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Tyrant on Oly

Started by luckyluke13, September 16, 2010, 02:54:59 PM

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Quote from: k0rina on September 16, 2010, 04:58:18 PM
i dont wanna hurt ur feelings but   i bet u are 1 more   random wannabe that donated 350 euros and took ica++ and dnet and decided go "rule" oly and   u met a guyz   with ds+6/7  and u got  owneD    so u decided make this post  ...

if i am not right correct me please   ::)

Like i wrote before it is post for my friend who cant register in forum coz it is disabled atm, so this guy not owned me.
U dont understand what i mean. Read it once again...
I bet u are one more spammer in this forum, who even dont read all post, only see ocasion to spam.

If i am not right correct me please  :)




Lol now tyrant have only chance win fight just face a face becouse of delay skill we hit from distance so slow... So what a problem is kurwa buy rabit tatos lvl 4 and just run till zealot go off or force barier and use any debufs slow ? You are retarted if you rly want nerf again orcs stop cry and go pick lesson how to play your char  n/c  moron.


i dont understand why ppl who doesnt play on nm now r trying to be tho most wise :P
the guy is right. now on oly normal hits r best beacuse no dealy as on skill and 100% working atribute on weapon. so orcs and archers own oly now


yeah try run when orcs got +5dex from dyes, totem rabit, zaeolt and tatoos rabit :)
i saw few fights when guy was trying run away, no chance. he chase him and use criple. after that u can only say GF


Quote from: luckyluke13 on September 16, 2010, 02:54:59 PM
Tyr/Ol Tyr/Wc Tyr/Des These chars start  oly with zealot and bison. They have full hp with those two skills when fight start.
There is no chance to win with them. They own oly.
How it is possible that noobs with ds+7+8+9 worth 30 coins wins with ppl who have ic weapon +8,9,10 worth 300-400 coins.
Gm pls do something with this.
All what i wrote u can see on oly.

BTW  i write this post for my friend coz he cant register on forum can u do smth with that?
Sry for my english

keep crying or make an orc!
Heroes dont ask how many are they,but where are they!!!

Dragonshard :aw/sk
DragonShark : moonlight sent//sword muse(semi active)
DragonSharp :da//pp(my favorite)
Strya              :SAG//AL(active)
Bumma           :ty/ol retail necro


Quote from: Kafaro on September 16, 2010, 05:39:54 PM
i dont understand why ppl who doesnt play on nm now r trying to be tho most wise :P
the guy is right. now on oly normal hits r best beacuse no dealy as on skill and 100% working atribute on weapon. so orcs and archers own oly now
ye +1 bizon shout be like frezny
IvennO - GL/PP      "Warriors fight to live, Gladiators fight to kill."
0vnerPL - Th/Pal


just remove this dealy on skills and problem solved
< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



Quote from: Kafaro on September 16, 2010, 05:43:11 PM
yeah try run when orcs got +5dex from dyes, totem rabit, zaeolt and tatoos rabit :)
i saw few fights when guy was trying run away, no chance. he chase him and use criple. after that u can only say GF

totem rabit ? so for what uc ry ? do you think kurwa on rabit totem orc have 500 crt rate ? comon dont be funny kafaro :>


Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 16, 2010, 05:16:54 PM
rofl. with the current delay on skills, the tyrants will have problems spamming the force (ranged) skills. they are dangerous only on close quarters (melee) combat. just keep the distance, kite or slow them and you will win.
and thet guy asking who is noob was right lol.

No. The guy asking who is noob was wrong.
The NOOB is guy who play as long as u and let scam themself ===>when wanted to buy dnet u bought dynasty instead of dnet  ;D
Btw i see u only on this forum not in the game so spam more.....


Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 16, 2010, 06:30:55 PM
totem rabit ? so for what uc ry ? do you think kurwa on rabit totem orc have 500 crt rate ? comon dont be funny kafaro :>

So you smart say to run 1:30 min till zealot end and after that what? He will be left with half hp max  and he will try to lower his full hp/cp? Or you think that without zealot orcs hit 100 dmg?


Quote from: VforVanilla on September 16, 2010, 08:01:32 PM
So you smart say to run 1:30 min till zealot end and after that what? He will be left with half hp left0max  and he will try to lower his full hp/cp? Or you think that without zealot orcs hit 100 dmg?

Omg kids owning this forum if zealot go off orc run slower / have slower atk spt all his stats go down so where is the kurwa problem to make distance and hit from distance ?:|   If ur f1 f1 f1 spamer archer so i can understand you are unskilled  but use sometimes brain and try any debufs  slow / trance sleep  root dunno kurwa on lineage u have a lot faking skills so stop qq and just try to find other way to kill orcs.