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Second hand ppl

Started by Nabz0r, September 11, 2010, 11:46:31 AM

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And about sieges, I think actions speak for themselves, we have the best castles, they dont.

And you want to know why Nabzor? Because they are archers dude, they ARCH people around, they all saw St1nger pwning and whole clan changed to archer mode. Well what can I say, make some more he/glad's.


DUDEEEE!!!!!! STFU, let them be archers  :D :D :D i like archers theyreee soooo cuteeee  ;D

Noob and Beyond


Lots of drama, if exci can restart server bcos they have gm in clan, why they didnt make it when you engrave aden?

Quote from: Nabz0r on September 11, 2010, 02:12:51 PM
Do i really have to remind you that you came with Enclave and still got pwned?

http://www.filefront.com/17215920/SomeFun.avi/   <<this is a fact, who got pwnd on this siege, and this are numbers ;]

and message for some kiddo who remind exci+enc on aden: we were signed in by alt clan so  when we took aden we were kicked from castle and then didnt back in time, thats why you took it back. anyway you are pussies and ransoms, zergin 2 clans vs 1 and you still say something? When we made ally with exci you STOP to show up on epics, smashed and raped, now only QQ topics left for you newbies...


Quote from: k0dex on September 11, 2010, 03:16:17 PM
Lots of drama, if exci can restart server bcos they have gm in clan, why they didnt make it when you engrave aden?

and message for some kiddo who remind exci+enc on aden: we were signed in by alt clan so  when we took aden we were kicked from castle and then didnt back in time, thats why you took it back. anyway you are pussies and ransoms, zergin 2 clans vs 1 and you still say something? When we made ally with exci you STOP to show up on epics, smashed and raped, now only QQ topics left for you newbies...

kocham Ciebie ;*
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Quote from: k0dex on September 11, 2010, 03:16:17 PM
Lots of drama, if exci can restart server bcos they have gm in clan, why they didnt make it when you engrave aden?

http://www.filefront.com/17215920/SomeFun.avi/   <<this is a fact, who got pwnd on this siege, and this are numbers ;]

and message for some kiddo who remind exci+enc on aden: we were signed in by alt clan so  when we took aden we were kicked from castle and then didnt back in time, thats why you took it back. anyway you are pussies and ransoms, zergin 2 clans vs 1 and you still say something? When we made ally with exci you STOP to show up on epics, smashed and raped, now only QQ topics left for you newbies...

And I remember you flaming excidium when they exploited baium and raped your ass by that : ) after that there was so much hate towards excidium, both of you were reporting each other for long time. Meanwhile aod+fi was kicking your asses, finally you got tired of this and made ally with excidium (in other words - sold yourself), cuz you couldn't compete with stable aod+fi ally : )
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed when your clan had strong ally, it was definitely more fun, even though you were winning most fights : )
But cut the crap, you guys were good, but not THAT good to be cokcy about it.
IMO there shouldn't be any ally on Valkyria due to low population, single clans, lots of wars would make things better.

and finally about the topic itself - I know sth most of you don't : D and will bring this up when the time comes : )
For now, enjoy valkyria!
good things


Quote from: Akira on September 11, 2010, 04:01:58 PM
And I remember you flaming excidium when they exploited baium and raped your ass by that : ) after that there was so much hate towards excidium, both of you were reporting each other for long time. Meanwhile aod+fi was kicking your asses, finally you got tired of this and made ally with excidium (in other words - sold yourself), cuz you couldn't compete with stable aod+fi ally : )
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed when your clan had strong ally, it was definitely more fun, even though you were winning most fights : )
But cut the crap, you guys were good, but not THAT good to be cokcy about it.
IMO there shouldn't be any ally on Valkyria due to low population, single clans, lots of wars would make things better.

and finally about the topic itself - I know sth most of you don't : D and will bring this up when the time comes : )
For now, enjoy valkyria!

AOD+FI think they are pro when they zerg 1 clan with they're 2 clans, we made an ally with Enclave, were 2vs2, you got badly humiliated. If you guys are so pro and pwn so much why dont you destroy this ally and make another side on server? would be a way more fun and then if one of you will win i will tell that you were better but for now.. you're just more :) peace and <3 Hoes :*
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on September 11, 2010, 04:31:45 PM
sure....  FI and AOD without ally are just bunch of naabs ............... remember  dude that in FI/AOD  partyes there are min. 2-3 BP in karmian (well i don't play from some time coz of personal problem, so maybe now you started use avadon ? :D ) so what are u talking about?
you are so funny, that's why you have alot of recommendations ?
i just want to tell 1 thing, if exi with dyna dont kick karmian guys they are noobies


@ SoBOta I am not the leader to have the power to decide wheter keep ally or not : ) you know my point of view, so...


probably some of them are naabs, but tbh every clan has such guys : ) I am also a naab, and I still can pwn many ppl from any clan, even though I don't have top gear ^^
good things


Nice one kodex, stop giving lame excuses, register and come get it,ohhh but havent u emo quited? So shush boay! And for exci S80 1337 at least have the dignity and keep quiet, we are teh big noobs in karmian and u are uber pr0 in S80. Prove urselfs!

Noob and Beyond


Quote from: Cireneu on September 11, 2010, 04:54:17 PM
you are so funny, that's why you have alot of recommendations ?
i just want to tell 1 thing, if exi with dyna dont kick karmian guys they are noobies



Quote from: Nabz0r on September 11, 2010, 05:00:31 PM
Nice one kodex, stop giving lame excuses, register and come get it,ohhh but havent u emo quited? So shush boay! And for exci S80 1337 at least have the dignity and keep quiet, we are teh big noobs in karmian and u are uber pr0 in S80.
We left bcos it was boring, we created ally and destroyed all fun by pwn you nabs, as I said free epics are not fun, and with you as anemys it started to be free since you stopped fight for them :*  it was so emo so we emo-quited and now im making emo masturbation in my emo room and wait new emo good server. Lets back to the topic, and restart the server!!!! :D


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on September 11, 2010, 05:53:42 PM
i don't have top equip too, but guess what? i powned tons of aod / fi .......
i will just post 1 screen + some little info  :


first time....

second time....

and then... guess what? he started pming me  saying : "where are you noob, i kill you " and so on............... when i come back what i saw? 3 ppl in retail   + Ann (maybe some other, i don't remember ) hided  behind the wall....   just n/c . (all that mess for an unsubbed player..and some of them died too  ROOOOOOOFL)

after that,if i were in you,  i would STFU...............

i wish to have pvp with you then ^^
good things