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Started by Vinter, August 31, 2010, 04:56:06 PM

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Quote from: ShowStopper on August 31, 2010, 03:48:35 PM
vero verissimo ma su official nn ci sta gente ke dona anke 500 euro al mese x avere top items su official nn ci sono le sub
si continua a dire in official in official ma questo nn e' official e nn e' nemmeno realmente lineage2 xke' e' modificato
non puoi applicare le stesse regole di offcial su un server privato
e come ho detto prima se i donatori di dragon smetterano di donare voglio vedere come resteranno i server up visto ke l'affitto dei server so pagati in gran parte coi soldi  delle donazioni di dragon15x
Qui ci sta gente che mi da contro e dice ke sbaglio io ma forse e' anke normale se non sapete come funzionano alcune cose...

Some1 translate this please (request not to glasy or leonseo)

Quote from: Torn on August 31, 2010, 03:59:21 PM
Glasy get out of your shell and write it on English into the Valkyria general topic, you dude seriously have some brain damage inside you (A SERIOUS ONE), threating to players of Dragon-Network,just shows how big worm you are and that you should be fiered from DN long ago, you are 1 lame guy who is sadly a part of the Staff of this community, because of you A LOT players left DN and a lot more will leave because you have nothing left except your GM status in your life, if you have at least some dignity left leave this network and never come back, thats a vote of all players outside your clan.

Car of my dreams <3


Well thank u very much for translation, it would be even better if u could translate more of what happened in italian section.
Car of my dreams <3