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WTF... Iget banned for????



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WTF... Iget banned for????

Started by czarrrek, July 09, 2010, 08:48:31 AM

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It's not other fokin crying topic.... i was doing retail q for like a week on 2 chars, and i stop playing on july 4, and i get banned for??? any explonation, or something, coz i wasn't seen any post on forum and any of gm's do not pm in game last time when i was log, today i log to game and boooom... all chars layng down + my spoil  witch i wasn't use for log time... i wanna replay from admin site coz what i see that server after vacation will be empty...


Quote from: czarrrek on July 09, 2010, 08:48:31 AM
It's not other fokin crying topic.... i was doing retail q for like a week on 2 chars, and i stop playing on july 4, and i get banned for??? any explonation, or something, coz i wasn't seen any post on forum and any of gm's do not pm in game last time whan i was log, today i loog to game and boooom... all chars layng down + my spoil  wich i wasn't use for log time... i wanna replay from admin site coz what i see that server after vacation will be empty...
Better would be if you give Admins the nickname fof ur chars. So they will be able to check what was the reason.

ExCiDiuM <3
Chujozord - DE/PAL
CrazyJoe - PR/PAL
Unloco - BP/WC
PanPijak - NE/EE
Cherry SORC -> ES/EE


Quote from: ChujoZord on July 09, 2010, 08:50:37 AM
Better would be if you give Admins the nickname fof ur chars. So they will be able to check what was the reason.
better :P


Protocol's bans, probably walker


I bet u were botting for 2 days non stop and u got caught  ;D
Car of my dreams <3



Quote from: jailaa on July 09, 2010, 09:27:01 AM
Protocol's bans, probably walker
yeah and i was boting retail rb's LOL common u always saying l2w i wanna hear realy reson omg...
i told u that i wasnt play couple days, bla bla bla and i was doing retail q when i supoust to use l2w xD i wanna replay from thorn or protocol. Coz they HAVENT ANY RESON ATO BAN ME !!!!


Quote from: Bav3 on July 09, 2010, 11:59:53 AM
and how u enjoy game with so much donations? ::)
you are noob but +1 for you


Quote from: czarrrek on July 09, 2010, 04:17:44 PM
yeah and i was boting retail rb's LOL common u always saying l2w i wanna hear realy reson omg...
i told u that i wasnt play couple days, bla bla bla and i was doing retail q when i supoust to use l2w xD i wanna replay from thorn or protocol. Coz they HAVENT ANY RESON ATO BAN ME !!!!
Prolly you are boting there  ;D
Isn't there script for TOI RB's boxes?  ::)





Quote from: zippobg on July 10, 2010, 09:21:59 AM
Prolly you are boting there  ;D
Isn't there script for TOI RB's boxes?  ::)
and i was getting bosses over the week on scripts ye?? think first then writte, any way i have no repley from any other gm than jailla who don't know waht happend so as i said they can do wchat ever they want... exidium usung wall hacks, exploits now even bug baium and gm's do nothing soo exidium will play alone here, i give up with server and some other my firend also, keep doing ur job gm so server will be dead;)

Ps. Start fixing bugs, and put some bot protection like on other servers thay did and stop judege inocent ppl without reason to ban... see no replay from other gm's so u can say that thay give sh1t from other players to not give any anwsers.... GL & HF :)