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Antifeed oly feature



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Antifeed oly feature

Started by nolimits, July 13, 2010, 03:59:55 AM

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I was wondering if you could implement "Olympiad announcements". Higher chronicles have this feature implemented from NCsoft.
It is working in simple way: when players are teleported inside of olympiad arena, Grand Olympiad Manager NPC in every town shout: "Olympiad match begin in 30 seconds in arena 1"

In my opinion it will reduce hidden feeding when 5 guys check that noone is registered and spend whole evening by feeding unseen, also it would save lot of time for random persons which are waiting for oly and also it would bring more spectators etc.

poll added so ppl show your opinion.

Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


well my dorf friend, I must admit you have some good point here, but im afraid som1 have to tell it.... DN OLYMPIAD SUX bcos settings are from other servers, and on this other servers you  play oly on stacsub. So tell me, tell me where is the point to go to olympiad by normal supports, thay CANT win 30 fights. Yep, they can win 1 or 2 fights, thats why ncsoft made it 9 fights and 1 win. This olympiad is dead, only feed feed feed, noobstyle, you killed one of the most beautyfull part of this game.

And some kind of retard will say: just go and feed also. I say no, its wasting of my time and Im not noob to play olympiad for noobs...


Quote from: k0dex on July 13, 2010, 08:55:35 AM
well my dorf friend, I must admit you have some good point here, but im afraid som1 have to tell it.... DN OLYMPIAD SUX bcos settings are from other servers, and on this other servers you  play oly on stacsub. So tell me, tell me where is the point to go to olympiad by normal supports, thay CANT win 30 fights. Yep, they can win 1 or 2 fights, thats why ncsoft made it 9 fights and 1 win. This olympiad is dead, only feed feed feed, noobstyle, you killed one of the most beautyfull part of this game.

And some kind of retard will say: just go and feed also. I say no, its wasting of my time and Im not noob to play olympiad for noobs...
+1, GMs should set 9/1 oly system again (or at least something like 15/5)
its ok that for eg u can win 30 matches with bp/wk, pp/he, es/ee etc, but here isnt stacksub on oly. here u cant win 30 mtaches with a PP or EE or any healer/buffer etc. even with nuke augment is impossible
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: Shilen on July 13, 2010, 10:17:57 AM
+1, GMs should set 9/1 oly system again (or at least something like 15/5)
its ok that for eg u can win 30 matches with bp/wk, pp/he, es/ee etc, but here isnt stacksub on oly. here u cant win 30 mtaches with a PP or EE or any healer/buffer etc. even with nuke augment is impossible

Healers and buffers are oly farmers with nuke augments, they rape easily the ~80% of classes. The problem is with archers, songers, dancers, etc.

On the road again. :D


Quote from: k0dex on July 13, 2010, 08:55:35 AM
well my dorf friend, I must admit you have some good point here, but im afraid som1 have to tell it.... DN OLYMPIAD SUX bcos settings are from other servers, and on this other servers you  play oly on stacsub. So tell me, tell me where is the point to go to olympiad by normal supports, thay CANT win 30 fights. Yep, they can win 1 or 2 fights, thats why ncsoft made it 9 fights and 1 win. This olympiad is dead, only feed feed feed, noobstyle, you killed one of the most beautyfull part of this game.

And some kind of retard will say: just go and feed also. I say no, its wasting of my time and Im not noob to play olympiad for noobs...

+1  !
good things


Pure bullshit that pure support classes cant make 30 wins:
if they will start meeting same classes, they can win(stronger ones)
And if oly on valkyria is empty, this is not system problem, this is players attitude problem.


well guys, i must disagree with you about supports. with nuke auguments + good attribute in same element as nuke is you can do good dmg, only problem is not working mana burn (if its not fixed but dunno about that).

about 30/50 vs 1/9:  i got your point guys, but.... ppl with good exp/equip farms can easily make X nobless chars. at 1/9 system they can easily make X heroes! (my own experience on different private server with aproximately same population i made 4 heroes in 1 month easy).
i think that is wrong. on 30/50 system you have to put much more time and effort to get at least 1 hero.

anyway thanx to keeping on topic  ::) ;D
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Quote from: nolimits on July 13, 2010, 12:49:26 PM
well guys, i must disagree with you about supports. with nuke auguments + good attribute in same element as nuke is you can do good dmg, only problem is not working mana burn (if its not fixed but dunno about that).
true, but still not that good dmg like a nuker.
i mean hurricane 10 + lvl 9 attri < SH hurricane + lvl 9 attri
anyways, healer/support not supposed to be olympiad ownzor imo, and 50/30 is really much
not becuse noone playing oly, but because on a support u need feed to win 30 matches, its impossible to win them w/o feed
even with attributes, how will u win 30 matches with SWS or BD?
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: Shilen on July 13, 2010, 01:25:06 PM
true, but still not that good dmg like a nuker.
i mean hurricane 10 + lvl 9 attri < SH hurricane + lvl 9 attri
anyways, healer/support not supposed to be olympiad ownzor imo, and 50/30 is really much
not becuse noone playing oly, but because on a support u need feed to win 30 matches, its impossible to win them w/o feed
even with attributes, how will u win 30 matches with SWS or BD?

well sws/bd are kinda harder but ee/bp/se/pp are oly pwnzors. especialy against nukers. talking from own experience, last 2 years i spent on about 4-5 private servers comparable to DN and everywhere i had Hero with this classes (pp, ee, spoil) without feed. you have lower dmg with augu nuke than original nuker ofc, but dont forget you have extra buffs, heals, debuffs, etc. for example PP with S/S80 gear is very hard to kill for every class in oly. (well ok, tyr/glad/daggers have better chances ;) )
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Heh ppl u are talk about other servers... "last 2 years i spent on about 4-5 private servers comparable to DN and everywhere i had Hero with this classes " .... Dn its not the same ...u are write about nuk skills from Augu and any1 got it on Valkyria? yesterday i put Hurican in my AM and i can say only 2 words , its sux... re use on OL buffs  (self) is horrible, 30 sec or more, try to fight with that skill on Olympiad as EE or Bp , yee They have heal ..but how many damege u gives for example SpS with S set or tank + atribute resists .. 150? 200? u spend all of mana and do sh1t .... its about EE/Bp/Se  ... n/c for Bd/Sws coz dunno how they can win any match w/o feed ....
Sry for bad Eng :D but...i think all understand what i mean :) Cya


Quote from: Exyle on July 13, 2010, 05:58:26 PM
Heh ppl u are talk about other servers... "last 2 years i spent on about 4-5 private servers comparable to DN and everywhere i had Hero with this classes " .... Dn its not the same ...u are write about nuk skills from Augu and any1 got it on Valkyria? yesterday i put Hurican in my AM and i can say only 2 words , its sux... re use on OL buffs  (self) is horrible, 30 sec or more, try to fight with that skill on Olympiad as EE or Bp , yee They have heal ..but how many damege u gives for example SpS with S set or tank + atribute resists .. 150? 200? u spend all of mana and do sh1t .... its about EE/Bp/Se  ... n/c for Bd/Sws coz dunno how they can win any match w/o feed ....
Sry for bad Eng :D but...i think all understand what i mean :) Cya

bro with working mana burn sps will be out of mana loooong time before any EE/PP/BP. and reuse of nuke augu is same here as everywhere else, and about damage... jsut fill that weapon with same element like augu (in your case hurricane so wind ele) and you will see.

wait month or two when i will have important chars finished and than i will make oly PP and show you ;)
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


hm, do active augments work on oly on valkyria?
or disabled, same as on other servers?