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reasson of bann?:O



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reasson of bann?:O

Started by za, July 22, 2010, 09:35:18 AM

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can u pls tell me why i have ban on OneNightStand char? i wasn`t at baium so i dont understand.....and other ppl was in that screen at baium dont get ban?



Quote from: za on July 22, 2010, 09:35:18 AM
can u pls tell me why i have ban on OneNightStand char? i wasn`t at baium so i dont understand.....and other ppl was in that screen at baium dont get ban?

We are loled ONS :)) WE got ban from antharas screen where we even didn't exploited ;D

ExCiDiuM <3
Chujozord - DE/PAL
CrazyJoe - PR/PAL
Unloco - BP/WC
PanPijak - NE/EE
Cherry SORC -> ES/EE


what does this mean?  GM picked random chars from exci and banned them? OMFG ......


Quote from: ChujoZord on July 22, 2010, 09:39:58 AM
We are loled ONS :)) WE got ban from antharas screen where we even didn't exploited ;D
this screen http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/8712/shot00090.png dont proves nothing,ppl from one clan stay near leader ,nothing more,even there not any proves what is a lair of antharas,
first time see so low skilled gms :)  mb better think how remove possibility using clan gates in rb lairs,not how ban ppl w/o reason...
look like corruption,or dear gms so angry cause havent enough expirience for control server,so better lose population :)
grats lol :P im not from exi ,just loled from shit which happen...
yea in rules allways will be on first place one little rule : GM ALLWAYS RIGHT AND CAN DO ALLWAYS WHAT WANNA !
also you wanna show what ppl should inform each other and will didnt got ban,if do same? :P or its just again you are so low skilled for check who exploit ,and who no?
questions very simple,answers too very simple ,think this see all...
DN x15
He/Pal  11x Hero 4x in row  :P again on
ty/de ,wc/bp OFF


I say it one more time.

If you  ever played at any serious l2 server, you would know, that for screens like this one you all would get perma anned without any discussions.

so keep qqing,  cry me river of tears "martyrs of bad GM'.


Nice GM have Valkiria wrrr :P

Arvilla ee/tk


Quote from: pigozord on July 22, 2010, 11:01:24 AM
I say it one more time.

If you  ever played at any serious l2 server, you would know, that for screens like this one you all would get perma anned without any discussions.

so keep qqing,  cry me river of tears "martyrs of bad GM'.
use brain sometimes :) if it happen with exi so same can happen and with everyone,so be ready :P
DN x15
He/Pal  11x Hero 4x in row  :P again on
ty/de ,wc/bp OFF


I use brain and it will never happen to me. we don't use cl gate at epics. see ya!


Quote from: pigozord on July 22, 2010, 11:01:24 AM
I say it one more time.

If you  ever played at any serious l2 server, you would know, that for screens like this one you all would get perma anned without any discussions.

so keep qqing,  cry me river of tears "martyrs of bad GM'.
The tard speaks again......."If you  ever played at any serious l2 server" <= you`re saying yes???? Than tell us dear tardzor,how the fack is your idea of SERIOUS l2 server??? There GM accepts for bans only half shotscreens with names covered????
   And if DN Network isn`t serious......why the hell you play here....and about us zerging you pls nigger keep your mouth shut couse you know shit about your members zerging us.......single example WOA with your pro`s archer unable to kill damn bishop and a sps ,at least not untill they brought 3 more people. So pls,at least shut the fack up about us zerging you mr Tardzor



yea, becouse sps and bishop are sooooo easyy to kill by one archer. lol.


Quote from: pigozord on July 22, 2010, 11:15:41 AM
yea, becouse sps and bishop are sooooo easyy to kill by one archer. lol.
Morron stop reading among lines......that was the point of what i said??? And you say to us kids,pffff go back to school men seriosly,read better it wasn`t only 1 archer...was pvp 2 vs 2 and lost 5 in a round.......so nigger pls



Quote from: pigozord on July 22, 2010, 11:07:58 AM
I use brain and it will never happen to me. we don't use cl gate at epics. see ya!
can i got any screen of yours clan? :) if you and gms think what screen like this one prove something,so will be proves for ban you too ,anyway gms cant check what is edit ,what is no :) if cant check logs ,so and its not in their expirience xDD
here all angels ,understand ,but ig when wanna win and have for exemple low online, you will do and exploit ,and cheats ,so please dont bla bla :P
DN x15
He/Pal  11x Hero 4x in row  :P again on
ty/de ,wc/bp OFF