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To Torn

Started by 2nFear, July 01, 2010, 01:12:12 PM

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Quote from: Torn on July 01, 2010, 01:04:04 PM
Notice: Baium is decressed to fit current situation and power on server, after a while it will be back to normal power. (<<<<After next reboot)
What do u mean by saying decreased? He's weaker than normal? So you're allowing some people get boss jewels easier and other harder? Correct me if I'm wrong please.

And what about cursed weapons?

Waiting for answer.


how come now is easier and later would be harder?
now, not everyone is subbed, not everyone is eq with s grades  , so Baium will be a chalenge and it will be possible to kill
later, ppl will be subbed, everyone will wear s grades, so baium will go back to normal and it will still be a challenge+will be possible to kill it.

Maybe you don;t understand that server hasnt got 3k players+  ;]
good things


Quote from: Akira on July 01, 2010, 05:44:40 PM
how come now is easier and later would be harder?
now, not everyone is subbed, not everyone is eq with s grades  , so Baium will be a chalenge and it will be possible to kill
later, ppl will be subbed, everyone will wear s grades, so baium will go back to normal and it will still be a challenge+will be possible to kill it.

Maybe you don;t understand that server hasnt got 3k players+  ;]

baium decreased to current situation, thats mean that players which famred coins at the beginning of server for get good equipment now can easy kill baium, read ==> that guys which have good gears and are subbed will get now thones of baium rings then baium will be increase and they still will be able to kill baium without problems, but normal players and  weaker clans will not have any chance to kill him or even compete with best clans atm; is it balance? - or only way for get better equip for clans in which are playing GMs and let them be stronger and stronger day by day?

To be honest, it is bullshit, leave it like it was, baium cant be easy to kill especialy on server where are stack subs

Next hint: increase respawn for big bosses like it is on off or in 2 months all players in 1 clan will have 2 baiums rings and other epics, is that fun?

No, i dont cry here I play for fun, i even do not thinking about killing any normal RB, just think how fast you want to destroy this server just because some people will have easier than others, is that normal?

>>>> Fin4lFate <<<<

Cazumi SS/SS
Cheops SD/GS
Belhiar SM/WR
Bufinia PAL/PP



Mate are you in such clan? : )

today, after the fix, enclave tried to kill Baium  - they failed.
After them ExCidIum tried, or is trying now... (they had to kill only 50% of baium's HP, afaik, cuz of enclave's failure)

so it's not that easy to kill it now.
good things


Quote from: Akira on July 01, 2010, 10:02:50 PM
Mate are you in such clan? : )

today, after the fix, enclave tried to kill Baium  - they failed.

they always fail :D
Caty - BP/DA - Nobl


9 vs 9 enclave pt vs your lolclan party plizz, let's see who always fail.


lol in terms of PvP i have big respect to Enclave, so dont say silly things :)


well we failed and exci suceed gz to them.. why we failed? only 2 pt on boxes, only 2 bishops. Exci killed it longer but they succed bcos they had alot of mage/healer and they could res all the time etc. gz again.


Quote from: Akira on July 01, 2010, 10:02:50 PM
Mate are you in such clan? : )

today, after the fix, enclave tried to kill Baium  - they failed.
After them ExCidIum tried, or is trying now... (they had to kill only 50% of baium's HP, afaik, cuz of enclave's failure)

so it's not that easy to kill it now.
Who the fck told u getting epic jewels will be easy?U still cant kill epic bosses that's mean that u still dont deserve epic jewels.Ahh sorry i'm wrong.. the only epic u can kill is QA using 'mega bug' ;)
Tell me who are u and where have u been playing before ?  :P


C o r r u p t i o n.    A g a i n  -  s a m e  -  s h i t  -  a s  -  a l w a y s.

About baium power one thing to say - you wan't baium? D o n a t e

One Live

Quote from: Kerth on July 02, 2010, 01:50:50 AM
C o r r u p t i o n.    A g a i n  -  s a m e  -  s h i t  -  a s  -  a l w a y s.

About baium power one thing to say - you wan't baium? D o n a t e

Keep dreaming, no wai theres any corruption on the server lol...
Back to DneT ;]
- Owned ? ^^

Sunchi - DED
Ascarina - DED
Teleusz - DED
Sinia - DED

WhiteChocolate - ON
Engel - ON


Quote from: Akira on July 01, 2010, 10:02:50 PM
Mate are you in such clan? : )

today, after the fix, enclave tried to kill Baium  - they failed.
After them ExCidIum tried, or is trying now... (they had to kill only 50% of baium's HP, afaik, cuz of enclave's failure)

so it's not that easy to kill it now.

Server wasn't restarted when Enclave and Excidium went to kill baium. Basically they killed the "buffed" Baium :).