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Started by WindPhoenix, September 02, 2010, 10:17:44 AM

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Can you plese post here or in announcements which are the things this update modified? So that we may know what changed over night. Thank you.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Frogy               Doomcryer/Dominator
SweetRevangE. Dorfzor ownzor
SaShaa             .Sps/sws
CrAzZyYhuhuh .Dorf Master  RIP


Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 02, 2010, 10:17:44 AM
Can you plese post here or in announcements which are the things this update modified? So that we may know what changed over night. Thank you.
bar bufs is change its sh it now !!!!!!!!!!!
IvennO - GL/PP      "Warriors fight to live, Gladiators fight to kill."
0vnerPL - Th/Pal


we where asking for more buffs slots and now we got 3 less xD
It seems to be like before... but it will be fixed cause, if u remember, GMs added a bonus of +1 buff slot on div inspiration skill. So they maybe forget to add it in this fix... QQ more im mage  ;D


Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Okey this isnt official yet thats why i am writing it here:

Look we were doing update till late last night and well drake have very serious personal issue today which he CANT delay! (thats why we didnt up things we wanted, flame blame swear w/e it wont change anything ) so we agreed to up servers with 1st level of uptdates better then keeping them 1 more (2) days down. I will write down some things that i know they are changed :

- As you all know we got new server few months ago Valkyria, well in order to bring to all servers updates we had to merge the code so we can apply all the updates for other servers too and still keep their things what they have, so this was a big task and this is fully done, we have basis now where we can update others (THIS IS WHAT HAS TO BE DONE)

- Dwarfed mutants/xmen look or however you called it is (should be) FINALLY fixed and disabled because they were screwing the database  badly, and well its said long ago they will be fixed, but okey now its done

- Orcs are not anymore Raidboos hunters ONLY , if you want to do a riad make a decent party (OF REAL PLAYERS) and kill it, you know everything about it what we changed, just read up.

- A lot skills got fixed and we made them to work as they should (will get a list later and post it)

- Daggers Dynasty and Icarus got (SA) critical damage , FIXED.

- Now we have implemented 2 new raids and 1 new TvT auto event , but because of drakes issue we didint up the client side for all players, basically i have it only atm. But tonight ill finish with drake those tests (i hope all will be allright with both drake and tests) and then we will up this thing too.


About things that are coming are quite nice too, will happen also during the Sept.: We found more then 15 new areas/dungeons (i showed to my GM staff , is REALLY NICE) that will be unlocked 1 by 1 with new content inside (you will like it), more then 9 new radis that will be implemented (idea is each week 1 raid but we will see yet), those new raids wont be as the one u expected you will need more then zerg to kill it and yes this raids will include Beleth and rest of the bosses too, there is a lot more to tell in folowing updates, but lets us 1st finish things mentioned above and fortfll our promises.

Now you can continue to flame/blame and ofc have a 0 understanding for what i said and things will be as usual here.



P.S. For my community only: You got 2 new gm-s , you got 1 gm who is everyday in game helping you assisting you and reporting me things to be fixed, you got Events agenda and event calendar planned for each day , we are back working doing updates and so on, ....
So its time to show a bit respect for us too maybe?? What did u expect over the night a bugland gracia crap final 9.9xxxx or what? Jesus people when you will start valueing and respecting your own network where do you play and then maybe the new people will start respecting us too....
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3