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Repay the people you STOLE offline shop time from!!!!!



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Repay the people you STOLE offline shop time from!!!!!

Started by ChillyWilly, September 26, 2010, 04:44:48 AM

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This morning I had 44 days of shop time on my crafter, over 20,000 minutes on my lunargent farmer/seller, and about 8 days on my (now usless) ssc seller.  I get home from work to find the time I worked to pay for had been stolen.  I WANT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!

one more possibility I just thought of...  make offline shop scrolls tradeable, or at least so they can be put into clan warehouse.. then I could buy them with other chars and transfer them to my crafter


well nice idea willy but dont hope GMs will do anythink.
anyway i used all my gold coins and some platinums to make "lifetime" offline shops. i lost about 170 000 minutes from crafter and 140 000 minutes from spoiler....  :'(
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


hey, it's worth a try.  when they changed the armor masteries, my dwarves had just spent all their sp getting skills.  they were all stuck with no sp left, and no way to fight mobs their own lvl to get any.  I complained some, explaining the problem and asking that chars affected be given sp according to their lvl, so they could re-buy the masteries they needed.  it worked then, it might now.  after all, these latest changes, while making it easier for brand-new players, really hurt the older players badly. Here we are, getting kicked in the head, when WE are the ones who have been trying to GET new players to come here.

and, you're right... for what?... whoop-de-do, the names are yellow.......


Quote from: ChillyWilly on September 26, 2010, 06:40:03 AM
hey, it's worth a try.  when they changed the armor masteries, my dwarves had just spent all their sp getting skills.  they were all stuck with no sp left, and no way to fight mobs their own lvl to get any.  I complained some, explaining the problem and asking that chars affected be given sp according to their lvl, so they could re-buy the masteries they needed.  it worked then, it might now.  after all, these latest changes, while making it easier for brand-new players, really hurt the older players badly. Here we are, getting kicked in the head, when WE are the ones who have been trying to GET new players to come here.

and, you're right... for what?... whoop-de-do, the names are yellow.......

Old ppl whil get a heartattack after this update  ;D
Dragon x 15
DaggerW0man He/Sws
DarkLordIII  Ne/pp

SesameStreet 2 member, c4 times....
DadoBm /He
Was fun playing ,last time loged in 2011...


tell me about it...  think they'll fork over for my hospital bill?


Quote from: ChillyWilly on September 26, 2010, 07:58:19 AM
tell me about it...  think they'll fork over for my hospital bill?

Lmao, I like you, you're funny ;D


Quote from: peroxide on September 26, 2010, 09:46:19 AM
Lmao, I like you, you're funny ;D
Chilly is a old granny .....

Btw chilly what is your ingame nick's?
Dragon x 15
DaggerW0man He/Sws
DarkLordIII  Ne/pp

SesameStreet 2 member, c4 times....
DadoBm /He
Was fun playing ,last time loged in 2011...


Chilly,dunno on valk but on NM i was able to trade the offline shops scrools (i mean from char to char)



all my dwarfs lost all the coins i invested in off scrools .... my creafter had ~25.000 platinum invested in offline... why you gm`s make stupid thinks... n44bs...


Quote from: 2Dark4You on September 26, 2010, 09:58:33 AM
Chilly is a old granny .....

Btw chilly what is your ingame nick's?
crafter = Chucklehead
ssc shop/spoiler(insert crazed laughter here) = Cyndii
SPH = Willowyn
got a few others too, but not the insane numbers I have on Dragon and Arena...  :)

Quote from: maslina on September 26, 2010, 09:59:34 AM
Chilly,dunno on valk but on NM i was able to trade the offline shops scrools (i mean from char to char)
a note of hope...  but I still want back what was taken, and the others deserve theirs, too.