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Need help [Laptop/Netbook]

Started by Furesy, July 13, 2010, 03:39:49 PM

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acer aspire 1410 or 1810, not sure, anyway check this one with single processor
dunno if they still sell it or some new replacement came

p.s. dunno about 12' (1366*768), but i can tell you it's really uncomfortable to work (means writing in word and searching on web what to write) on 10' (1024*600), mostly because of screen height
however perfect for watching videos etc


for the goals u describe, I guess the only things u need to check are battery durations and weight....

I guess all laptops nowadays can be used for the targets you give :P
most feared nicks I played in the past:
-Zevzek NE/BD
-velet HE/SWS
-veliahd PR/WK
-Aladinoz BP/PAL
-Icedearth BP/TK


Quote from: Furesy on July 13, 2010, 03:39:49 PM
Here we go again!

Well, I need one, as topic stated.

As I'll be spending most my 3rd uni year in foreign countries I'll be needing a laptop. Yet, I know shit of it, so can't really decide that well, nor know what is good or not, I have been looking around on the net quite a bit though.

I got a few preferences, such as;
- My budget is around 400 euro (can be a little over it) as I won't need it for gaming, neither do I want to spend much money on this.
- I don't want an ubersized laptop, I'm more going towards the netbooks, though I think 10" is a little too small (for typing large reports etc. for uni) so e.g. - between 11" and 14" would be cool.
- My main preferences would be the ability to multitask a bit, like having music playing, browsing, MS Word, MSN etc. without having much delay.
- Apart from the above, I want it to be able to play HD movies (downloaded ones especially, 1080p) movies on youtube can be 720p but prefer full HD anyway.

I recently found the Asus 1201N and 1201PN, from which I preferred the 1201N since it had a dual core proc. but that one has been taking out of stock and doesn't seem to be coming back. I can still buy the 1201PN but I'm not sure. Both are 12.1" which seems to be a great size.

That's about it I think, I know most here know more about PC's than I do, so any advice?
Im also looking for a laptop and my criterias are 90% the same like urs,ive also stopped at 1201N atm but still searching :P
Got any good site for online ordering btw?
Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


take the acer aspire 5738ZG works fine its also able to play normal games, Msn Ms,Word icq, xFire bla bla everything works without delays :)

<3 Bassy

Es/Pw is  the real power Reloaded Bass is Back
ShockEffect >>> ty/pal <3

http://www.myvideo.de/watch/6719938/Mein_18 DANCEE WITH ME SOMEBODY!!! :D:D:D:D


Quote from: IvolveR on July 14, 2010, 04:21:08 PM
Im also looking for a laptop and my criterias are 90% the same like urs,ive also stopped at 1201N atm but still searching :P
Got any good site for online ordering btw?
I'm only using 1 site, since it's company of a friend and I'm getting discount there, it's Dutch site though :P

It seems the 1201N is getting back in stock in august though, so I might be getting that one afterall! (hopefully silver one)