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wtf with cansel

Started by POUSEGAMANE, August 16, 2010, 11:46:15 PM

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Quote from: WindPhoenix on August 18, 2010, 12:30:31 AM
but we hit archers for 400 and they crit us for 2-3k. And a full buffed archer crits like once every two hits.

I don't speak for u ause you had dc set  :D but generally a good equipped mage with proper buff can't get more than 2k dmg from archer even if the archer is glady.I didn't say your hits do bigger dmg than the one u said (wo magic critical ofc) but in 1vs1 after few cancels and some heals a sps/ee can win anyone.


Quote from: VforVanilla on August 18, 2010, 12:55:23 AM
I don't speak for u ause you had dc set  :D but generally a good equipped mage with proper buff can't get more than 2k dmg from archer even if the archer is glady.I didn't say your hits do bigger dmg than the one u said (wo magic critical ofc) but in 1vs1 after few cancels and some heals a sps/ee can win anyone.
indeed, well said. after a few cancels and some heals. That is what a good sps/ee can do in 1 vs 1, but in mass pvp u dont have enough time. Except for long pvps, which are quite rare.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: POUSEGAMANE on August 16, 2010, 11:46:15 PM
track wtf with cansel...sps is overpower now..this server never have balance??if play in oly with a sws w/o sub is posible to lose..try to fix this sh1t..1 cansel -4 buffs 100% success WTF...

ill tell you 1 little secret: lineage will never be balanced, it will be more and more unbalanced with every new chronicle, even on official

so what you want from dragon-n0twork

Nightmare (30x)


WindPhoenix always said learn play...again learn play...again learn play...if that is the answer in ubnormal cansel ok...but play whatever char u want and play vs a sps/anythink...u will stop play l2...but u like to spam here coz u have sps so u like it...some years before u was QQing about orcs...nerfed orcs...after QQ for smth alse dont know dont care nerf it...now u r happy and dont care...pffff   ( sry for my english) btw some1 speak about no official....here isnt official...if we want official rules we will go to play there...
BarbieIssixy SOR/PP X-HERO
TheOnlyR1pper TY/WC NOBLES
JesseJaims HE/WLK
"Riders On The Storm"


Quote from: POUSEGAMANE on August 18, 2010, 01:39:30 AM
WindPhoenix always said learn play...again learn play...again learn play...if that is the answer in ubnormal cansel ok...but play whatever char u want and play vs a sps/anythink...u will stop play l2...but u like to spam here coz u have sps so u like it...some years before u was QQing about orcs...nerfed orcs...after QQ for smth alse dont know dont care nerf it...now u r happy and dont care...pffff   ( sry for my english) btw some1 speak about no official....here isnt official...if we want official rules we will go to play there...
I am sure if cancel would be removed or nerfed even more, but if so, then sps/xx will QQ. And the GM must somehow keep the ballance between floods of tears on the forum. And cancel must work, otherwise, why it exists?
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: VforVanilla on August 18, 2010, 12:55:23 AM
I don't speak for u ause you had dc set  :D but generally a good equipped mage with proper buff can't get more than 2k dmg from archer even if the archer is glady.I didn't say your hits do bigger dmg than the one u said (wo magic critical ofc) but in 1vs1 after few cancels and some heals a sps/ee can win anyone.

i have good eq and archers hit me good dmg and if archer now how to buff i hit very low w/o crits, i think serv is more balance than before u only need to know how to buff.

KrdO sh/se nobles - Hero x3 <--- ON
Krd0 sps/tk nobles - Hero x18 <--- ON
iShowtek se/sk - Hero x13
0rik bp/pal nobles
Cherrys ee/es - Hero x3
Limitededition ee/sws
And more....


Quote from: Ungolianth on August 18, 2010, 03:37:03 AM
ur wrong actualy me on my pr/bd with 6000 p attack was doin 2 k crits on temp tanks and 3 k crits on mages..on siege where ppl got fullbuffs..archers now do solid dmg also daggers, everytime when something dont fits some1 ppl whine about it now its rly good and balanced, if u get canceled scream for buffs again ;D
try dual my archer u noob
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: Ungolianth on August 18, 2010, 03:37:03 AM
ur wrong actualy me on my pr/bd with 6000 p attack was doin 2 k crits on temp tanks and 3 k crits on mages..on siege where ppl got fullbuffs..archers now do solid dmg also daggers, everytime when something dont fits some1 ppl whine about it now its rly good and balanced, if u get canceled scream for buffs again ;D
Sorry ungo but a tank with proper buff anti arrow is quite hard to hit 2k crit (only deavon can hit like that :O)


Quote from: Ungolianth on August 18, 2010, 03:37:03 AM
ur wrong actualy me on my pr/bd with 6000 p attack was doin 2 k crits on temp tanks and 3 k crits on mages..on siege where ppl got fullbuffs..archers now do solid dmg also daggers, everytime when something dont fits some1 ppl whine about it now its rly good and balanced, if u get canceled scream for buffs again ;D
I'm curious how you can crit like this - on mage with dc robe ??
I'm sh/bd and i'm getting crit max 1.5k from any pr/xx (hello Kharika and AbyssDancer :) ) so tell us your secret  :D  :P


it's just a matter of right buffs versus archers or versus mages, permitting in both case to go from 4k to 400 dmgs roughly. it's pretty much the same versus archers or mages ... and :

1) cancel can change it a bit (0, 1 or 2 buffs to overcome = not so much)
2) cancel is not "instant kill" skill contrarily to LS, silence, anchor ...
3) cancel can NOT be over-enchanted


well get -7 buffs whit 2,4k mdef ( dunno if it matters about cancel ) its no so balanced
plus i crit a sps/es 1,5k whit 6,8k patck so dont tell me that the game is balanced now


Quote from: Tabbox on August 18, 2010, 02:27:31 PM
well get -7 buffs whit 2,4k mdef ( dunno if it matters about cancel ) its no so balanced
plus i crit a sps/es 1,5k whit 6,8k patck so dont tell me that the game is balanced now
c4 xD
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)