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Started by 2Dark4You, September 07, 2010, 12:26:24 PM

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Only thing is ty without de sub kinda sucks... also, didnt think so much about wc on oly ?. Normal wc get the shaft for an overpowered sub, and that isnt fair. Its simple, if you wanna nerf ty-de u must do it in 2 step.

1st step. You must nerf bison with any other weapon thans fist.
2nd. You must nerf frenzy/rage with fist

after that u gonna have balanced ty-de and ty.


L2 life: Infinity 5x
August 2005 - October 2008
thank you all ppl for this great adventure

Thnks fr th Mmrs


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on September 07, 2010, 05:22:16 PM

mmmmm..... die? (fuking moron)

suuure, thats all what u can get out? U cant  think or even admit that there is also unstacking mains and people that are without sub yet and its unfair for them ?

You make a class weaker cause u try to nerf something else.


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on September 07, 2010, 06:02:56 PM
i'm already :D xD

the problem is that they shouldn't "NERF" ( i call it : fu ck up)   de/ty at all.

sooo what u mean by this ?


Quote from: Torn on September 07, 2010, 02:56:18 PM
Chnage was made on all servers, and we said we will disable solo raiding long ago. Ive see no reason to make new drama over it.
you should have disabled it years ago. It's a little too late, now, you see?

[url=http://heliosdaedalus.free.fr/laboman/]Laboratory Manager by Oleron[/url]

"We're working on it, please be patient!"


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on September 07, 2010, 09:08:37 PM
that was funny
seems U are one of those "pro" players that can only turn on zelot + frenzy + bizon and kill everything alone..
like it was said before nerfs should not destroy other classes... nerfing bizon kills tyrants , nerfing bizon with other weapon than fists sounds fair
Azoum Moonlight Sentinel/Temple Knight  
KillaBee Mystic Muse/Sword Muse
Try this:


how does bizon work atm ?  :D
Infinity x5                                                      
Moondust - SR/SWS Nobless                          
iMEXX - SPS/EE Nobless                              


Quote from: SlimThug on September 07, 2010, 09:32:47 PM
seems U are one of those "pro" players that can only turn on zelot + frenzy + bizon and kill everything alone..
like it was said before nerfs should not destroy other classes... nerfing bizon kills tyrants , nerfing bizon with other weapon than fists sounds fair

See thats nice and i disagree with cryers posts about nerfing ty/de and as well i disagree with opinions you wrote for "why shuld we nerf ty/de"  .

Ty/de is char same as the others . U cna have OP ee/sps , u can have OP archer , ifu have the items . As i see it , ty/de was the only farm char for people without donations .

About the bulcrap "team play" . Dont nerf ty/de , but forbide dualbox , if u want teamplay .

About pvp " have you guys ever played ty/de in pvp ? Is not that easy as you are talking . Yes it have 20k+ patak , yes it have 1,6k atack speed with axe in Zealot (and dnet light) but all you need is BP with brain . Your bp shuld learn to "restore life" evry ork he see with fists/twohand . U can argue that "force barier cant be healed QQ" well yes.. but take him force barier and tyrant/destroyer ... have nothing . That is about pvp cryers .

For pve cryers i must say that the nerf is not rly any bad to farm . Evry exping is train matter anyway (rabbit + golem totem+spear ->or bear totem wotever) and taht your destro loose bizon will atleat push you to learn play your character .
I just log to applaud Track and smite Glasy ..

missing frames in my videos are there to show you, that my fraps software is not pirated ^^  it can record onlz 30secs and then u must push the buton again


Infinity x5                                                      
Moondust - SR/SWS Nobless                          
iMEXX - SPS/EE Nobless                              


make anti bot sistem  FM
infinity                                Nm
Ariena -SE / necro         Sisulis - SK/Bish
Aquaviva - PP                Adenko -TY/BH
Dadija-  Th


This nerf as you call it is the best thing thats happened
1:not many solo rb  :D
2:now ty/xx can dominate in pvp/siege
people that are crying over it need to learn how to play tyrant

PS:PM undy for advice :)
Horse Juice on ya lips.

Ima Winnah


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on September 07, 2010, 10:59:51 PM

anyway well, slimthug, when u want u can pvp against my pr/bd, np  ;D , in this weeks i haven't so many time to log in coz personal things, but who know......

well we can pvp , I got spoiler lvl 76 subbed to tyrant (lvl 71 or 72 dont even remmember) not to mantion my equip
and why U talk about pvp with tyr/destro .. its killable class like every other
but I was talkign about killing mobs/raids. actually for me it looks like that ... some class is overpowered on this server, gms/admins/whatever dont do anything to make it balance .. they just nerf whole class (killing other possible subs not to mantion ppl without sub) or better .. make RB stronger = not posible to kill for normal players/other chars

ps. and yes would be much better if there was antybot system ... coz I dont believe in all those shops with materials , selling milions of some rare shits
Azoum Moonlight Sentinel/Temple Knight  
KillaBee Mystic Muse/Sword Muse
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