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Started by Nanny, July 22, 2010, 11:29:43 PM

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I will use jaila`s words for you:  QQ moar, cry me a river.... ???


this all ban sux, U dont know hwat to do Jaila, its not work for Ya


for example :


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on July 23, 2010, 12:16:34 PM
isn't jaila decision.... if u don't know don't tell bullshit

So all GM dont have hard hand. They change their mind like a little girl. ANd make unfair decision


Quote from: .FiKsTyN. on July 23, 2010, 12:39:03 PM
So all GM dont have hard hand. They change their mind like a little girl. ANd make unfair decision

sadly there is some truth in that... changing punishment decission after massive crying of convicted suspects is lowering the authority of server staff

bending rules up and down like a girl over a chair along with forum/private cries does not make the best image of the rules authority. In fact it might encourage along with those involved also the others to behave like that again if they see that claimed punishments are bendable with cries reffering to this case as a precedence by which should be handled also others from now on.

...there might be expected some official statement by GM how exactly will be treated such situations in future for their own good

L2 life: Infinity 5x
August 2005 - October 2008
thank you all ppl for this great adventure

Thnks fr th Mmrs


Quote from: .FiKsTyN. on July 23, 2010, 12:39:03 PM
So all GM dont have hard hand. They change their mind like a little girl. ANd make unfair decision

Ok punish is punish but sohuld be fair for all...

It stinks much...


here is a little cheer up for the cryers
Jul 22 2010 10:50PM   CheruBy   -   NEVER!   ^Descent^   
i suppose u would be happy now atleast a bit

Game Over


Quote from: ThunderDome on July 23, 2010, 01:37:18 PM
here is a little cheer up for the cryers
Jul 22 2010 10:50PM   CheruBy   -   NEVER!   ^Descent^   
i suppose u would be happy now atleast a bit

well if it was just a cleaned char it doesnt mean pretty much anything.. exp char lvl 1 to 80 is matter of one day (in clean time)

so who knows if u r not laughing now to rest of server that The wolf has eaten and the goat remained whole  ;)

L2 life: Infinity 5x
August 2005 - October 2008
thank you all ppl for this great adventure

Thnks fr th Mmrs


Quote from: SmiteMe on July 23, 2010, 07:19:41 AM
And dont even get the earing :) And i think no one care about "lets give them 240h because they will need to defend castle".
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Quote from: godric on July 23, 2010, 09:53:43 AM
I am asking WHY they got smaller punishment than Crows! Crows=300h w/o earring, Exci=240h with ring...
And I hope gm will answer my question?
This is good point. Why punishments are different?  ::)


nah actualy was subbed char with nobless and items
so dont worry guys u didnt lose much atleast 1 person from exc1 got ban as ur wishes
atm there are only 2 3 active clans and immagine what happens if exc1 is gone too all others will start leave too so ye u must be happy that no matter why bann is changed and u will have with who to play

Game Over


Quote from: ThunderDome on July 23, 2010, 01:51:26 PM
nah actualy was subbed char with nobless and items
so dont worry guys u didnt lose much atleast 1 person from exc1 got ban as ur wishes
atm there are only 2 3 active clans and immagine what happens if exc1 is gone too all others will start leave too so ye u must be happy that no matter why bann is changed and u will have with who to play

as i said earlier, any losing number of active players is harm for server.
on the other hand dont twist the point. the matter is that this should not put the "bad users" into privileged position to say "be glad u got someone to play with" and continue exploiting.. coz thats dead end leading to anarchy :P.. or the other side wouldnt be exploiting, they leave having enough of being fooled and then u can exploit empty server, will u be happy to play then?

one way or another u should try think about the bigger picture and not being shortminded

L2 life: Infinity 5x
August 2005 - October 2008
thank you all ppl for this great adventure

Thnks fr th Mmrs


well as u remember at start was 2000 people playing
but since all used bots 80% got banned
and now play 500 people
one way or another server will be dead

Game Over