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Is it true abaut deleting mutants on infinity???? - Page 2



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Is it true abaut deleting mutants on infinity????

Started by greg270, July 01, 2010, 07:34:46 PM

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The bigest adventage of this server r tattos and stacked subsystem including mutants This gives this server advantage.
Make it unique.

Personally i dont have mutant 80+, but my clan members have it..
and i saw how much work they put to make this char... Some of them started year ago.

Many LS puted to get dremed augumentation, many bos to enchant skills.

ONE Question. Drake Knew abaut this mutants long time ago. So why then he didnt told its not alowed to make such mutants
,ppl wouldnt do it if they knew if will be deleted or baned!!

Fix skills other bugs, many of them on server, dont take away ppl their characters, thing wich everybody loves in MMOrpg games


Quote from: oxigan on July 02, 2010, 05:43:20 PM
What about allowing all bots and walkers 'n stuff, just in case to save the server? That fcks up the rest of all fair players aswell right? Don't see no one care about that ...

U'r not thinking in the good way.One thing is to allow an ilegal software and another one is to allow mutants.If they use X combo to bot it's not my problem,neither urs,but GMs problem.They should be seeking and banning'em instead of all the shit they do in Dragon,in NM they don't do anything,and dunno'bout Infy.

I'm against L2W and so,I prefer to play in a server with 100 fair ppl instead of 100 fair and 300 botters.


i'm against bots too.

Want good server, with all warking class skills:)

But mutants Yes.Yes


Quote from: Sephiroth on July 02, 2010, 03:30:12 PM
I gotta say I love WC/SWS and BD/PP,very useful,and it's pretty nice to have the chance to make "hybrids",funnier to play,tho some combos r OP.
it's for all mutants, wich was maked with bug and 80+
p.s. hope my pp/bd will not wipe ;p

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Drake said that all mutants will be abled to be lvled to lvl85 like the rest, I really cant see why they cant all go to lvl 85, i would think only an idiot would try & use his char in oly, its easy to work out who is mutant, plus it should be easy to stop them entering the oly.
I have 3 dwarf mutants & I love using them, I will be very upset about losing them, to be honest with all the bots on here the server is really getting bad, & if my chars are wiped I may consider moving to another server after 4 years, just let all mutants go to lvl 85 & stop them going to oly, or give permanent bane if go oly.
I hope you realise that if you wipe one side of the mutant & give him a horn we can never make the same char again on that char to lvl 80, as if you necro for instance then you wont be able to get the same 3rd class skills again, the only fair way is to leave the mutant at lvl 80.
I cant see why we all cant go to lvl 85, drake will make tons money every needing FS.
I hope we get our BOG back also if you delete the chars.
This server is really going down hill fast no wonder so many my friends have left.
ty/dest, bd/se, nec/pp, th/pp, he/pp, ty/he, ol/nec, bd/pp, sws/wc, bp/wk, wc/bd, ol/bd, tyr/sp, nec/ee, nec/ee,th/sws, th/sws, th/pal, tyr/pali,Glad/Pali, sps/ee,nec/sorc,sh/se


stop dramatize ppl, make normal char's and enjoy it ...

Someone wrote that ppl made char mutant 1 year ... it's just lol for me ....


If you dislike @ topicstarter, join offical or another server.
Mutants shouldn't even exist, yes they do and as Norther told, drake wrote right after they will be sooner or later deleted.

Either you accept or leave, stop complain why DN should keep them or not.

- Lianie*


>Mutants shouldn't even exist, yes they do and as Norther told, drake wrote right after they will be sooner or later deleted.

Yes I agree that drake said that & he also said he would make them lvl 85 at one time.
You may as well say subs should not exist either because there not on normal server but my point is the people here like the double sub system & grown to love the mutants, there are so many mutants on here I would hate to guess how many, now if most people hated that system they would have left the server a long time ago, but they diidnt, like me they decided to embrace the changes & enjoy them, I have at least 10 mutants, 3 of them are bugged dwarves, I really cant see the problem with using mutants, its not like everyone cant make one if they want one, its just some people arnt prepared to do the hard work & do the retail & all they do is complain because someone might have a differnt char than them, we have had mutants a long time now, they should be use to them by now.
If the problem is bugged & mutants in oly surley you guys can do a little programming to stop them entering in there.
I love my mutants & I worked hard to get them, plz dont delete them.
ty/dest, bd/se, nec/pp, th/pp, he/pp, ty/he, ol/nec, bd/pp, sws/wc, bp/wk, wc/bd, ol/bd, tyr/sp, nec/ee, nec/ee,th/sws, th/sws, th/pal, tyr/pali,Glad/Pali, sps/ee,nec/sorc,sh/se


Mutants were the production of a bug , and bugs have to be fixed , deal with it.
Also considering it was said since the begin they'll be deleted sooner or later...even tho' It took 4 years...
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


mutants give almost power of 2 available classes to play


Will this "fix" be applied on all servers? And what about:

1) bogs;
2) retail quests?
"ПроÑ,,ессор Mijamoto!  Ð' прикидывании дурачком, лукавсÑ,ве и заумныÑ... высказыванияÑ... Ñ,ебе неÑ, равныÑ...!"
ИмÑ...о, Mijamoto адекваÑ,нее и разумнее большей часÑ,и населения русской веÑ,ки.[img]

DNx15 / l2inc - Dievs, Stalingrad
HRx25 - Dievs, Severance



mutants r produce of bug , but its not ppl fault that bug exist, so fix the bug that ppl cant make it.
dont punish ppl , its not their FAULT!!! that wouldnt be Fair.

Anyway its subsystem server , so ppl can mix subs how they want, no point of punish some ppl who choose other classes between races. Ppl have free will , and like be threaded in equal way. All want have 85 level. All want decide wich class want to play.