanted to say, pls consider your dmg reduction in pvp and try to balance it. Would be great if we will have some fighter playing and sometimes even winning pvp.
And last this is not cry post, its just my point of view and after all those years of playing and many experience from others Hellbound servers i see the diference.
Anyway its on you guys admins, owners if u want have better server or u think its ok as it is.

ps : Pls ppl who want make smart answer like, learn to buff, buy better gear, use protections, .... spare your time. All those things Phatee knows and to be honest much better then wannabe smart mages in this topic ever will know.


mage damage is weird too, i have a mage ingame with a som+a, i was buffed with empower / dances + propechy of water, fighting vs another mage with prophet buffs i was doing 150 damage on hurricane. dunno what resists he had or w/e but that's not normal .. 143 damage is NOT normal, you heal 150+ with battle heal :)


Quote from: jailaa on June 24, 2010, 11:42:37 AM
mage damage is weird too, i have a mage ingame with a som+a, i was buffed with empower / dances + propechy of water, fighting vs another mage with prophet buffs i was doing 150 damage on hurricane. dunno what resists he had or w/e but that's not normal .. 143 damage is NOT normal, you heal 150+ with battle heal :)

weird things here -

1 sps tanking golkonda (even if he is mage/tank, he is in robe )
2 archer hitting Golkonda for same dmg as when he hitted mage (do mages have pdef like Golkonda or wtf)
3 when i subbed to sps for funn i went to cata 40 lvl and had whole room on me. Survived easily and killed whole room at once faster then destro on same lvl.

i think there is too much love for mages here :P


Quote from: flagur on June 24, 2010, 11:53:58 AM
weird things here -

1 sps tanking golkonda (even if he is mage/tank, he is in robe )
2 archer hitting Golkonda for same dmg as when he hitted mage (do mages have pdef like Golkonda or wtf)
3 when i subbed to sps for funn i went to cata 40 lvl and had whole room on me. Survived easily and killed whole room at once faster then destro on same lvl.

i think there is too much love for mages here :P

there is no "love" for mage. neither torn or descent play here, I am only a jailer and personally i prefer archers / dagger as playstyle too. consider me as just a player. it's just that some of the changes made on DN for a while now have been made regarding to TOP tier pvp ( dynasty / icarus etc).

Unfortunately some of these changes got to valkyrie: changes to archers were made on NM / Dragon where icarus bows + normal attack speed were present. That fix for balance affected lower lvl damage: for archers with DB vs mages with dc set.


nietrzezwy, +1 to your topic.

I am not playing an archer, but I can tell that warrior classes got really nerfed power attack (don't mean stats, but the dmg itself). Jailaa said that Admins will try to re set the dmg to its original numbers, and hopefully we will have it very soon.
For now every damage is strange, and even though we have a substack system I strongly believe that reseting the dmg to original (like on retail servers) would be best for all.


p.s. Ive got dagger class on my sub
good things


also we are taking into consideration raid boss fix:

reflect phyisical melee - 90%
return to normal + 10% pdef/mdef/boost --- remember guys you still have dnsubs here so ..

and if that's not enough to stop ty/de to solo farm them we'll add more

don't come crying about other melee classes .. there are 3 more that can attend raids: daggers / ty + glad .. daggers do better damge with physical skills that do not reflect and i think we can go past the ty/glads damage, they don't bring much raid damage with normal skills anyway .. and they can always rely on boosted skills for damage.


Orklany, Sebes and many other :D


In my eyes the only thing that's miscalculated with mages are the attribute system.
I mean howmany more dmg does surrender do? and howmuch does seed of fire/water/wind increase? and freakin much does vortex do... not to mention that i havent seen vortex sludge/buster yet.

Dont reply with take the right resistance buffs and so on cause i know its a huge difference. But still ask urself why does like 80% of the server plays a mage? because its not OP or something?. Srsly i dislike playing a mage but i'm like 'afraid' making a tank since i got a feeling it'll die just as fast as any other class with m def passives...

Hope they'll figure something out...


I am not in disagreement with you Fade. Most people made nukers because they are so easy to level even with c-grade armor and b-grade weapon compared to an archer / dagger or what else.