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Awesome fixes.

Started by ChujoZord, July 04, 2010, 06:35:56 PM

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Quote from: Kerth on July 05, 2010, 12:30:03 PM

PS: "this post will be deleted in 5... 4..."

3...2..  ;D ;D
Infinity x5                                                      
Moondust - SR/SWS Nobless                          
iMEXX - SPS/EE Nobless                              


Quote from: Kazuki on July 05, 2010, 12:19:02 PM
No need to pvp to see that there is a problem here...  and i was not talking about the fact they were doing 50dmg but for me, 100-200 is wrong too since you don't even have yet attributed armor

So again. The problem is, exci have ONLY mages, so enclave can fight vs them with full resist buffs, since they dont have to use p def buffs, chant of protection, p def song archer resist dance/song and so on. So they have enough buffslots for EVERY fkin resists ---> they have maybe more resist than others with full attributed sets. Since exci have like 5 or more pt, if 2 of this pts would be archers or even daggers, enclave would be easy frag for them enclave they have less ppl...

On the road again. :D


Quote from: Toszi on July 05, 2010, 12:32:54 PM
So again. The problem is, exci have ONLY mages, so enclave can fight vs them with full resist buffs, since they dont have to use p def buffs, chant of protection, p def song archer resist dance/song and so on. So they have enough buffslots for EVERY fkin resists ---> they have maybe more resist than others with full attributed sets. Since exci have like 5 or more pt, if 2 of this pts would be archers or even daggers, enclave would be easy frag for them enclave they have less ppl...
Problem isn't buff slot.
If dance/song were on 3rd line as they should be, anybody could have all resist anyway so for me, it's not that much of an argument even if on this lame server, dance/song aren't yet on 3rd line.

You're telling me you have full resist buff, which is certainly true but you still forget that you don't have yet attributed armor, which would give you a lot more resist.

Honestly, imagine if you have attributed armor, a mage full buffed (exci or not, who cares) will hit you for like 40-50 dmg maybe without even party UD.
Do you really find that damage normal when the mage hitting you have full m.atk buff and attributed weapon ?
Personally i don't.

Anyway i think too that this server is dead, it's way too modified from official which of course make ridiculous things happens.
Plus the Bug Section seems totally ignored since there have been bug reported that would just need like on digit change to get fixed but are still here after 3 weeks.
RB are most likely all freaked up between boots/drop etc... yesterday we even killed a RB that supposedly lvl up SC but didn't when it took us 40-60min to kill it with 2 pts full buffed (one mage, one fighter with de/ty ofc)

Just an epic fail for me.


omg..did u realized what are u crying about?
mages are still in ROBE witch has low pdef, and thats why tanks are in HEAVY set, make some tanks, agro the archers and u can kill them..not only mages. its not a pvp party like 9/9 mage in 1 pt  :D
archer > mage
u can check it on any other server also
sure, lets make the mages more pwzor, so they can kill any other char, and u cant kill them...  :D
why u have to cry if some enemy kill u? its not NM where u have immortal mages in DNET etc
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: Shilen on July 05, 2010, 12:59:08 PM
omg..did u realized what are u crying about?
mages are still in ROBE witch has low pdef, and thats why tanks are in HEAVY set, make some tanks, agro the archers and u can kill them..not only mages. its not a pvp party like 9/9 mage in 1 pt  :D
archer > mage
u can check it on any other server also
sure, lets make the mages more pwzor, so they can kill any other char, and u cant kill them...  :D
why u have to cry if some enemy kill u? its not NM where u have immortal mages in DNET etc
It's funny comment made by archer, they all find normal that archer make 8-10times more dmg than mage ^^
I know archer>mage but there is limit to everything you know ? or do you get boner when you hit mage for 1.2k and he hit you for 120 ?

As it is, archer don't even need bishop in pvp, a pp is enough to heal seeing the lame damage mages do... or even better, an OL so they don't even loose HP xD


Nope. Exi started cry because they start pvp with Enclave. With Infinity was easy, because they haven't got protections.

Now its good, like u saw at Baium. Your nukker pt its hard to kill, too much ress chars. BTW, like i said its hard to even have full rezist on you in ARCHER pt, because archer pt need more buffs, so 24 slot its not much. You take lesson, and start to curse us, not spam f1 like on aden siege :P. Nukker pt , need 16-18 slot to buff and rezist, Archer need much more:

For Example:
Protect on archer: (COP;30%, Windstorm 20%, EarthSong)
Protect on Nukker: (Magic barier, Mental shield(for curse), Elemental protection (atribute), UnholyRezistance (dark), SongOfWarding (mdef), SongOfElemental (for atribute), DanceOfAquaGuard (for water), SongOfStormGuard(Wind) )

Add to this protection how many buffs need to be in Archer pt, for example nukker only need, Acumen,Shield,Cov,Conc,Mistic,Siren,Reneval,Emp,WM,BOA, and few song of protection.

Dont write sh1ts that u make on us 70 dmg, maybe when we have PartyUD, u also use it. ormal hits its by 250-300 when we have FULL REZIST, but when we even lose 1 buff u make hits by 600-700. You whant hit for 1k++? Guys its nukker pt, u make 2x faster hits, so with hits by 1k i dont even write about magic Critics Nukk pt will smash all.

Archer pt dont make all the time critical hits, so its many hits for 200-250, than crt by 1k, or less if you hit Nukker/Tank.

Chujozord stop write sh1ts or learn l2, if u whant reduce Atribute - ok, but also reduce Windstorm to 10% and ChantOfprotection to 20% and we can fight.


Quote from: Navaro on July 05, 2010, 01:42:42 PM
For Example:
Protect on archer: (COP;30%, Windstorm 20%, EarthSong)

Wrong, we have attributes.


Quote from: Bav3 on July 05, 2010, 11:10:34 AM
y and they have icarus +10 baium+qa ::)

No idea maybe they have :D this is DragonNetwork place where is all possible
Maybe bow just look like carnage and its icarus we can;t know :D
Or maybe they have boss set
Money make the world go round


Quote from: Kazuki on July 05, 2010, 01:35:19 PM
It's funny comment made by archer, they all find normal that archer make 8-10times more dmg than mage ^^
I know archer>mage but there is limit to everything you know ? or do you get boner when you hit mage for 1.2k and he hit you for 120 ?

As it is, archer don't even need bishop in pvp, a pp is enough to heal seeing the lame damage mages do... or even better, an OL so they don't even loose HP xD

maybe u should use a bit stronger weapon than homu  :D
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: Shilen on July 05, 2010, 02:09:51 PM
maybe u should use a bit stronger weapon than homu  :D
Another stupid comment, next one ?

I wasn't even here in Aden siege... but i'm sure exci where hitting you with apprentice rod, so that's why they were only hitting you for 120, how could i miss that ?

P.S: i just saw MasterGhost soloing Baium... another proof this server is totally freaked up.


Quote from: Bav3 on July 05, 2010, 02:28:29 PM
u kill us only when we are out of mana
while archer dont have mana problem
thats why our lovely NCSoft made the skill "Recharge"  ::)
just a reminder, on offical server they dont have mana pots (i know there isnt stacksub and bugs etc, but it doesnt matter i think)
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: Bav3 on July 05, 2010, 02:28:29 PM
u kill us only when we are out of mana
while archer dont have mana problem
QQ mister dane of blajdstor iz buged.
stop shiting me boy. yesterday you had plenty of l2w rechargers at your back. so cry me a river of tears huge like facking missisipi.

we kill you regardless you have or dont have mana.